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Exploring the Essential Features of “SeoRockstars – 2023 Recordings“
—> We Got New A.I. Revalations, Plus New Break-Through SEO Tactics! <—
It Was ABSOLUTELY Incredible!
This year WAS a doozy! I combed the Internet and asked all my Connections who were the best SEOs that are already using AI-driven strategies, innovative tools, and cutting-edge techniques. And what I found has blown my mind!
You see, I pride myself on seeking out the “underground ninjas” that are out there doing some really amazing things but don’t leave their caves much. I love luring them out and having them share all of their goodies. And this year was no exception.
SEORockstars is Known For
The Speakers “No Holds Back Sharing!”
What they showed us will soon reshape the SEO landscape. And I’m not just talking about AI writing content. Oh No! There is much more going on and if you see what we SAW, you WILL be left behind. But that’s ok, we need ditch diggers too. 😉
This was a 3-Day Advanced SEO Event that was just SO INCREDIBLE, when you watch the recordings, you will understand my OMG!!
Dori Friend
Founder, SEORockstars
I mean, they REALLY did and I guarantee, there multile knowledge bombs that you can take all the way to the SEO piggy bank from EACH SPEAKER!
Dori Friend
Link Specialist & Your Host
Clint Butler
SEO Brainiac & Co-Host
Patric Shannon
Founder, LeadSnap
Manick Bhan
CTO & Founder, LinkGraph
Michai Suski
Founder, SurferSEO
Charles Taylor
SEO Lead, FOX News
Molly Mahoney
AI with Social Media
DC Glenn
SEO Maverick & Rapping Legend
Brian Kato
SEO Whizard
Adam Chronister
Founder – Enleaf
Ori Bengal
A.I. Media Specialistl
Terry Samuels
SEO and AI Frontiersman
Ted Kubaitis
The Correlation Master
Lisa Parziale
Closing the Big Deals Leader
Honey Witcher
SEO/Co-Founder – Witcher Consulting
Lee Witcher
Founder – Tested SEO Training
Terry Power
All Around SEO and AI Expert
Michael Merlino
Co Founder – Better Map Rankings
John Limbocker
The SEO Godfather Himself
Dan Kurtz
Lead SEO Dan Kurtz
Bruno Souza
Founder – Black Swan Media
Eean Ovens
Founder, AgencyAssasin
Michal Suski
From AI to Authority: Why Al-Generated Content Isn’t Created Equal
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: I”ll address the major challenges of generative AI: taking control of the output, the absence of real-time data, substandard generative engines, and hunch-based topic selection. Join me to learn how to identify pitfalls before they become problems. You’ll learn how to leverage AI content to enhance your topical authority effectively and scale up content. Together, we will explore the roadmap to revolutionizing your content strategy using AI.
• 3 Ingridients for Optimization
• He gave us a Full Strategy Guide plus SAFE AI Software
• Tips of Safe AI Softwar
• Dont get caught scaling crappy AI Articles
• Clustering Keywords
John Limbocker
Beyond Old School SEO, Welcome to the New World
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Automated AI Search Signal Software that trains all search ai which pushes you to the top. I also have a new AI SEO software that generates leads from people that have run search and consumed content based on any set of keywords. This software can generate the search leads for under 2 bucks each and include name address phone and email.
How to navigate the landscape of AI SEO in the new world and how to stay out of trouble. (From someone who has been doing commercial SEO since the mid 90’s without even having a clients site banned)
• The biggest threat to your online reputation and how to prevent Ai from destroying your credibility
• How to create Effective SEO Content that ranks. (And keeps you out of trouble)
• Secret AI method for getting the absolute best unique high powered incoming authoritative links.
• John’s big business reveal, You Will Not Believe it!
• What AI Threats to your reputation to avoid
• AI Rating user experience – Search Signals
• 20k Prompts
• $1.99 Leads
Brian Kato
Transformative Link Building For #1 Rankings on Google
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Link building doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, many people often over complicate the link building process. In this presentation, I’ll go over a variety of link building techniques that range from white to grey, to dark-greyish, to black hat link building methods.
• Silver Platter EAV (Entity Attribute Value) Spreadsheet
• Literally Done for You Download
Terry Power
Creating An AI Answer Bot That Will Save You Time & Money and Dazzle Your Customers
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: See how Terry entered all the SIA’s tests into an “Answer AI Bot,” so it can answer any SEO questions getting data from verified test results. You’ll learn how to prepare your tools to do your work for you, saving you time and helping your visitors. You’ll also see how Terry trained an AI to help people learn Basic SEO.
