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Exploring the Essential Features of “Porsche Thomas – Simply Vegan”
I was overwhelmed with the idea of going vegan
If you’ve ever attempted to go vegan or at least thought about it, you’ve probably run into a couple of these roadblocks…
- You had no clue where to begin.
- You thought of veganism as something that was only for rich people.
- You tried vegan food before, but found it to be bland and boring.
- You found that your busy schedule made it hard to maintain a vegan diet.
- You can’t quite grasp all of the information on it that’s out there.
Maybe you’ve gone to the supermarket with every intention of making the shift, only to find yourself staring at the vegan section of your refrigerator aisle confused and frustrated. Or, you made it all the way home with some vegan goodies only to be told by your family “I’m not eating that”.
I struggled with going vegan for years, and then this happened…
If any of these roadblocks that I mention above apply to you, you’re not alone.
I myself have struggled with all of these things.
I wanted to go vegan for years.
I knew it was better for my health, my body and the planet.
There was never a question as to whether I should do it, only when.
Changing my diet was the hardest thing…
Until one day, I was forced to figure it out.
Let me tell you a story about how I struggled for years to become vegan and how having to go to to the emergency room forced me to finally change my diet…plus, how I learned some surprising tricks that make going vegan super simple.
Many years ago, I had been on a pinkberry bender. Then, one day I got incredibly sick. My stomach cramped and churned. I began to violently throw up. Then I had to use the bathroom. I ate crackers and drank ginger ale for days to let my stomach heal. Once I began to feel better, I made plans to go out. While out, I ordered truffle mac and cheese, and while eating it, began to feel that feeling in my stomach again.
A few days later, I ordered chicken fingers which came with ranch for dipping which made me start to experience that feeling in my stomach again. I went straight to my car to head home, but had to pull over several times on the way home, flinging my car door open to throw up.
That’s when I made the connection. I was lactose intolerant. This was quickly confirmed by my gastroenterologist. I was devastated. How could this happen like that? And so suddenly?
For a while I was able to still eat dairy with a lactose pill, settling for minimal discomfort. After some time though, that comfort began to diminish as the pill began to lose its effect on me.
That’s when I knew I had to make a serious change.
How being vegan became easy…
I had to give up dairy, which forced me to learn how to live without the foods I loved and was used to.
It wasn’t easy at first. I’ve had some super tasteless vegan food. I’ve grabbed a banana while rushing out of the house thinking, at least it’s vegan, but was only able to do that so many times before thinking “If I see one more doggone banana”. I’ve stared at the rows and rows of tofu at the supermarket, thinking, what do I even do with that? I too, have had friends pass up on coming over for dinner after mentioning that the food would be vegan.
But slowly, I started to experiment. I started to try new recipes and playing with different snacks.
I wanted to make it easy. Fun.
And it worked!
I learned what to do in the moments when you crave meat. How to deal with family members who try to question your decision. But most importantly, I learned to make a lifestyle shift where at this point I don’t even miss meat anymore. Now, it’s easy for me to be vegan.
Do you know what some of the AMAZING benefits are of being vegan?
Once I committed to going vegan, it wasn’t long before I could feel the benefits:
- I felt physically better
- My skin cleared up
- TMI: going to bathroom was more productive
- My mood was better
- I overall felt stronger and in better health
- I slept better
Not only did I manage to make the shift and even enjoy eating vegan and feel better… throughout this process, I also figured out some tricks that made even my meat loving friends want to come to my dinner parties.
Do you get confused about what to eat and what not to eat? Then, read on…
If you find you’re having a hard time making the shift and going vegan let me tell you…
It’s not your fault!
Here’s the thing. Figuring out how to eat healthy amongst the overload of information that’s out there is actually more difficult than ever before.
With all the documentaries telling you to go vegan, and all the advertisements telling you milk does a body good, it all gets very confusing.
There’s so much information out there about veganism and about what is healthy and what isn’t, that it’s completely overwhelming. So it’s not your fault that you might be having a hard time, it’s just a product of what’s going on in the world right now.
Luckily, there’s hope. I’ve narrowed down a handful of concepts and tricks, that if you stick to, going vegan (and overall eating more healthily) can be incredibly simple.
The only 2 things you need to learn to make going vegan super simple…
Essentially, there are only two main things you need to master to make going vegan dead simple without ever having the feeling that you’re missing something, or that it’s ‘hard’.
1. Ease yourself into it
- Use substitutions. This is a tip I always give to my clients to get them to start incorporating vegan items into their diet without it having a huge impact on their current lifestyles. This will give you the highest rate of success and allow you to continue to enjoy a lot of the dishes you may not want lose. Read on to learn more about the best substitutions.
