*** Proof of Product ***

Exploring the Essential Features of “Russell Brunson – 10X Closing Secrets 2022”
“The Amazing Selling Secrets Of The
Worlds #1 HIGHEST Paid Speaker
Who Earns MORE Money Per Keynote Than Tony Robbins…Oprah… Bill Clinton… Ellen… Richard Branson… Arnold Schwarzenegger… and Mark Cuban COMBINED!”
Discover The “Almost Backwards” Selling
Secrets ANYONE Can Use To Sell
More Of Their Products…
- From Stage…
- On A Webinar…
- During A Facebook or Instagram LIVE…
- And Even When Selling In Person…
From Russell BrunsonBoise Idaho
Dear friend,
On April 16th last year, I received a life-changing phone call from Grant Cardone.
He told me he was hosting his new “10X Event” where 9,000 business owners and salespeople would be attending, and wanted to know if I’d be one of his keynote speakers.
9,000 People!?!
I didn’t even know it was possible to get that many to attend an event like that…
But I told him “Sure…if you can pull off getting 9,000 people there, I’ll come and speak.”
“Well, how much would you charge for that?” he asked.
I told him my fee…
“I want to make at LEAST $1 Million if I’m going to leave my family for a weekend and come speak…”
There was about 5 seconds of silence…
…and then I could hear him audibly laughing into the phone at me…
“Russell, there is NO WAY we’re gonna pay you even a fraction of that!”
I smiled, and then said… “Ok, how about this…”
“Instead of YOU paying me $1 Million…What if I do your keynote for FREE!?!”
“But,” I added, “I want to offer one of my products for sale at the end of the speech…
And, I’ll even split the earnings with you 50/50.”
Grant laughed at me a 2nd time, thinking he had easily gotten the better of me, but then he agreed.
(If only he knew then how much that ONE speech would actually generate… ha ha)
The deal was made…
And after I hung up the phone, I smiled and told my team that we had a new goal…
I wanted to NET $1,000,000 / hour.
In order to do that, that meant I’d have to actually sell $3 Million In 90 minutes.
But, I knew that with 9,000 people in the room, it would be possible…
We spent the next few months choreographing and strategizing how we were going to make this goal happen, and then…
On February 23, 2018 at 10:30 AM I was scheduled to step out onto that stage…
In that moment, it was kind of like Babe Ruth stepping up to the plate and calling his shot, and pointing out into the stands.
I had presented many, MANY keynotes before, but let me tell you…
NOTHING can prepare you for looking out at a sea of 9,000 faces staring back at you…
…all of them hoping you’ll have some nugget of wisdom that will change their life!
I was equal parts excited and a nervous wreck…
I knew that what I was about to tell them would without a doubt change their business forever…
“5 minutes, and then you’re on…”
The nerves turned into full-on butterflies in my stomach, and my heart started racing.
My legs started nervously fidgeting, and I began shifting my body side to side, side to side…
(Anything to take my mind off of the fact that I was about to talk to over 9,000+ people!)
Calm down… I commanded myself.
In a fuzzy blur, I heard fragments of the blaring voice come over the loudspeakers, announcing the intro they had written for me:
“Russell Brunson is an American Storyteller…Sold hundreds of thousands of books…
Popularized the concept of sales funnels…
The internet’s favorite entrepreneur…
Founder of ClickFunnels…
Internet genius…
I stepped out onto the stage,and something incredible happened…
My butterflies finally went away, and the excitement starting pouring in…
And then I started…
Slide by slide, I delivered my speech…
And just as we had agreed, and the end of the presentation…
I made a special offer to the audience…
And then it happened…
People jumped out of their chairs…
They started running (not walking) to the back of the venue…
They stampeded their way up the stairs and around the corner, to our product tables that were set up…
The next 6 hours was a whirlwind…
I stood in line for almost 6 hours, taking pictures with each person who bought my product!
After that, I went went back to the hotel room to rest with my wife, Collette…
While my team was up in a secret hotel room processing orders.
We laid down in the bed and instantly passed out.
I woke up 2 hours later, and had to get an update…
So I went into the room where my team was processing orders and asked for the grand total…
Drum roll please…
$3.2 MILLION Dollars…!
We did it!
And as you can see from the video above, we crushed the original $1 Million-dollar goal, and ended up generating $3.2 Million with just one 90-minute keynote presentation…
Which means…
There’s NO Way That Russell Could Possibly Get Paid MORE Than The President Of The United States To Speak… Right?
But you have to understand that there are actually TWO ways to earn money as a speaker…
#1 – Become FAMOUS, and get paid to SPEAK.
I showed you above what some of the highest paid speakers charge for just ONE keynote…
Tony Robbins charges $200K+…
Arnold Schwarzenegger charges $250K… (and he requests a private plane for him and his team to be provided by the client!
And several athletes like Magic Johnson, Lance Armstrong, and Tim Tebow charge a minimum of $100K each!
That’s how much they can command to speak ONE time!
That’s because they’re famous.
