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Exploring the Essential Features of “Parenting Autism Experts Library, Vol. 1 – Penny Williams & Sarah Wayland”
Parenting Autism Experts Library, Vol. 1
32 Experts on Autism and Parenting Reveal Their Top Insights and Strategies</br></br></br>
About this Library
We brought together 32 of the world’s autism and parenting experts to share the most effective symptom management and parenting strategies for kids with less-obvious autism, and their parents.
They share insights on the autistic brain and experience, the impact of sensory struggles, effective symptom management, coping with emotional intensity, transitioning after high school, empowering your child for success, and so much more.
If you want to improve life for your child with autism, and improve life for yourself and your family, you need this Parenting Autism Library.
*This library will be most helpful for parents of kids identified as “high-functioning,” Levels 1 “requiring support” and 2 “requiring substantial support”, or Asperger’s.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this summit. It has been SO eye opening. I am seriously in tears because it is the perfect message at the perfect time. I’ve passed the link on to all of my fellow Autism mom friends. All of your efforts in organizing this are appreciated.”
— Bethany, U.S, 2018 Parenting Autism Summit
What You’ll Learn
Understand Autism
Autism is a complex neuro-developmental disorder. Understanding the gifts and challenges will help you better understand your child so you can help them succeed.
Treatment and therapies can greatly improve the lives of individuals with autism, even those with symptoms that are less obvious. Learn about the options so you can determine what will be helpful for your child.
Parenting Strategies
Many parents worry about how to change autistic behaviors, but it’s more helpful to understand what causes the behaviors. Learn what your child’s behavior is telling you, and how to address it.
School, Work & Life Skills
Many families wonder how to help their autistic child function in a neurotypical world. We’ll tackle school issues, transition strategies, college success, and employment readiness for individuals with autism.
Friends & Family
Social and communication skills are a well-known struggle for those on the autism spectrum. Learn how to strengthen the parent-child relationship, improve social skills, and navigate relationships.
Course Curriculum
Intro & How To for Your Empowerment Pass
- Look at You Go!
- How to Import MP3 Files to the Podcast App
The Mother Lode (aka, All Those Bonuses)
- Get Your Empowerment Workbook Here
- Group Coaching Calls Schedule and Join Info
- Group Coaching Calls Replays (209:50)
Understanding Your Child with Autism
- Understanding the Core Challenges of Growing Up with Autism, with Dr. Dan Shapiro, MD (45:18)
- The Trauma Effect the Autism Experience Has on the Brain, with Robert Cox, MA, LPC, NCC (51:53)
- Brain Differences and Their Impact on Your Child’s Autistic Experience, with Sarah Wayland, PhD (49:34)
- Flexible Thinking in a Dynamically Changing World, with Steven E. Gutstein, PhD (49:01)
- Co-Occurring Disorders Common with Autism Spectrum Disorder, with Salya Namazi, PhD (45:01)
- Autism is Different in Girls — They Don’t Fit the Autism Stereotypes, with Donna Henderson, Psy.D. (42:43)
- Understanding & Honoring Kids’ Sensory Sensitivities, with Carol Stock Kranowitz, MA (53:57)
- Medication Management for Kids on the Spectrum, with Dr. Gonzalo Laje, MD, MHSc, FAPA (56:53)
- Creating Optimal Wellness for Kids with Autism, with Jennifer Scribner, NTP CGP (35:23)
- Enhancing Success for Physical Activity and Sports Programs, with Melissa Pangelinan, PhD (51:26)
- How to Help Kids With Language Processing Difficulties, with Maria Dixon (54:10)
- Learning to Cope: How the Parent Brain Evolves From Grief to Acceptance and Beyond, with Rita Eichenstein, PhD (56:04)
Parenting Strategies
- Understanding the Rumble & Rage and Managing the Cycle of Meltdowns, with Brenda Smith Myles, PhD (49:45)
- Managing and Resolving Challenging Behavior, with Holly Moses, MS, BCBA, LPC, LPA (52:15)
- Teaching Social and Emotional Concepts to Kids with Autism, with Kari Dunn Buron (45:10)
- Untangling Our Own Stuff So Our Kids Can Be Who They Are, with Debbie Reber (35:57
- No “Fixing” Required: Accepting Our Kids for Who They Are, with Heather Chauvin BSW (40:17)
- Change Course: The Pitfalls of Traditional Parenting & What Works Better, with Penny Williams (40:00)
Friends & Family
- The Importance of the Parent-Child Guiding Relationship, with Rachelle Sheely, PhD (39:36)
- Social Skills Interventions and Strategies that Help Children with ASD, with Kathy Dow-Burger (55:49)
- Loving Connections: Getting Away from Blame and Shame, Jenny Palmiotto, PsyD, LMFT (50:46)
- Communication Strategies to Build Connections, with Dr. Alisha Griffith, Au. D, CCC SLP, CPC (27:21)
- Ensuring Siblings Feel Loved & Important, Too, with Jackie Flynn, EDS, LMHC, RPT (24:27)
- The Importance of Self-Care for Parents of Kids with Special Needs, with Vikki Spencer (48:28)
School, Work and Life
- Be Different: Navigating the World of Neurotypicals, with John Elder Robison (47:14)
- Developing Independence & Flexibility in Teens w/ Executive Function Deficits, with Monica Adler Werner, MA (48:38)
- Transitioning to Life After High School: College & Gap Year, with Judith S Bass, CEP (43:42)
- Preparing Your Teen for Life After High School: Career Readiness, with Haley Dunn, MA, LPC (44:02)
- How to Advocate Effectively with School Teams, with Debrah Martin, MA (48:58)
- Homeschooling & Hybrid: Alternatives for Autistic Students, with Shawna Wingert (61:29)
- Failure to Launch: Helping Young Adults with Autism Transition to Independent Living, with Alisa Foreman, LMFT (44:28)
- Their Beautiful Minds: Focusing on Strengths with Dr. Edward Hallowell (18:40)
Next Steps
- Provide Your Feedback and Ideas
- Additional Learning Opportunities for Parents
Included Bonuses
- Dan Shapiro, MD – BOOK EXCERPT: Parent Child Journey: An Individualized Approach to Raising Your Challenging Child
- Robert Cox, MA, LPC, NCC – E-BOOK: The Life-Recovery Method: Autism treatment from a trauma perspective
- Sarah Wayland, PhD – PRINTABLE: The Brain’s Stress Response – How your body responds to stress as it shifts into fight, flight, or freeze mode
- Steven Gutstein, PhD – E-BOOK: Dynamic Intelligence and the MindGuiding Relationship
- Salya Namazi, PhD – PRINTABLE: Conditions That Frequently Co-Occur With Autism and What to Look For
- Donna Henderson, PsyD – PRINTABLE: How the Characteristics Listed in the DSM-5 Criteria Present in Girls
- Carol Stock Kranowitz, MA – BOOK EXCERPT: What Is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? Adapted from The Out-of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with SPD in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years
- Jennifer Scribner, NTP, CGP – E-BOOK: 7 Foods to Reduce Brain Inflammation – and how to get your child to eat them.
