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Exploring the Essential Features of “Richard Bandler – Dual Destinies”
Early on in the development of NLP Dr Bandler studied people who got over fears without therapy. What were those strategies that they used? How did they get over the fears on their own? This was part of the birth of NLP along with the fact that being able to decode the mental strategies and pass them on to others to teach them the skills for that ability.While he was having tremendous success with clients, he found that the strategies people were using were boring or motivated by moving away from painful situations. Thus the birth of Design Human Engineering® (DHE) where Dr. Bandler taught his clients and students to create more powerful motivations in full sensory experience. Building powerful strategies more exciting and certainly less boring. He discusses the strategies of change in this DVD including social (language) and Neurological levels of change. It is not enough to feel good, it is better to “saturate” yourself in the state.
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