Pretty decent money for a single speech, right?
Don’t get me wrong…
You can make a HUGE amount of money going this route…
…IF you’re famous.
So, that’s awesome if you’re already famous…
But what about people like me and you who probably aren’t that famous…
Are we just screwed?
Not at all!
In fact, there’s a way to earn MORE money than even the highest-paid famous speakers, (whether anyone knows you or not!)
Outside of my niche, I’m not famous at all!
- I can go to the grocery store…
- Drop my kids off at school…
- Take my wife out to her favorite restaurant…
- Take my family on a vacation to Disney…
…and nobody knows me!
Which (BTW) is REALLY nice. Being famous seems HORRIBLE…
So even if you’re like me, and you’re NOT famous, there’s a 2nd way to earn money from speaking…
And this way (as you’ve seen above) you actually get paid MORE than a celebrity!
Let me explain the 2nd way you can get paid to speak.
#2 – Speak for FREE. (And get paid to sell your products at the end of your presentation!)
It might sound completely backwards, but the best way to get paid MORE is to speak for FREE.
I don’t speak often anymore…only about two times per year.
But, when I DO speak, I don’t charge a penny.
And yet, I earn upwards of a $1 Million per hour (or more) on the presentations I give!
Here’s the difference…
I’m a “platform-selling” speaker.
Which means, I don’t charge any speaking fees.
Instead, I make my money from the products and services I sell at the back of the room when I finish my presentation.
You can make a crazy amount of money as a platform speaker, just by doing one 60-90 minute presentation!
Let me ask you something…
Have you ever witnessed a stampede of buyers RACE to the back of the room, order form in hand, practically begging to purchase the product they just learned about?
It’s called a “table rush”.
And once you see it for yourself, you will NEVER forget how powerful it is!
I want to show you how to inspire your audience to jump out of their seat and create a SWARM around your product tables in the back of the room!
And that’s why I made the deal with Grant that I did…
Because I knew that most of his speakers were the first type of speaker… they all got paid to speak.
But I’m the 2nd type of speaker… the one who makes the money for the event.
Now, I’m the first to admit, I’m not the best salesperson in the world.
In fact…
You Can Probably Even Outsell Me…
Like everyone, there’s a few things that I’m really good at…
I’m not the BEST at one-to-one selling.
But, I’ve mastered a different skill…
I’ve Mastered The Lost Art Of “One-To-MANY” Selling…
You can probably close a higher percentage than I could selling one-on-one…
But, because I’m able to speak to 100 people…
Or 1,000 people…
Or 9,000 people all at once, with ONE speech…
And, because I know how to craft and structure my presentation…
I’m able to make MORE money in a fraction of the time!
When you are selling face-to-face, you have the unique ability to ask specific questions, get their personal feedback, and resolve their objections on-the-spot… right?
When you’re in a room (or virtual room) you can’t really ask questions and get answers from THOUSANDS of people…
…so you need to create your presentation in a way that resolves all of their objections for as many people as possible.
Once You Master That, You’ve Mastered
The Art Of Mass Selling!
I’m able to sell 9,000 people at once, with ONE 90-minute speech, instead of 1 person at a time, face-to-face.
Are you getting this?
Are you starting to see WHY the 2nd type of speaking is so valuable and powerful?
That night, after I spoke I got a call from Grant saying:
“I’ve NEVER Seen Anyone Do Anything Like That!
How Did You Do It!?!”
This time the phone call with Grant was a little different.. this time I was the one laughing… 🙂
I told him that I’d LOVE to show him how I did it… but that I’d also LOVE to show EVERYONE who was at the 10X event behind the scenes of what they had just experienced…
So I asked him if I could go BACK on stage the next day (which wasn’t planned or in the schedule), and offer to show him and the audience exactly how I did it.
He agreed, and the next morning I got back on stage and asked everyone if they would be interested to see HOW I did what I did…
Here is a quick video of what I told the entire audience:
After seeing almost all 9,000 hands raise, I agreed to do a special bonus training specifically for them, showing them how to sell to the masses.
(You see, this room was full of the BEST sales people on planet earth… but no matter how good they are selling one-to-one, because I could sell one-to-MANY, I was able to make more in one hour then even the BEST of them make in an entire year!)
I had planned on teaching for 90 minutes, but when I got home and started the training, I couldn’t stop, and one hour quickly turned into two… and then three…
And we ended after over 6 HOURS of training!
In this training, I go through everything:
- How we created our offer (and how to use this process for ANY business)…
- How we structured each part of the presentation that I delivered on stage…
And then…
I go through the actual 90-minute presentation with you, slide-by-slide, minute-by-minute…
I’ll play the presentation for a minute, and push pause, and tell you:
- “Here’s what I’m actually doing here…”
- “Here’s the psychology behind what I did…”
- “Here’s why I said this…”
Now, this training (and my play-by-play selling process that you learn from it) could easily be sold for over $10,000.