- Melissa Pangelinan, Ph.D. – TOOLKIT: Visual Schedule, Checklist, Social Story & Video Model for Teaching Tennis Skills (Forehand)
- Maria Dixon, MA, CCC-SLP – PRINTABLE: Language Characteristics in Autism
- Rita Eichenstein, PhD – BOOK EXCERPT: Not What I Expected: Help and Hope for Parents of Atypical Children
- Brenda Smith Myles, PhD – PRINTABLE: Student Crisis Plan Sheet
- Holly Moses, MS, BCBA, LPC, LPA – GUIDE: Behavior Detective Guide
- Kari Dunn Buron – TOOLKIT: Incredible 5-Point Scale, Usage Guidelines, Sample Scale (filled in)
- Debbie Reber – BOOK EXCERPT: Tilt 4 from Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World
- Penny Williams – WORKSHEET: Creating Your Parenting Vision
- Heather Chauvin – DISCOUNT: $100 Off Heather’s Energetic Time Management Workshop
- Rachelle Sheely, PhD – E-BOOK: Chapter (Milking Cherries) from My Baby Can Dance
- Kathy Dow-Burger, MA, CCC-SLP – PRINTABLE: Social Cognition Graphic Organizers
- Jenny Palmiotto, PsyD, LCMFT – PRINTABLE: 5 Steps Back to Loving Connections
- Alisha Griffith, Au. D, CCC SLP, CPC – PRINTABLE: 3 Au-mazing tips to have a successful school year
- Jackie Flynn, EDS, LMHC, RPT – VIDEO: What to Do When You Make a Mistake as a Parent
- Vikki Spencer, MEd – PRINTABLE: Self-Care: 78 Sanity Ideas When You Have No Clue What You Really Want
- John Elder Robison – BOOK EXCERPT: Be Different: My Adventures with Asperger’s, and My Advice for Fellow Aspergians, Misfits, Families and Teachers
- Monica Adler Werner, MA – PRINTABLES: EF Domains and the Pejoratives That Can Help You Diagnose Your Child, & Scripts to Help Your Child Get Unstuck and On Target
- Judith S. Bass, CEP – PRINTABLE: Spectrum of Support at the College Level: Different Types of Programming
- Haley Dunn, MA, LPC – PRINTABLE: Career Readiness and Transition Planning
- Debrah Martin, MA – PRINTABLE: Parent Advocacy Tips
- Shawna Wingert – E-BOOK: Parenting Chaos: Practical Support and Encouragement for Parents of Explosive Children
- Alisa Foreman, LMFT – PRINTABLE: Independent Living Skills
- Ed Hallowell, Ph.D. – E-BOOK: Their Beautiful Minds
This expert library will empower you to help your child… and your entire family.
Your Summit Hosts
Penny Williams
Parenting ADHD Trainer & Guide. Award-Winning Author. Journalist. Speaker.
Penny Williams trains and coaches parents raising kids with ADHD and/or autism. She’s the parent of a son with both ADHD and autism, and the award-winning author of four books on parenting ADHD: Boy Without Instructions, What to Expect When Parenting Children with ADHD, The Insider’s Guide to ADHD, and The Hidden Layers of ADHD.
Penny is the current editor of ParentingADHDandAutism.com, Founder and Instructor for The Parenting ADHD & Autism Academy, facilitator of the Happy Mama Retreat and the Purposeful Parenting Bootcamp, and a frequent contributor on parenting and children with ADHD for ADDitude Magazine and other parenting and special needs publications.
Sarah Wayland, PhD
Parent Coach. RDI™ Consultant. Special Needs Care Navigator.
Sarah Wayland, Ph.D. founded her company, Guiding Exceptional Parents, to help parents learn how to confidently and effectively help their children with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, and other brain-based differences at home, at school, and in the community.
In addition to teaching and working with individual clients, Sarah is co-editor of the book Technology Tools for Students with Autism, and has written articles for the 2e Newsletter, Washington Parent Magazine, the Gifted Homeschoolers Forum, and Expert Beacon.
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