*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Pay To Play – Amiee Ball”
Double Your Income… Double Your Time Off
When you make them Pay to Play
Learn How Salinda Replaced her 9-5 Income
While working her 9-5, she used the Pay to Play Digital Blueprinting process to add ANOTHER revenue stream of $5,500 per month to her bank balance! Listen to find out how she did it…
Hear what Justin Thinks…
“Calls are qualified and money is collected before I even sit down with someone!” ”
I’m not wasting time on cold calls!”
She Made $12,735 in 30 Days Using the Pay to Play System!
Hear how Ashton bagged almost $13,000 in new revenue in her first 30 days following the automated Pay to Play Processes… even as total sales newbie!
1. Implement an automated discovery system for greater profits in 30 days.
2. Create positioning that converts like crazy and makes your offerings “no-brainers”
3. Stop selling cheap one off projects and start landing big ticket clients that stay with you FOREVER
4. Turn the work you already do for free into a PASSIVE PROFIT machine.
5. Nurture the shit out of your audience so they are begging to buy again and again!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/