Think about it…
A process that gives you the SKILL to sell on any platform, (stages, webinars, FaceBook or Instagram LIVES) and make more in an hour then most people make in a year?
Easily worth $10,000 or more…right?
Heck, just one presentation in front of the right audience will make you more then that if you totally mess it up… (and just imagine when you do it RIGHT!)
These Are The Simple “10X Secrets” I Use In EVERY Keynote To Make More Money Than ANY Other Paid Speaker In The World!
And This Script Is The SAME Script We Use For Our Webinars, Our Facebook and Instagram Lives To Grow Our Companies At Record Rates…
In fact, this year my company ClickFunnels hit #76 on the INC 500 list, and guess how we grew our software company this fast?
Yup, you guessed it, with webinars using this SAME presentation script.
So… You Might Be Thinking:
“But Russell, I Don’t Speak On Stage… What Does All Of This Has To Do With ME!?”
Pay close attention to this next part…
The reality is that not everyone reading this will have a chance to speak on a stage in front of 9,000 people…
The likelihood of you making $3+ MILLION dollars in an hour probably isn’t going to happen…
But, the script I created and used to sell at Grant Cardone’s 10X event is the SAME script I’ve used for myself and my clients to sell millions online each year on:
- LIVE And Automated Webinars…
- During A Facebook Or Instagram LIVE…
- And Even When Selling In Person…
In fact…
We have people in every market and niche who are using this SAME SCRIPT in their own businesses!
They use it to sell EVERYTHING you can dream of, like:
- Supplements…
- Real estate…
- Software…
- Weight Loss…
- Copywriting…
- Investing & Wealth management…
- Skincare…
- Pet Supplies…
- Chiropractic…
- Coaching/Consulting…
- Dental…
- Sports/fitness training…
- Interior Decorating…
- and many, many more!
And, even some things you probably never dreamt of or imagined…
Yes, Jaime Cross, who went from selling her organic soap at flea markets, now makes over a million dollars a year using my script on her FaceBook lives!
Now, my biggest fear in telling you that I made $3.2 MILLION in 90 minutes (and telling you the story behind it) is that I know what some of you are already thinking…
“But Russell…I’m never going to speak on stage.”
If you never set foot on a stage, that’s 100% ok… (because you can STILL earn more money speaking than other highly-paid speakers!)
Think about it…
Every single day, you’re on some sort of a platform…right?
Sometimes your platform will be having a conversation face-to-face…
Sometimes that platform is negotiating with someone in a meeting…
- Or over the phone…
- Or speaking on a FB Live…
- Or a podcast…
- Or Instagram…
- Or YouTube…
This script I’m going to teach you works in any business…
It’s the same process I’ve used to grow ALL of my companies.
It’s the same process I’ve used to help over 375 business owners sell over $1 Million each inside their funnel, and earn their way into what we call the “Two Comma Club.”
This process works over and over and over again,
- No matter what market or niche you’re in…
- No matter if you’re selling from the stage, or a webinar, or a business-after-hours meetup, or on FB LIVE!
- No matterif you’re starting from ZERO (like I did) and nobodyknows who you are!
Here’s the POWERFUL thing you need to understand about that…
The persuasion techniques that I used to sell to a packed venue of 9,000 people are the SAME techniques that you’ll use EVERY day to sell to your customers…
…no matter which platform you use!
When you learn and master this ONE skill, you can speak (and SELL) anywhere!
Don’t forget…
When you get started with 10X Secrets today, you’re going to get all 3 trainings inside the 10X Masterclass…
Session #1:
Creating An Irresistible Offer
This training will help you easily transform and structure any product idea you have into a no-brainer OFFER for your audience!
Session #2:
The NEW Perfect Webinar
This is is the training and sales SCRIPT that I talked about that helped me go from speaking and getting no sales, to speaking and getting $3 Million-dollar table rushes!
Session #3:
“HOW I Earned $3 Million In 90 Minutes”
This is the SAME training that I mentioned earlier, where I go through my entire 90-minute presentation with you, slide-by-slide, minute-by-minute!
You’ll discover the hidden selling techniques behind what I did in key parts of the presentation, and then I’ll explain WHY I did it!
“But Russell… I Don’t Like To Speak Or Sell. I Don’t Want To Be On Webinars Or Facebook Lives…
I Just Want To Grow My Business!”
If this is how you feel, then don’t worry. I know EXACTLY where you’re coming from.
When I first started my company, I didn’t want to either. I just wanted to sell the products and services that I had created.
I was that shy, introverted, awkward kid….
I didn’t want to speak!
But one day I got invited to my first ever “Internet Marketing” seminar, and I assumed that it would a place where we came, opened up our laptops, and start geeking out with other internet nerds about SEO and PPC…
But what happened next, completely confused me.
I saw the first speaker take the stage, and I watched in ‘awe’ as he delivered a presentation that changed my perspective on how marketing can and should work.
At the end of his presentation, I still remember what happened…
He asked the audience if he could make a special offer.
I was as excited as everyone else to see what this offer might be.
