*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “RealEstateMogul – Instant Guru Basic Package”
For the next 5 weeks — as opposed to you continuing to fumble around, faking it, and never making it — I’ll be holding your hand & walking you through the process of getting wealthy in real estate the absolute best way I know how … by having other people do all the work and send you checks. Plain & simple.
Each week we’ll be jumping online together so that I can show you how to set up your own local mentoring program AND turn the whole thing into an automated cash machine.
Week 1: Getting Your Head Right
We’ll be ASSASSINATING all the fears & doubt & insecurity that may be running through your head this very second and have probably prevented you from getting the results you’ve wanted so far.
In ONE 40-minute session with me — for maybe the first time — you’ll have clear focus & know exactly what you need to do to make money.
I’ll also introduce you to the power players of the industry — guys like me who are making millions right now. A lot of times success has nothing to do with what you know … it’s who you know & how well you know them. You’ll be dancing with the stars immediately.
Week 2: Faking It Til You Make It
How to write email newsletters that actually sell houses and sell YOU on a weekly basis
How to have 20-30 houses in your inventory at any given time by marketing other local investors’ deals (and making $$$$ each time you line up a buyer)
How to get hundreds real estate buyers & fans & followers flocking to you and practically begging to give you money within the next few weeks
Week 3: Becoming The Guru
We’ll be setting up your mentoring program so that it practically sells itself
I’ll tell you how much to get up-front from each student (hint: a $1,000 student is different than a $5,000 student)
I’ll explain how to negotiate profit splits with your students … plus exactly what you’re responsible for & what they’re responsible for
Week 4: Fulfilling & Profiting
How to quickly and accurately analyze your students’ leads … even if you have no idea what the heck you’re doing
How to have your students never call you
How to automate the closing process with the title company so you never have show up to a single closing ever
How to get the houses sold quickly and checks deposited in your account immediately
How to set up the contracts between you, the students, and the buyers so you are protected and paid first
Week 5: Internet & Affiliate Marketing
Everyone always wants to know how I make money online selling software & information.
For the first time, I’ll be pulling back the cover to reveal how it’s REALLY done so that you add this shockingly simple income stream to your life.
I’ll give you links to put in your emails TODAY that when people click on them … YOU MAKE MONEY!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/