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Exploring the Essential Features of “Rikka Zimmerman – Unlocking the Hidden Limitations of Virtues: Setting Yourself Free from the Illusions of Reality!”
You are invited to join Rikka on a powerfully liberating
Adventure in Oneness:
Unlocking the Hidden Limitations of Virtues
Set yourself free from the illusions of reality!
(Includes 11 mp3s + 2 Bonuses)
“You are already free, my friend!
Are you ready and willing to experience it?”
What if the so-called virtues of this reality
are not what they appear to be?….
In this Special Offer Rikka escorts you out of the matrix
by boldly deconstructing this reality’s concept of virtues
and shining the light of love on all of the limitations
hiding in your blind spots!
Rikka created this ALL NEW special offer
especially for Darius
and the You Wealth Revolution telesummit family.
This special offer is not available anywhere else!
Are you ready to unlock the big being you are?
Here are the vibrational keys to
total self-empowerment so that NOTHING and NO ONE,
can control or limit you ever again!
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
On the surface virtues appear to be “good”, don’t they? In our daily lives we are influenced at home, school and work to buy into the “rightness” of virtues such as being nice, unselfish, spiritual or helpful – just to name a few. During this audio Rikka examines the underlying energetic implications of attempting to live a virtuous life, such as being controlled BY others, as well as acting superior TO others. As she shines the light of loving awareness upon the hidden judgment inherent in virtues, she harmonizes all of the stuck energy that is holding us back from fully expressing ourselves as unlimited, blissful, spacious, divine beings! What if instead of trying to live by certain virtues that this reality has deemed as right and good, you could you could function from all energies and choose what works for you in any given moment?
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
In this heart-opening audio Rikka shows you how virtues can actually get in the way of self-love! Have you been unwilling to embody the paradigms this reality has defined as judgeable offenses? Any resistance, to what is seen as positive or negative, actually controls you! You are an infinite being, and as such, you are already ALL energies, so you can relax in knowing there is no need to resist anything. For example, the energies of anger and killing are seen as inappropriate and are not considered virtuous in this reality. Rikka uncovers the hidden limitations in that perspective and shows you how you can lovingly use these potent energies to annihilate the lies of limitations. Discover how your omniscient awareness of, and your willingness to fully BE, all energies–even the ones defined as mean, evil and vicious–returns them to love! When you embody the immeasurable field of self-love within you, magic is possible and you invite everyone in your presence home to the miracle of themselves! Is it time to put an end to being affected by reality and embody the field of self-love instead?
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
Chances are you will not find anyone else on the planet having a conversation in consciousness quite like the one Rikka facilitates in this uniquely potent audio! How do you define the virtue called ‘consciousness’? All definitions are boxes of limitation by their very nature and YOU, as an infinite being, and consciousness, as all-that-is, cannot fit inside any box! During this mind-blowing audio Rikka completely dismantles the definitions and belief systems of consciousness, oneness and awareness, illuminating the path home to the KNOWING that resides within you. Consciousness is always working FOR you. No one is ever greater than you. Are you ready to unravel all of the cognitive concepts, judgments and definitions of consciousness and allow yourself as a BEING to bask in the MIRACLE of WHAT IS in every present moment instead. Is now the time to radiate the vibrational glow of love and beauty upon yourself and all who cross your path?
Value: $79
mp3 downloadable
Honesty is seen as a virtue in this reality, and in this audio Rikka delves deeply into how the virtuous concept of “telling the truth” limits you! If you are creating your experience as you make your way through life, is it “true”? Can you see how applying any definition to yourself is a lie of limitation? Rikka reminds us that reality is a made up illusion… that our entire lives are made up by us! Since judgment creates our experience, two people experiencing something together though their individual lenses of judgment will have two different experiences! Is one person telling the truth and the other person lying? Of course not! Would you like to let go of everywhere you are using your experiences of life to define you and embody a limitless, ever-shifting energetic field instead? What if you could harmonize the wrongness of “not speaking the truth” so that you could paint the portrait of your life as the masterpiece it was meant to be?!