After everyone agreed, he made a special offer for his $2,000 course.
And what happened next changed my life.
I remember watching people not just walking, but SPRINTING to the back of the room to snatch up his product!
I sat there in my seat in amazement, watching and counting each person that shot past me to the back of the room…
I started tallying up in my head how much money the speaker was earning…
And so on, until the back-of-the-room rush had finally stopped.
He made $68,000 from one 90-minute presentation!
Once the break ended, the next speaker got up, did his presentation, and then sold a $5,000 package…
I watched it happen all over again… but this speaker actually made OVER $100,000!
After 3 days of watching this happen over and over, I knew I HAD to learn this skill.
I didn’t really want to be a stage presenter…
But I knew that if someone who was JUST LIKE ME, could step on stage and in an HOUR make more money then I had made in a year…
…then I NEEDED to learn that skill,
Maybe I wasn’t going to earn $100,000 per hour like the speakers that I watched, (or so I thought at the time)…
But what if this one skill could help make an extra $100,000 per year?
Or $100,000 per month?Or $100,000 per week?
What would it be worth to learn THAT skill…?
There was just one problem…
I was (and still am) a SUPER shy introvert who is SCARED of speaking to people…
Yet, within a few weeks of attending that event,
I was invited to speak at my first event…
I was nervous… but I was pretty sure that I could model what I had seen a the event I saw earlier… and so I responded with an excited… YES!
Without doing any formal training beforehand, I assumed that it couldn’t be THAT hard… right?
Besides, I felt like I had WAY better content then the other speakers I heard a few weeks earlier… and if I could WOW the audience with how much I knew…
Then they’d be sure to buy my product… right?
So I put together my BEST material…
I called my shot… AKA, trying to figure out how much $$$ I was going to make from my first presentation!
Would it be $68,000 like the first guy I saw…? Or $100k like the other guy!?!
I couldn’t wait to find out!
And then it happened…
My Worst Nightmare Came True…
I stood on stage…
Delivered my BEST stuff…
I made my offer…
And then, in what was one of the most embarrassing moments of my entrepreneurial career happened on stage for everyone to see…
NOBODY moved.
NOBODY said anything.
NOBODY got up from their chair, and raced to the back of the room to buy the product I was selling.
I just stood there, on stage… then awkwardly walking off stage… and then I ran to my hotel room and to hide.
(No kidding… this REALLY happened)
I didn’t get it…why would they buy from all the other speakers, but not me?
I went over and over it again in my mind…
“Did I miss something in my presentation?”
“Was my offer really that horrible?”
“Did I just completely miss the mark on my audience?”
“Maybe I’m not cut out to do this “speaking thing”…”
I thought did everything that the other speakers did.
What went wrong?
I literally hid out in my hotel room for the next 3 days (eating pints of haagen dazs ice cream and coconut shrimp while watching movies) because I didn’t want to see any of the other speakers or the other attendees…
“Well, that’s that”, I thought…
I gave it a try, and had a HORRIBLE experience……and I NEVER wanted to speak again!
And I didn’t for a while…
But I did start going to events, and I keep observing as other speakers continued to make more per hour then I was making per year.
Eventually that belief that:
IF I COULD LEARN THIS ONE SKILL, that my life would change forever…
…kept ringing in my ears… I finally came to my senses, and eventually decided to give it another shot.
I tried a second time…
And a third…
And a fourth…
I kept speaking over and over, getting a little bit better each time.
Different speakers pulled me aside after my presentations, and started helping me…
Each one had a “missing piece” that they were using to sell the room, that I wasn’t.
Every time, I’d add in what I had been taught…
I tried a sixth time…
And a seventh…
…until I slowly started to master the skill, and I starting making really good money!
But then something changed for me…
I spent over two years of my career on the road…
And I got GREAT at it!
But I had a beautiful wife, and baby twin boys at home…
And I didn’t want to be in a different city each weekend.
I hated being away…
I hated that I missed my wife.
I hated that she was forced to stay and raise our family by herself for days on end when I was away.
I hated that I was missing out on spending time with my children.
I hated it so much that late one night I ended up quitting my MILLION+ dollar a year speaking career…
I was in the Boise Airport, it was after 11:00pm at night, and I was one of the only people there.
I was waiting to fly out to my next event.
I just sat there in the empty airport, wishing I could turn around and go home to my family.
And I texted my wife, and told her,
“I just don’t want to do this anymore…”
I’m Going To QUIT.
My twin boys at the time were still really young, and I wanted to be there as much as possible.
I told her I was going to quit, and retire from speaking.
She texted me back, and said,
“But you CAN’T quit. That’s how we get PAID…”
She was right.
But I didn’t care.
I knew I needed to quit travelling and stage-speaking.
I just needed figure out a way that I could continue to earn money using this skill, WITHOUT having to be on stage.
So I took those EXACT skills that I initially learned from the stage, and I started doing teleseminars.
At first it was a little different, I had to change how I did a few things, but within a few tries I had cracked the code on teleseminars!