• Secret Software “Answer Bots”
• How to Make Anything Complicated Look Easy
Patrick Shannon
Putting More Money In For Every Dollar Spent
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: How stacking pipelines can solve your agency problems
• Gives pathway to 7 figure bussiness
• Train/Pass Off -> Learn & Discover -> Excellence-> KPIs
Dan Kurtz
Finding and Closing Those Leads That “Didn’t” Convert!
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: “We all know that SEO is the best way to generate traffic, but how do you identify, nurture, follow up, and close the visitors that DIDN’T convert? Dan will be talking through the finer points of identity graphs, identity resolution, and closing more deals on the sales side of the business.
• Expert ChatGPT Prompts
• Prompting is Everything.
Adam Chronister
Unleashing AI Potential: Mastering Prompt Hijacking, Stacking, and Automation
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: This presentation delves into Adam’s use of Prompt Hijacking to acquire thousands of preexisting prompts. Adam will discuss how this technique has made him a more proficient prompt engineer. Furthermore, Adam explores how his agency leverages prompt stacking and automation to expedite various tasks, including topical authority keyword research, content development, and even non-SEO marketing activities, such as automated branding style guides
• Prompt Hijacking, Stacking and Automation
• EXACT Steps to Create a Brand Story using Chatgpt
• How To Use Prompting Tools
Eean Ovens
How Google Filters Traffic on Google Maps
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: In this presentation we review multiple case studies of traffic manipulation on google maps and show real world results of these campaigns. Learn how Google will filter your search traffic and how to get around it.
• Snippets Coming soon
Lee Witcher
SEO Superstar Tester Keeps Us In Suspense
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Lee always delivers those aspects of SEO that we just don’t think about and we should! He will sure to knock your socks off with his latest presentation like he always does. Be prepared to be SHOCKED!
• Big Brian Ideas
• Where to be with AI
Manick Bhan
Earn Thousands of New Keyword Rankings & Drastically Increase Organic Traffic
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Unlock the Power of Semantic SEO: How to Build Topical Maps with AI. Semantic SEO is a powerful strategy that can be used to earn thousands of new keyword rankings and drastically increase organic traffic. In this session, you’ll learn what semantic SEO is and how to build topical maps in your website’s primary topic areas. Then, learn how to use AI tools to create meaningful content that answers users’ questions and meets their true search intent. This session will provide how-to guidance and actionable strategies from start to finish, preparing you to execute semantic SEO the moment the session is complete.
• How To Publish 500 Articles a Week
• Complete Content Engineering Guide
Charles Taylor
Site Migrations & SEO: It Doesn’t Have to be Scary
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: My goal is to help you go from having a bad migration to a great migration! A migration can often spell disaster to a website’s organic traffic: whether you are simply editing a single page URL, changing your CMS completely or moving the entire site from one domain to another; but it doesn’t have to be this way.
In this presentation you will learn how your SEO can not only survive a migration but prosper afterwards. You will discover the steps you must take in the lead-up to a migration, the exact strategy I have used to successfully migrate multiple large websites and the processes to use afterwards to keep the growth coming. Migrations not only don’t have to be scary but can and should lead to better search engine rankings, increased traffic, improved user experience, and ultimately, better business outcomes. It’s a critical process that, when done right, can set your website up for long-term success in the digital landscape.
• Complete SOP for Site Migrations
• (This one video could stand alone as an entire course)
Lisa Parziale
Harnessing AI to Automate & Systematize: How to Land More Customers, Reduce Expenses & Increase Profits
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: In this session, Lisa is going to share her AI secrets and teach you how to replace labor, process and systems with AI and automation. You’ll walk away with a clear path to build business, retain customers and get more done. And, Lisa is even going to give you a free template she uses to onboard customers automatically.
• Using AI to Cut Spending
• Exact steps to cut $200 spend to $20 for 40 Articles
Molly Mahone
Ai Authority: Create a Month of High Converting Content in about an Hour so it can Stand Out online.
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: The world of content creation has changed dramatically with the introduction of Ai technology. And, Molly Mahoney has been teaching Ai strategies since 2021, well before ChatGPT hit the scene! While it has made creating content faster and more cost-effective, it can be easy to lose sight of our human connection, which can actually prevent our business growth.
The key to being known as a true authority in your space is to strike a balance between AI and human creativity to ensure that our content resonates with real people. Using AI technology as a tool, we can streamline the content creation process and create a month’s worth of high-converting content in about an hour. For this content to really stand out, we must infuse it with human emotion, perspective and storytelling to make it authentic, relatable and engaging. By incorporating these elements into our content, we can create a connection with our audience that leads to conversions and a real impact.
