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Exploring the Essential Features of “Patricia Mitchell – Open a Non-Medical Home Care Agency – Home Based Business”
What you’ll learn
- Open and operate a Home Care Agency Business
- This is a step by step guide how to open a Non-Medical Home Care Agency in your home or office.
- There is no special knowledge or tools needed
Open a Non-Medical Home Care Agency In Your Home Or Office
I created this course in 2018 and since it’s been posted here on Udemy I have come to realize that people need more in-depth training to run a successful home health agency. So I am starting an advance class for people who need more one on one training and for people who need help getting patients. This Advance class will not be posted on Udemy. And it will be ready March 1, 2022. if you would like more information about this advanced class please feel free to contact me.
Building a business in a market that’s positioned for major growth while making a real difference in your clients’ live’s. There are 46 million adults over age 65 in the U.S.—a number that’s projected to double over the next 40 years According to the Census Bureau, . With 10,000 baby boomers reaching retirement age every day, you can enter a fast-growing market. This course will Get You Up And Running With Your Own Profitable Non-Medical Home Health Care Agency.
Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or are just getting started, you’ll find growth potential and job satisfaction with owning your own non-medical home care agency. Start and grow a profitable home care business using senior care industry professionals to guide you every step of the way.
Without a steady flow of clients a business will die in its first year – In this course, you will get referral companies that you can contact and sign on with them to get new clients. These referral companies that are included in this course will fit every budget. You can get from one patient to 5 patients or more a week it’s up to you. This allows you to start growing your business immediately.
To learn how to open a non-medical home care agency will cost you: franchise business will cost between $60,000 to $!00,000. A consulting company membership will cost you $17,000 to $25.000. This course is a lot less plus you are learning from a person that is in the home care industry who owns a non-medical home care agency with 3 locations. I am here for you to ask me any questions and guidance. DON’T WAIT TAKE THIS COURSE TODAY AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW.
Profit Potential – If you had one patient 12 hours a day x 7 days a week. The low-end rate would be $22 an hour. Pay the Caregiver $12 an hour. Your Profit is $10 an hour profit for 30 days is $3,600 agency profit. If you had 5 patients with this same hours=$18.000 a month agency profit.
I have a case now it has been ongoing for 1 year. It’s a live-in, the rate is $480 a day. I pay the caregiver $200 a day, my agency gets $280 a day. 30 days = $8,400 and when its 31 days = $8,680 agency profit.
All these rates are agency profit, you have paid the caregiver and out of this money, you would pay your overheard. If you had an office or if your office is in your home then your overhead will be very low.
Above I stated $22 an hour was the low-end rate. That’s because rates have gone up in the State I am in. Hourly rates are between $24 to $27 an hour and live-in rates are between $285 to $550 a day ( these rates are in my area in the United State what the agencies charge the clients). The rates are different depending on the area. Please check the rates in your area.
What are you waiting for sign-on to take this course and learn how to open a non-medical home care agency in your home or office. Take this course and make a real difference in your client’s lives while growing a profitable home care business. DON’T PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW, WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY!
Who this course is for:
- Anyone wanting to open their own home based business
Course content
How To Start A Homecare Business – Introduction
- A Home Care Agency As A Home Business – Introduction
Home Based Business Structures
- Set up Business Structures
- Business Set up and Accreditation
- Business Supplies
- Information on caregivers
- Recruit Caregivers with no experience.
- Recruit Caregivers
- Caregivers Training
- Employee Policy and Procedure Manual
- New Hire Package
Self-employment from Home – Marketing
- Marketing
- Mission Statement
- Branding
Payroll and Account Receivable.
- Payroll
- Patient Billing
- Onboarding
Create Marketing Plan
- How to create a Marketing Plan
- Paid Patient Referral
- Patient In-Home Consultation
- Patients & Caregivers Rate
- Patient Consultation
HIPAA Compliance
- HIPAA Rules
Future of Home Care
- Information on the Future of Home Care
General information
- General information
- Marketing and feasibility study
- Business Plan
Instructor Bio
- Instructor bio
- Secrets on getting patients for non- medical home care agency
Patricia Mitchell | Healthcare
Patricia Mitchell
I went back to school in my fifties and graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Business, a Master’s in Health Care Administration, and a Doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership. I am also a Member of the Golden Key International Honor Society.
Married twice, my second husband passed in 2004. I have two daughters, three grandkids, and three great-grandkids. I live alone in the suburbs of Aurora, CO. I enjoy reading, writing, travel, and movies.
I am the founder and CEO of Global Elite Media, Inc., Global Elite Travel, Inc. and Elders 1st, Inc.
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