Once I had teleseminars down and technology started to get better, we were soon able to do what we now call webinars.
I mastered webinars using the same stage-speaking skills…
To this day, I’ve done over 100+ webinars, and generated over $100 MILLION dollars on those webinars selling ClickFunnels.
I’m sharing this story to make a very CLEAR point…
This is NOT about just about learning to speak on stage…
This is about learning a SKILL that will allow you to speak and sell ANYWHERE.
For many of you, you won’t be speaking on the stage.
(And that’s totally cool…)
There’s a TON of other places I use the same skill that works as well…
Sales Videos…
FaceBook, or Instagram Lives…
YouTube videos…
And MORE!!!
The SAME skills I used to close over $3 Million in 90 minutes are the SAME skills that you need to turn your visitors into paying customers, and your customers into loyal clients!
Today, I only speak from the stage if I WANT to.
And, I only do a MAXIMUM of 2 large stage events each year. (Other than my own LIVE events)
When I actually DO speak, I make a lot…
In Fact, I Won’t Step On A Plane To Speak Unless I Know I’ll Gross AT LEAST A Million Dollars…
At Grant Cardone’s 10X event, we did $3.2 Million in one 90-minute presentation, which was a record!
30 days later, I spoke at my Funnel Hacking LIVE event, and I broke the record again…
Here’s What I Need You To Understand About Making This Crazy Level Of Income From Speaking…
This didn’t just happen to me by chance.
It wasn’t luck.
It didn’t happen randomly.
What I created is literally a RECIPE.
This is the speaking ‘recipe’ that I’ve used for every single presentation that I’ve done.
It’s the recipe that I’ve given to my clients, who have used it to sell their products over
and over.
It’s kind of like if you were a baker, trying to bake an incredible 4-tier cake…
It might seem a bit intimidating at first glance, right?
But it’s still just a cake. And like all cakes, it can easily be done…
All You Need Is The Proven Recipe, Right?
Once you have the right recipe, all you need to do is follow the directions, step-by-step.
Step 1, do this…
Step 2, do this…
Step 3, add this in…
…and so on
Once you follow and finish the recipe, you have an amazing cake that you’ve created, right?
The SAME is true for learning this skill that will allow you to speak and sell to many potential customers at once!
It’s not rocket-science.
It’s just a recipe.
As soon as you understand and follow the right recipe, you can plug in ANY product…
ANY Idea…
ANY Business…
ANY Niche…
ANY Service…
ANY Company…
…into this proven speaking recipe.
It doesn’t matter what you’re selling…
– supplements, coaching, fitness, relationships, real estate, dental, pet training, (or even something that’s really “out there” and unique…)
It makes zero difference what you choose to sell…
It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new at this…
(There’s a TON of 30-year “veteran speakers” who STILL haven’t figured this secret out!)
It doesn’t matter if nobody knows you…
The recipe works the same way, every time!
All YOU need to do is plug your information into the proven recipe, and BOOM!…
…out pops a similar result! (just like the cake)
What I’m offering you today is the step-by-step RECIPE that has made me MILLIONS…
And, I’m going to give it to you today at a fraction of the cost!
I know that if you have this skill, you’re going to make more money in your business – no matter which platform you sell on, no matter what you’re selling.
(And, because I know that when you start making more money selling your products, you’ll be more likely to invest in some of my other products, like ClickFunnels, or my coaching programs…)
This is literally my GIFT to you, so you can start learning this skill TODAY, and make money each time you speak, and grow your business!
“Wait a minute, Russell…
So, you’re saying that 10X Secrets is for EVERY business owner?”
ONLY the business owners who want to 10X their company!
Here are some answers to the questions that I KNOW some of you are already asking in your head…
Question #1:
“But what if I’m NOT a speaker? What if I’ve never made a single speech ever ?”
Answer: – As I mentioned before, I wasn’t a speaker either. I was shy, and introverted. (I still am).
But I knew I needed that skill!
I didn’t know what I was doing at first, but you don’t have to worry about ANY of that, because I’ve gone through all of those hard-lessons and learning curves for you, so you don’t have to.
In fact, you’ll not only have 15 years of MY speaking experience behind you…
You’ll have over 100 years of combined experience that I’ve gathered from my many mentors!
Question #2:
“So I don’t have to speak on STAGE?”
Answer: You can become a top-paid speaker without making ONE speech from the stage!
There are many ways you can use these platform selling secrets to earn income and grow your company!
Speaking on stage is just one way. (and only do it if you WANT to!)
I try to only speak on stage 2X each year, because I don’t want to be away from my family more than that.
But there are many, many platforms you can take advantage of to sell to your audience.
Question #3:
“Can I really make good money as a NEW speaker, even if I’m not famous, and nobody knows me?”
Answer: Absolutely!
In full transparency, not everyone will break records and make $3.2 Million or $13 Million in one presentation… (that’s just obvious, right?)
But, there’s NO reason that you can’t earn just as much (and even MORE) than the top paid speakers around the world!