Come see the secret AI Content Creation System Molly has been using since 2021 and gain HOURS back in your day.
• Let Your Freak Flag Fly
• ***This is tied for the Video Most Attendees said they needed to REwatch!
Honey Witcher
SEO AI – The Last 30 Days. Find Out What AI Inventions Are Tantalizing The Industry
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: AI has certainly changed the landscape of SEO, but it changes so fast it’s hard to keep up with. Listen to Honey as she tells us what’s happened in SEO AI in just the last 30 days. From prompts to automation, it’s going at the speed of light.
• Last 30 Days of AI Progress
• The Truth About AI Detection, WOW
Bruno Souza
How to use AI & Automation Systems to Make Millions With Low Stress Local SEO Rev Shares
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: In this presentation I will be doing a deep dive into how to make the switch from agency clients to setting up rev shares with enterprise level brands. This presentation will cover the step by step sales process, automations, and SOPs.
• You Too Can Fuck Around in Europe for 8 Months.
• Hint: It has nothing to do with H1 tags or Semantic SEO.
DC Glenn
Mixing Beats with Bytes: An Unconventional Approach to SEO and AI
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: DC Glenn’s much-anticipated presentation promises to offer an imaginative perspective. It will display gratitude for the impact SEO and AI have had on his life, 35-year music career, and digital marketing aspirations. He will share anecdotal stories of how he has implemented and mastered new and innovative techniques to get ahead in simple, practical ways. We’re all on this learning journey together, and Glenn hopes that his experiences in this extraordinary life adventure can be of service to you. His intention is to contribute to the tapestry of your experiences on the road to achieving your ambitions, chasing your dreams, and reaching your goals. Whoomp There It Is! Sprinkles!!
• How to Claim Your Own IMDB
• Steps on how to Get a Wikipedia page
Terry Samuels
How To Get The MOST Amazing Client Content From ChatGTP
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Think that the content you get from ChatGTP is boring and/or basic? Think again! Learn how Terry’s personalizes ChatGPT for clients to get far from boring or basic content, but instead getting highly accurate and compelling content for EVERYTHING needed for a project.
• Storyboard Creation
• Guide to AI Content Plan
Ori Bengal
Boost your SEO Score with Original Images With Ease & Confidence!
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Using stock images by definition means that you are using Duplicate Content (which hurts your scores). In this presentation you will learn how to nearly instantly create images that will boost your ratings, make your content more engaging, and will have a little extra SEO seasoning inside.
• Watermark Free iStock Photos
• AI Imaging Tips and Tricks
Dori Friend
Where 80% of Page-One Rankers Get Most of This Easy Link Juice
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Dori is going to tell you what she’s learned from an ongoing research project to find where people are getting their link juice to rank. You will be SHOCKED to learn where 8 out of 10 high rankers get it and YOU can too!
• Test Results on Links
• Linking Guide
Michael Merlino
How To Dominate Your Local Listings And Make Clients Kneel At Your Feet For It
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Michael was last years SEORockstars “Best Speaker” and he’s out to retain his title with his recent stratigies to use Referral Traffic + Manipulated URLS to push GMB rankings lightening fast.
• Ways to send referral traffic for ranking boosts
• Complete step-by-step guide
Ted Kubiatis
SEO’s Top 10 Deadliest Secrets: Ten Deadly Tactics to Get You to The Top!
PRESENTATION DESCRIPTION: Ten deadly tactics to help you get to the top! Tactical gold for moving the needle in SEO from one of SEO’s most innovative thinkers.
• Rank a site in 3 weeks
• Infinate SEO leads
• How to rank for hundreds of keywords
GET THE REAL STUFF From Our Independent Speakers
- Do NOT Listen To Google (They’re Lying)
- Do NOT Listen To Google’s Gurus! (They’re Teaching You Stuff that’s NOT TRUE!)
~ The Caliber of Our Presenters Cannot Be Overstated. ~
This was put on by the founders of the SEOIntelligence Agency, so you know you are going to get the LATEST scope on what is working and what is not.
And because of that, I chose Speakers whose SEO practices and the SEO information they give out correlate with our tests findings. We have done well over 700 tests so we know when someone is bullshitting or not.
The Recordings of the Speakers Presentations are full of information that is:
• Leading edge facts, not skimpy theory based on myths
• Tested and proven to work
• Strategies that others don’t talk about
• SEO you can take to the bank
The information given by the speakers was absolutely spectacular. So spectacular, I’m incorporating things that I’ve learned into my On-Page and LINKS!! It was a really, really great conference and you will NOT be disapointed with these recordings!
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