Value: $57
mp3 downloadable
You are invited to give your body and being the gifts of total presence and deep relaxation as you receive the sound healing of this toning session. Consider this your permission slip to unplug from the demands of your daily life, take a deep breath, and consciously connect with your all-knowing Inner Being. Allow the vibration of Rikka’s toning to harmonize all of the illusions of reality that keep you from embodying infinite possibilities! If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session!
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
Would you like to experience deep levels of intimacy that are beyond anything included in this reality’s version of relationships? In this audio Rikka invites you to experience every relationship in your life as what she calls “God moments of total Oneness”, absent of all judgment and separation. You are free when you release your need to be needed and fit in. Rikka invites you to go beyond the concepts of having phenomenal relationships, soul mates and twin flames. Are you ready to scrap the way relationships are done in this reality and enjoy the cosmic dance of Oneness with yourself, and everyone, in every moment?
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
What are the ways in which you attempt to fulfill your partner? In what ways are you hoping your partner will fulfill you? Would you be willing to let all of that go and consider the potency and magic of self-fulfillment THROUGH BEING instead? When you fulfill yourself – in, of and as yourself – a whole new arena of infinite possibilities open up in which you and your beloved can play together! This reality uses relationships to seduce you into a system of control that leaves you longing for YOU! In this audio Rikka invites you to let go of the meanings, agendas, commitments, significance, value and purpose of every aspect of your relationships and reclaim your personal power. Is it time for you to go on the fun-filled, joyful adventure of enjoying the infinite love and genius of YOURSELF, your partner, everyone and everything on this beautiful planet?!
Value: $57
mp3 downloadable
Are you finally finished disguising yourself as anything less than your full and overflowing divine presence? You are invited to give your body and being the gifts of total presence and deep relaxation as you receive the sound healing of this toning session. Consider this your permission slip to unplug from the demands of your daily life, take a deep breath, and consciously connect with your all-knowing Inner Being. Allow the vibration of Rikka’s toning to harmonize any and all energetic content! If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session!
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
Would you treat a sweet animal the way you treat your body? Abuse of bodies is so rampant in this reality it seems normal. Do you abuse your body with food? In this audio Rikka invites you to gift yourself everything you are trying to experience with your body through food, such as infinite energy, nourishment, specialness, fulfillment, and unadulterated pleasure! Have you entrained your body to turn down (or turn off!) the pure pleasure of your joyful sexualness so that you could be seen as virtuous in this reality? Are you ready to harmonize the trauma, drama, hurt and pain inflicted upon you, others and the planet, that’s locked up in your body? Total, utter orgasmic pleasure is an energy that is healing for you, others, and the planet! Would you like to BE the infinite Pleasure Center of the Universe, completely free from judgment? You, as the power of the Universe, can transcend the struggle that seems to accompany having a body in this reality. How much fun could you have allowing your body to be the proof of your godliness, simultaneously disproving all limitations?!
Value: $129
mp3 downloadable
Is anything about your body REAL? In this audio Rikka hops further down the rabbit hole of the illusory density in your body, empowering you to harmonize and dissolve constructs such as pain, suffering and death by merely looking at them through your own infinite eyes of Oneness! Your body communicates with you any way it can. It uses symptoms to get your attention. Is the only time you listen to what your body has to say is when it uses the languages of pain or disease? Do you only give yourself permission to make an appointment for bodywork when you’re feeling awful? You have dominion over your illusionary experience with your body and it’s time to trust YOU as the source of information about YOUR body! Would you be willing to stop abusing and neglecting your body and simply love and honor it in ALL WAYS, in every moment, starting right now?
Value: $57
mp3 downloadable
It’s time to fully forgive yourself and your body. Are you willing to embody total freedom from the illusion of density? You are invited to give your body and being the gifts of total presence and deep relaxation as you receive the sound healing of this toning session. Consider this your permission slip to unplug from the demands of your daily life, take a deep breath, and consciously connect with your all-knowing Inner Being. Allow the vibration of Rikka’s toning to harmonize any and all stuck energy you perceive as density in your body. If you are called to do so, ADD YOUR OWN TONING to exponentialize and personalize the toning session!
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