Would it be worth it if you could earn an extra $50K with one speech?
Or an extra $100K?
Or $300K?
I’ve seen it happen over and over and over again!
And even if you only started off earning a FRACTION of that, wouldn’t pocketing an extra $10,000 or $20,000 for 60 minutes of your time be worth it to you?
Wouldn’t that be a SKILL that you should probably learn ?
So, now that you understand WHY you need this, I wanted to make you a special offer to make sure that you have EVERYTHING you need to get started…
So here’s what you’re going to get when you invest in 10X Secrets today…
Inside the 10X Secrets Masterclass, you’re going to get THREE training sessions (and over 5.5 hours of step-by-step instruction) to help you learn and master the art of selling to the masses.
These sessions will take you through the exact process I use EVERY time I speak to earn more than all the other high-paid speakers, without needing to be famous…
Session #1:
Creating An Irresistible Offer
I’ll let you in on a little secret…
You don’t have to be perfect (or even great) at “platform selling” to make a ton of money.
The #1 Thing You Need…
The better your offer is, the more likely they are to buy it!
The first training inside your masterclass will help you to set up an incredible offer that is a no-brainer for your audience!
I’ll walk you through how to create an irresistible offer that your audience can’t want to say no to!
I’ll show you:
How to create what we call a “blue ocean”, and set yourself apart from every other person in your niche – so you don’t even have to worry about competitors!
How to get OUT of the bank-breaking “race-to-the-bottom” price wars (…because there’s absolutely zero advantage to having the 2nd cheapest product out there, right?)
How to piece together all the products in your WINNING offer in a way that makes your audience pull out their credit cards, and say “I’m IN!!!”
Session #2:
The NEW Perfect Webinar
The scariest learning curve of speaking is trying to figure out,
“What do I actually SAY in my speech to make them jump up and BUY my products?”
Am I right?
There is NO need to start your presentation from scratch!
What if everything that you needed to say was already mapped out for you?
And what if I were to literally structure ALL the important parts of your sales presentation for you?
In this video training, I’ll walk you step-by-step through how I structure EVERY presentation that I give. (I will never again do a presentation WITHOUT this structure – it has collectively earned me over $200+ Million to date!).
I’ll show you how to weave all the crucial sales-elements into your presentation, such as:
The EASIEST way to create an eyebrow-raising HOOK that keeps your audience watching beyond the first 2 minutes…
How to structure your ‘BIG DOMINO’ in your presentation that knocks down all of your viewers’ objections and resistance (do this correctly, and they’ll believe ANYTHING you tell them throughout the rest of the presentation…)
How to create a critical EPIPHANY moment with your audience – and get them to sell themselves on your product/service BEFORE you even offer it to them
The simple (but super effective) storytelling ingredient I use multiple times in each presentation to help my audience INSTANTLY grasp new ideas and concepts
The 3-part script that takes your audience on an emotional journey, while turning you into a HERO that they resonate with and will rally behind…(even if you think your story isn’t all that exciting).
How to structure the “content” part of your webinar to provide enormous value, without actually teaching curriculum, or giving away solutions.
The secret weapon I use every single time I PITCH an offer (…and how to destroy the #1 “big elephant” reason for what’s stopping them from getting started.)
…and so much more!
Session #3:
How I Made $3 MILLION Dollars In 90 Minutes
This session is my favorite…
I literally went through the entire 90 minute presentation, slide-by-slide, and every few minutes I would pause the video and explain WHAT I did, and WHY I did it…
I’ll bring you behind the curtain and share the REAL secrets that nobody in the audience even picked up on (but makes a HUGE difference in selling), like:
WHY I had everyone pull out their phone, and turn on their flashlight (…it wasn’t just for the cool concert-style shot!)
WHY I tell so many personal stories (DOZENS of them) and what each one of those stories PROVE to the audience (and makes them want to buy)
How I got the audience to come to their OWN “aha” moment (without me even telling them the solution they needed)
WHY I didn’t break down each module of what they’re going to get at the end (which seems counterproductive…right?)
WHY I weave in more than 90+ hidden trial closes throughout the presentation…(not just at the end).
WHY I make fun of myself AT LEAST 3 or 4 times in my presentation (…it’s not just to break the ice, and make them feel relatable to me)
And even non-spoken secrets, like the psychology behind WHY I strategically pointed to different areas of the venue during key parts in my pitch…
HUGE Bonus #1:
The 10X Secrets Swipe File
One of the main reasons that people don’t use my script, is they mistakenly think… “But Russell, my business is different.”
I always laugh, and then show them dozens of others in almost every market you can dream of who have used this script and process to sell millions of dollars of their products.
Let me ask you a question…
How Would You Like Me To Pitch YOUR Product For You?
That would be SUPER helpful, right?
Now, unfortunately, I can’t pitch everyone’s offer for them, but I CAN give you all of my verbal pitch swipe files to make things really easy, so all you have to do is plug in your own information!
