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Exploring the Essential Features of “Ryan Waczek – The Fan Attraction Formula”
New Program Reveals:
How to quit your job and replace your income with music…
And Get Paid by Your Fans to Make Music using the “Fan Attraction System”
From The Desk of Ryan Waczek
Owner & Founder of the Indie Music Academy
Nashville, TN
Dear Friend,
If you would like to finally learn what it takes to build a fanbase and sell products with your music brand, this will be the most important training you’ll ever experience.
With streaming earning artists just pennies and CD sales being a thing of the past, we need to turn to a new way of building a fanbase and generating income.
That new way is what I call the “New Music Industry” and thankfully, there are only three requirements in order to succeed in the new music industry:
If you have:
- An internet connection
- A cell phone with a camera
- And the ability to write an email to a friend
Then you already have all the skills you need to start building the fanbase of your dreams and growing online music revenue streams without having to rely on streaming, touring, or even getting a record deal.
What I want to do is turn your already existing skills into a strategy to attract fans and build a reliable monthly revenue stream so you can live the life that you want and build the music career that you always dreamed.
I’m going to hand over all the templates, workbooks, branding guides, funnels, and sales scripts that will get your music career up and running in just 3 months.
Are you ready to learn how all this can be possible for you?
Keep reading and I’ll show you my exact method to selling over 1 million dollars worth of products online (as regular guy who has is degree in classical music).
You’ll find that achieving your music goals is closer than you think!
Exactly What You’re Getting
First of all, this isn’t like any training or music industry book that you’ve ever owned. Believe me, I’ve read all of them—from Donald Passman’s All You Need to Know About the Music Business to Ari Herstand’s How to Make It in the New Music Business—both are great reads, but this is not what I’m going to cover.
Instead, you are going to get a no-fluff & no-filler, battle-tested roadmap to fans and income for your music career.
It is easy to understand at a glance.
But detailed enough to provide impact and clarity as to exactly what you need to do to build your music career correctly.
Each step of the roadmap includes video training, fill-in-the-blank templates, funnels, and other marketing timesavers that you can use to build your music career.
You might start at the beginning, or you might be someone who is already advanced and you’ll start somewhere in the middle, but regardless of where you are right now, here’s the journey I’ll take you on:
Is Music Income Really Possible?
You might be wondering if this is actually possible for you. And the short answer is yes it is 100% possible and I’m going to spend the rest of this page explaining exactly how I’m going to transform your music career from an expensive hobby to a revenue generating business.
Regardless of how many songs you have written, regardless of your formal music education… you can use this same system as a complete beginner or as a seasoned musician.
For example, I’ve written countless songs, attended a 4-year music college, became a recording engineer, and studied music production… and still didn’t have consistent revenue and a business that worked for me (instead I was a slave to my music by always chasing the next “gig”).
So this is not only for beginners. This is for any musician who is ready to add fans and profits to their music career.
And I’ll be using a method that I personally invented that you won’t find anywhere else.
I’m not going to teach you how to book more shows. I’m not going to tell you to “gig more” or “find investors” or even to “get signed”—all of these things make you a slave to your music.
I’m going to teach you how to reach musical freedom.
Like I said, this isn’t like any training you’ve ever owned.
I really think you’re going to love this!
The Fan Attraction System
Here is just some of what you’ll learn:
- The easiest and most high-leverage path to earn a music income without pinching pennies from streaming royalties.
- How to crush your song releases with a 10-step song release plan… plus a 14-step Pre-Release Checklist that takes the guesswork out of everything you need to do before you announce your next song.
- How to build a sales funnel called the “Fan Journey” to take your fans from stranger to customer no matter what you’re trying to sell them.
- The three areas of your music career that you are leaking money and why 80% of your income will be generated through products and NOT come from royalties.
- The 3 ways to grow your fanbase on Spotify and how to get on the most valuable Spotify Playlists where fans will drag your songs into their own playlists.
- How to build your music website the right way so that you can eliminate confusion and increase signups and sales.
- How to define your music brand so that listeners will understand who you are as a person and establish a life-long bond with your personality.
- Learn the true marketing goal behind every action you take on social media so that you build a fanbase that’s ready to buy from you.
Discover the most important link you will ever share so that you are collecting valuable “pixel data” for future Facebook Ads campaigns. - Learn how to run a professional live stream with equipment you already have at home to perform a virtual concert for your fans and sell digital tickets that create automatic income.
- Completely understand how music royalties are collected and how to pick the best music distributor that will earn you the most money in the long run.
- Structure your music storefront with the three types of music products you need for every type of fan.
- How to build something called a Fan Magnet™ that will literally grow your list of fans right before your eyes once you implement.
- How the Organic Social Media Algorithm works and the best way to establish reliable communication methods with your fanbase so you can notify them of new products and song releases.
Course Curriculum 🎓
Indie Basic Training 🥊
The first module you will receive is called “Indie Basic Training” and it’s designed to lay the structure and foundation of your music business correctly.