2. Make food that’s still full of flavor!
- Let’s be honest, if it tastes like rabbit food, no one would want to eat it. So, learning how to make food taste great while still being vegan is the key to make going vegan easy. Think about it, if all vegan food tasted amazing, so many people would have made the change already. Learn to make dishes that even your biggest meat lovers will enjoy. In a second, I will show you how to get my best tips and tricks to make vegan food taste incredible.
Learn from someone who’s done it
I’ve experienced a lot of your struggles, and through those struggles, I’ve learned so much. I tried to manage my discomfort only to realize I was much happier once I completely eliminated the foods that made me uncomfortable and sick from my diet. I’ve tried many of the products on the market and I’ve experimented with so many different styles of food. I’ve spent years learning and figuring out how to continue to eat the foods that I love while enjoying a plant-based diet.
This unique approach to veganism led me to become Russell Simmons personal chef, and has allowed me to cook for other celebs alike, making food that’s the same comfort foods my clients have always loved without sacrificing much of that taste they’ve come to expect from those dishes. I also host a monthly vegan soul food pop-up restaurant in downtown LA where vegans and non-vegans alike enjoy a Compassionate Soul Food dinner. Not only do I work as a chef creating these soulful meals that I’ve come to be known for, I also stock the fridges and pantries of many of my clients, forcing me to keep up with the newest trends and products.
And with this, I’ve created the perfect system for you.
Simply Vegan
A three part online course teaching you how to become vegan, making it as simple as possible.
What’s in it? What is it?:
In this course, I’ll give you the tips you need to to begin and maintain a vegan diet without that feeling of confusion.
You’ll learn:
- How to overcome some of the biggest vegan pitfalls.
- Some vegan products that are available, taking the guesswork out of being a new vegan shopper.
- How to maintain a vegan diet without breaking the bank.
- Tricks for making vegan food that’s exciting and full of flavor.
- How to make sure you’re eating a balanced nutritious diet while going vegan.
- Where to find popular vegan items.
- How to make some of my favorite vegan recipes from my upcoming cookbook.
This course is for you, if:
- If you’ve been thinking about going vegan, but thought it might be too confusing
- Already began your vegan journey, but found you’re losing interest or have hit a roadblock
- You want to go vegan, but finding it difficult to get your family on board.
- Every time you eat dairy, you find yourself with an upset stomach.
This course is probably not for you if:
Have already successfully been living a vegan lifestyle
Find that outside pressures don’t deter you from your vegan journey
Why get this course?
I’ve created a resource where you can learn all the basics of incorporating a vegan diet into your lifestyle without the anxiety and confusion that comes with all of the conflicting information out there. If you’ve already made the decision to go vegan, this course will help you do it with ease.
Additionally, with a Facebook group for only course members, you’ll have support and a community to share your journey with.
Course Curriculum
1- Welcome: my vegan journey (4:38)
2- Why go vegan (1:10)
3- What you can expect (1:42)
4- How to Use the Course (0:36)
Part 1-Think vegan- A simple mindset shift that will make going vegan a (vegan) cakewalk
5- First off, What is Vegan? (2:20)
6- You’ve already taken the biggest step (1:44)
7- One of the biggest myths around going vegan (3:17)
8- If you want to go deeper (2:40)
Part 2- Eat Vegan- Learn the most basic hacks and tricks, making transitioning easy
9- How to ease yourself into it (2:28)
9b- Let’s Take Action (1:00)
10- How to ease your family into it (1:08)
11- The Biggest Pitfalls (1:20)
12- Something to eat in a cinch (5:13)
13- What and How to Eat When Dining Out (3:44)
14- How to Avoid Unhealthy vegan pitfalls (4:12)
15- Nutrition Labels Simplified (0:47)
16- How to keep it budget friendly (2:03)
17- Where to find it all (1:15)
18- Getting Proper Nutrition (4:29)
19- How to make it not taste like rabbit food (1:23)
20- Diet and Exercise (1:14)
Part 3- Live Vegan- What to buy and how to use it all
21- Common Spices in a vegan diet (5:10)
22- Products on the market (10:29)
23- Snacking While Vegan (2:10)
24- Useful Tools (2:59)
25- Vegan Egg (4:14)
26- burger (4:18)
27- Icecream (2:28)
28- Creamy Cashew sauce (1:54)
29- Mac and “Cheese” (6:15)
30- lentil soup (6:50)
31- CHILI (3:05)
32- chick n salad wrap (3:54)
33- Hazelnut Ricotta (2:27)
34- The end (0:52)
Get your Free E-book here
Porsche Cooks Vegan Cookbook
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