Now don’t get me wrong…
You can learn a TON from being taught all the strategies behind pitching your offer…(and you need those strategies in order to understand what makes platform selling work, right?)
But one of our TOP trainers, Stephen Larsen, said something that I’ll never forget…
He said that when he was trying to build his business, the #1 thing that helped him become good at speaking (and selling), is to actually hear and see examples of my pitches over and over again, so he could model it…
So I’m not just TEACH you…
I’m going to SHOW you!
I want you to hear the language patterns…
How I speak…
How I tell stories…
How I present the offer…
The more times you hear and see different presentations and pitches, the more you’ll see the patterns.
At one of our high-end $15,000 events, I decided to prove that this presentation will work for ANY business, in ANY niche!
I started pulling people up on stage, one after another, asking them about their businesses…
They were in all different niches…
This is Katie –
She’s in the Pregnancy/Moms-To-Be Niche
And here’s me asking her about 10 core questions to learn about her business…
Within about 5 minutes of learning about her product, her stories, and who her audience was, I became a pregnant mom, and pitched her entire Pregnancy Kit offer start-to-finish!
I did the same thing for Allison…
Allison has several businesses, but she wanted help with her “How To Build An ECommerce Business” product. Again, I learned a few details, and then I pitched her entire offer on the spot!
I became a Lawn Care provider with THIS pitch…
And I turned into a Marriage Coach in THIS pitch…
And I was a guy selling Golf fertilizer software in THIS pitch…
I went through the whole pitch for every one of them – start-to-finish!
Now here’s the interesting part…
Each person that got up on stage was different…
They had different businesses…
They had different audiences…
They had different offers…
I never knew ahead of time what I was going to be pitching…
But the process and the patterns of the pitch are always the same.
This presentation is like a recipe. When you know the ingredients, you can plug in any product or service, and it will work…
And to prove it to you, I’m going to give you instant access to ALL of these recorded swipe files, so that you can hear my pitch over and over again in ALL different niches!
I’m also going to GIVE you my personal “million-dollar webinars swipe file”!
You’ll get BOTH the video and audio recordings of webinars that have each generated $1 Million or more, like:
My “Funnel Hacks” webinar…
My “Funnel Builder Secrets” webinar…
My “LadyBoss” webinar…
My “Software Secrets” webinar…
My “Funnel Scripts” webinar…
You can watch all the webinars, and see the similarities and PATTERN behind how I share my stories and create the pitch each time.
Once you learn the process (and the patterns), you can use this skill to sell over and over and over again, regardless of your niche or product!
So, as a giant bonus for getting 10X Secrets today, you’ll get my 10X Secrets SWIPE FILE, which includes:
5 video recordings of me pitching my clients’ products, start-to-finish…PLUS,
My million-dollar webinars swipe file – my personal archive of my old webinars that have done $1M or more, so you can see and hear my presentations beginning-to-end!
HUGE Bonus #2:
The Perfect Webinar “HACK”
How To Customize The ‘Perfect Webinar’ Script To Sell ANYTHING!!!
Whenever I share the idea of webinars (and using the Perfect Webinar SCRIPT) with others to help them sell their products, they always assume the same thing…
“That’s great Russell…but I’m selling physical products, not digital.”
“That’s awesome…but I’m a Blogger”
“That’s all well and good…but I’m a Freelancer…”
…Local Business
There’s NO Way A Webinar Would Work For My Business, Russell…Would It?”
Each business owner finishes that sentence a bit differently.
“…but I’m a Chiropractor”
“…but I’m in network marketing”
And my answer to them is always the same.
It DOES Work For Your Business…
And to prove it to you, I want to show you how two “Two Comma Club” award winners are using the Perfect Webinar script to grow two completely different million-dollar companies…
Their businesses couldn’t be more different…
Their audiences are different…
Their products are totally different…
But they are both using this same system to SELL…
Today when you get 10X Secrets, I’m also going to give you TWO interviews that show HOW you can use the Perfect Webinar in different niches:
Interview #1 :
Kaelin Poulin (A.K.A. LadyBoss)
Kaelin and Brandon have created a movement helping women to lose weight and love themselves, and their body.
They are using the same perfect webinar system to sell products across MORE product types than anyone I know…
- The Sell Books…
- Supplements…
- Weight-Loss Program Memberships…
- Fitness Coaching…
- SWAG/Clothing…
- LIVE Events…
In Kaelin’s interview, you’ll learn about her multi-million dollar “Perfect Webinar Hack”…
Kaelin had a regular-sized “perfect webinar” that she delivered LIVE each week through Zoom.
She kept doing live webinars over and over again until she got it exactly the way she wanted it!
One it was perfected, she wanted to use her presentation to sell to her growing FB audience.
Kaelin will share with you how she was able to shrink the perfect webinar, customize it for her FB LIVE audience…
…and make over $1 Million in 30 days with her “Perfect Webinar Hack”!
Once you master the original perfect webinar, this is the FASTEST way to scale!