The goal is to give you incredible value straight out of the gate so you can see immediate improvement with everything you’re already doing. The training lasts for 5 days where every day you will receive roughly an hour of video content, checklists, and how-to guides on the 5 biggest areas of your music career.
Whether you’re a beginner, or have been a musician for 30+ years, you get brought up to speed, fast!
IBT 🥊 is great because it’s impossible for me to know your exact situation since we haven’t met yet — but through Indie Basic Training I can solve nearly every mindset, marketing and business problem that you will ever face as an artist.
But IBT 🥊 is just where your training begins.
Profitable Music Career 💵
The full title of this training is called How to Build a Profitable Music Career from Scratch and it is one of the most popular trainings at the Indie Music Academy—for a good reason:
It teaches you how to be financially independent as a creative musician. This means you stay in control of your business and financial goals so you never have to take a “bad deal” from a sketchy record label just to earn some extra cash.
Just think about it for a second. If tomorrow you were given a shout-out by Post Malone himself, would you have the business structures and the marketing knowledge to turn that exposure into a lasting career? Soon you will! You’ll learn information in a single weekend that took me 10 years to sort out!
The Fan Journey Formula 🧭
This is where we shift from learning business and marketing principles to introducing plug-and-play marketing strategies that I want you to literally steal from me and implement for your own music career.
That’s where the Fan Journey Formula comes in.
There is nothing more important than constructing a Fan Journey if you want your fans to listen, show up, and purchase from you time and time again. That’s why in this module, I will outline the entire Fan Journey Formula. I’ll even teach you how to research and sell your own products and use Facebook ads and Instagram swipe-up ads to build audience awareness towards your “fan funnel” that we will set up together.
The Song Launch Formula 🚀
Now we take everything taught in the previous modules and apply it to the single most important action in your music business—the release of a brand new song.
The 30 days leading up to your “Song Launch” are some of the most valuable moments for growth in your artist career. But how do you release it so people actually care? That’s where The Song Launch Formula comes in. You’ll get the most in-depth song release strategy anywhere on the internet including a 30 Day Song Launch Calendar so you’ll never get stuck wondering “what should I be doing today so I don’t fall behind.”
This will give you complete confidence over your music career, accelerate your growth and product sales, and (most importantly) combine your musical creativity and “marketing” into one fluid process so that your career growth is automatic.
Once you master this you can’t fail. I repeat—once implemented this is guaranteed to give you traction in your music career.
You might be thinking, “wow, this is a lot and this is going to take a TON of time.”
But actually the opposite is true!
Almost everything you need I will hand over to you fully finished. You just need to simply implement everything into you own ecosystem.
But I wanted to be extremely specific on exactly how I’m going to help you. It also is worth mentioning that I’ll be there for you along every step of your training to answer questions and clarify anything that is confusing. Below every video there is a chat box where you can directly communicate with me and the other students (see image below):
These Add-Ons are usually at least $97 per masterclass, but you’re going to get everything below included for free.
#1 The Music Copyright Masterclass
If protecting your music from intellectual theft is important to you (which it should be) you are going rejoice over this step-by-step video masterclass that walks you through how to copyright your songs using the United States Copyright Office online portal. This portal is extremely confusing without an expert guide, and what I’ve done is filmed videos for every type of copyright situation you might find yourself in—whether you need to copyright lyrics, melody, a recording, a cover song, even an instrumental, you now can have confidence that you music is protected the right way!
Next in the Indie Foundations Bundle…
#2 An In-Depth 2 Hour Branding Masterclass
At the end of this branding masterclass you’re going to have your brand strategy notebook (provided as a part of this training) completely filled with every nuance and detail of your new and improved artist brand. If you think your music brand is simply a logo or a website then you’re missing the mark. The transformation in this workbook + masterclass can’t be understated.
You will also get…
#3 The Music Royalty Map & Masterclass
Imagine there was a map that told you how collect every single music royalty and where to sign up. Thankfully now there is! In this no-frills “crash-course,” I explain comprehensively how music royalties work and everywhere you need to sign up to make sure you get what is owed to you. Whether you’re a Songwriter, Producer, Performing artist, or DJ, you’ll be able to follow the map and trace out your unique situation to know exactly what you need to do to collect.
But I want to bring even more clarity to your music. That’s why I’m adding…
#4 The Fan Journey™ Map & Masterclass
How do you turn Spotify streams, social media likes, and temporary “attention” into a thriving fanbase? The answer is simple: you need to take them on a Fan Journey. Using the provided Funnel Map, I will show you exactly how to build your own Fan Journey specifically for your fans plus you’ll get a 30 minute video masterclass, explaining how each “touchpoint” leads to subscribers and sales.
I want to be clear — you won’t pay a dime for any of these valuable masterclasses that make up the Indie Foundations Bundle ⚙️! Sound good? Awesome!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/