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Exploring the Essential Features of “Paul Mascetta – Paramount NLP”
In As Little As Two Hours From Now You Could Be Using NLP To Influence, Persuade & Coach People To Their Maximum Potential Without Reading Complicated Books or Watching Boring Videos…
From Paul Mascetta
Certified NLP Practitioner
Dear friend,
Would you like to know how you can:
- Instantly Make A Person Think About What You Want Them To
- Create Rapport With A Perfect Stranger In Minutes
- Change The Images In Someone’s Mind
- Tell What Someone Is Thinking Without Them Saying Anything
- Influence Others To Be The Best Possible Version Of Themselves
If so then you are in the right place.
So take 5 minutes and read this short letter.
NLP is a powerful body of knowledge.
It basically allows you to understand how people think so you can influence them.
Perhaps you’ve heard of Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP before but in case you haven’t:
NLP is a powerful is a powerful body of knowledge which contains an arsenal of tools that enable you to really understand how the human mind works and how to communicate with it in the most effective way possible in order to achieve a specific result.
In other words it serves as the blueprint to really understand what’s going in your mind as well as the minds of others.
To keep it simple, think of it like this.
Your entire life as you know it is the result of your thoughts, feelings and actions.
And at the center of all of this is your mind.
Your mind is controlling everything from how much money you make to your psychical shape to whether or not you’re in a happy relationship.
In a perfect world, you would would always have the right track of thought, would always feel good and would always make the best possible decisions.
Now we both know that world isn’t perfect and things don’t always work out the way that we hoped.
Now more then ever there are more people out of shape, unemployed, poor, divorced and unhappy.
And if you really look at the cause, it’s mind-related.
Simply put, if there is something that you want out of life and you don’t have it yet it’s because somewhere along the line there is a disconnect taking place in your mind.
In other words, there’s a part of your mind that wants to lose weight but for whatever reason that part of your mind isn’t communicating effectively enough with the part of your mind that enables you to take the action needed to achieve that goal.
Well that’s where NLP comes in. NLP gives you the knowledge to learn how your mind (and the minds of others) works and responds to the stimuli needed to help a person achieve a specific goal or outcome.
And what I’ve always found fascinating about it is that not only does it help me improve my life, it helps me improve the lives of others and gives me a birds eye view at what’s going on in their minds which is a key part of the persuasion process.
Six Reasons Why You Should Learn NLP
Understanding and mastering NLP enables you to:
- Finally achieve the goals that you’ve always dreamed of
- Influence the minds of people in both individual and group settings
- Create clear plans to achieve specific results and outcomes in life
- Understand how people process the information that you present to them so you can do it in the most effective way possible
- Learn how and why certain people act the way they do at certain times and what to do about it
- Use the parts of your mind that will be the most efficient at getting you what you really want out of life
The problem is..
NLP can be difficult to grasp.
I’ve been studying NLP for 15 years.
What I’ve learned is that like most things that are incredibly rewarding, it can also be incredibly challenging to learn.
In fact, when I first began studying the concepts I almost gave up because there was just too much to grasp.
After years of researching and sifting through everything related to NLP I decided I would take everything I’ve learned and condense it into a simple, easy to understand guide that would allow you to use the core NLP concepts in as little as an hour.
Paramount NLP – Volume One
Here’s What You Will Learn:
- The two vital elements found at the core of every human endeavor and how to use them to your advantage….this is what makes NLP so powerful
- The one single thing needed in order to create personal excellence in both your life and the lives of others
- What you must know if you truly want to mater the art of getting others to do what you want them to
- How to quickly identify what makes up a person’s life and how to utilize that information to create thought and behavioral change in them
- The secret to directing someone’s thought patters to where you want them to be
- How to transfer the excellence that one person has achieved to another person (including yourself)
- How to create perfect harmony between you and your subject so he fully trusts and looks forward to what you have to say
- A special tool that allows you to disagree with people (this is just the reality of life) without losing their trust or cooperation
- How to master sensory awareness and break current trances or thought states to move people to your desired action
- How to break traditional thoughts patterns and move people to desired outcomes with ease
- The key to mastering behavioral flexibility so you can get people to finally take the actions needed to positively change their lives
- The first step in understanding how people view the world so you can create the desired change within them
- The secret to understanding how people’s internal representations are created so you can subliminally influence their thought process
- An iron clad method for dealing with resistance and differing points of view so you always get what you want
- Six powerful questions that will shatter your chances of failing more than once at something
- The secret to ensuring that your message always resonates positively with your target
- The two things you must know about communication in order for people to accept and respect you
- The 2 things that every NLP practitioner MUST know if they truly want to be successful
- The key to achieving a desired outcomes with the fewest attempts possible
- The number one reason why people feel stuck and frustrated in their lives and how to easily overcome it to achieve greatness
- How to use your targets thoughts and behaviors as a template to gaining his trust and loyalty
- How to effectively tap into the subconscious mind and utilize it’s facilities to your advantage
- Six things you MUST know about the strengths and weaknesses and both the conscious and subconscious mind so you can influence each accordingly
- The key to truly understanding “mind processing” so you can easily permeate the thoughts and behaviors of just about anyone
- How to understand and use memories to create desired change just like professional psychologists
- How to master the the Reticular Activating System (RAS) within the human brain to truly move people to the direction of your choice
- And much, much more!
Listen, there’s an easy way and a hard way to get through life.
And similarly, there’s an easy way and a complex way to learn NLP.
And as an average guy whose no smarter, more educated or more talented than the next person, who lives an EXTRAORDINARY life, I can tell you that your level of effectiveness at human communication & getting the cooperation of others will supersede everything else that you believe will improve your life.
And the use of NLP will serve as your “go to power weapon” just as it has for me.
Now, I want to share the most effective, easy to understand take on this fascinating area of influence with you.
To your success,
Paul Mascetta
P.S. – NLP is powerful but it doesn’t have to be hard or confusing. Let me show you how to start using it the EASY way.
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