You can customize your perfect webinar, and have it seen by millions of people each month, across all different platforms!
Interview #2 :
Jaimie Cross (MIG)
Jaime Cross, on the other hand, has mastered the Perfect Webinar, and uses it to sell – – wait for it – –
It’s the most AMAZING soap ever (and I personally use it every day and vouch for it)…
…but I know what you’re thinking!
Why would you use a webinar to sell soap…right?
During this special interview, Jaime will share exactly how she went from struggling to sell her natural soaps at farmer’s markets and local shops…to exploding into a million-dollar online business!
All Because She Understands HOW To Use The Perfect Webinar Script For Her Specific Business!
You’re also going to get my “Bonus-INSIDE-The-Bonus” whiteboard trainings of BOTH interviews!
After each of these two interviews, I went back to my whiteboard, and created my own training for you to help you understand how to customize the script for YOUR SPECIFIC business!
I mapped out the Perfect Webinar techniques they are using, and I’ll show you how you can weave the SAME concepts into ANY business!
And, to make things even EASIER on you, I’m going to throw in some of my favorite “perfect webinar” hacks to help you get your sales presentation outlined and written FAST.
HUGE Bonus #3:
The Perfect Webinar FUNNEL
Learning the platform selling skill is one thing if you’re speaking from the stage…
Back when I was a stage speaker, all I had to do was show up to the event, deliver my speech, and collect all the order forms for my product.
I didn’t have to worry about finding an audience…
Or filling seats…
Or marketing to them…
That part was all done by whoever hosted the event (which was great!)
But when I quit doing the on-the-road speaking events, and transitioned to selling online, I suddenly had to figure everything out for myself, like:
- How do you get people to register for your webinar?
- How you get them to actually SHOW UP to watch your presentations?
- How do you make it EASY for them to buy from you?
- And if they don’t buy right away, how do you keep reaching out so that one day they will?
I spent over 5 years testing and perfecting webinar formats, and tweaked the online funnel (and the webinar) into what it is today…
This is the Perfect Webinar Funnel that has helped me make over $100 Million for ClickFunnels.
It’s the SAME Perfect Webinar funnel that tens of THOUSANDS of entrepreneurs just like you are using to grow their business online.
I’ll take you behind-the scenes of the Perfect Webinar Funnel, and show you step-by-step how it works!
- You’ll see Page 1 of the funnel…
- Page 2…
- Page 3…
- The email sequences…
- The indoctrination sequences…
- Pre-seduction sequences…
- How to weave both emotion and logic into your message AFTER your presentation, to transition your audience from “viewers” into “buyers”.
- How to DOUBLE your sales, even after your webinar is no longer LIVE (…and the RIGHT way to use urgency and scarcity to get potential-buyers off the fence and commit!)
- How do you actually get people to register for and attend your webinar (or FB LIVE, or whichever platform you choose), and then BUY from you?
I’m also GIVING you a very special presentation by one of my friends (and webinar masters), Mr. X…
I asked Mr. X to speak at the first Funnel Hacking LIVE event, because I wanted to know ONE thing…
HOW do his webinars convert so darn well?
That’s when he told me that he had done over 400 webinars in 3 years’ time!
(That’s like doing a webinar every 2-3 days for 3 years straight!)
Imagine what you could learn after running and testing 400 webinars!
Mr. X laid it ALL out there, presenting a HUGE timeline of ways you can increase conversion rates on your webinar.
So when you get 10X Secrets today, as a THIRD bonus, you’ll get:
- The Perfect Webinar Funnel (including all the funnel pages, and email sequences)
- The SHARE Funnel For A Webinar Funnel (our professionally pre-designed webinar funnel, so all you have to do is click a button, and the ENTIRE funnel is loaded into your ClickFunnels account.) From there, just edit it to plug in your own information, and you’re ready to go! How easy is that?
- Mr. X’s Funnel Hacking LIVE recording – “17 Webinar Funnel Hacks”
HUGE Bonus #4:
Story Selling Secrets
The biggest KEY to a great webinar is your ability to tell great stories!
For most people, the challenge is NOT in structuring their webinar…(that’s actually the easy part!)
Most people suck at being a great STORY-TELLER
When you master the stories, every other aspect of the webinar becomes super simple!
When you get 10X Secrets today, as your FOURTH huge bonus, I’m going to give you my “Story Selling Secrets” training, which I gave this training at our third Funnel Hacking LIVE event.
Inside the Story Selling Secrets training, you will learn:
- How to create such unwavering BELIEF among your audience, that all of their objections and concerns become IRRELEVANT…and they have to give you money!
- The structured “selling formula” I use for ALL of the stories I use inside my presentations…(Do this, and your audience will have a pivotal “light-bulb moment” that sells them on the exact solution they need, before you even make them an offer!)
- How to POWERFULLY bridge the knowledge “gap” between you and your audience (and get them to actually understand new ideas or concepts that are totally foreign to them)…because they won’t BUY what they don’t understand, right?
- And so much more!
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