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Exploring the Essential Features of “Shopify Dropshipping Ninja Masterclass – Kevin David”
Shopify Dropshipping Ninja Masterclass by Kevin David
Will you kill it at dropshipping once you’ve become a Shopify Ninja?
That’s what Kevin David suggests with this Ninja Masterclass. In this review of the Shopify Dropshipping Ninja Masterclass, I aim to answer that question for you…
Introduction to Kevin
Kevin is an online entrepreneur who claims to have built several successful 6 and 7 figure e-commerce stores.
In one of his promotional videos, he claims to have taken a Shopify store from $0 to $1 073 775 in revenue in 87 days! That’s amazing!
A word of warning though. It all looks impressive when you see the photos of Kevin posing with all his different supercars, and getting awards, and making millions.
Most his money comes from the courses he sells. The awards come from the courses, not his Shopify Stores.
On his official site he also has the following banner:
This doesn’t mean he was featured on these sites or that articles were written about him. Instead he has paid for being mentioned in certain articles.
You are basically seeing ads – so don’t get fooled thinking these publications endorse or legitimize him in any way or fashion. This is clever advertising, nothing more. (Nothing wrong with it, I’m just pointing it out…)
From the Yahoo! Finance article (which is the only article about him), an interesting fact jumped out at me: “After teaching over 509,547 people learn how to make money online and helping 2,376 people to quit their jobs to make money online full time, Kevin David is one of the most successful ”digital course” teachers in the world today.”
Already, you have a clear warning about dropshipping, right there in that statement…
Did you see it?
Don’t think you’re going to quit your day job anytime soon…
According to that statement, only 0,46% of people who have completed Kevin’s courses are working full time online…
Take a minute to let that sink in. These are facts from Kevin himself. 509 547 have done is courses and only 2 376 of them could quit their jobs. It’s simple maths baby…
0,46% is not a pass rate in anyone’s books. But does that mean his courses are bad? Or does it simply mean that making money online is not as easy as everyone is making it out to be?
Both are questions that you should be asking, before you even consider jumping on board the dropshipping yacht to island beaches and mai tais…
Anyway, that’s the dream they’re selling… Let’s see if you’re convinced after my reviews on dropshipping AND reading my own, real-life dropshipping case study where I made nearly $48k in one month!
What to Expect in this Course
Probably due to its price, Shopify Ninja Masterclass is a very popular dropshipping course. As mentioned above, Kevin has apparently had over half a million students to date. Based on this alone, he should have something to say.
The course is broken down into 5 main modules and two supplementary/bonus modules. Each module has its own videos and additional content in the form of documents.
This is what Shopify Ninja claims to offer you:
Kevin certainly has some strong selling points.
Who wouldn’t want a Shopify store that not only attracts new customers, but retains old ones as well?
Let’s see if the course delivers on these promises!
The Shopify Ninja Masterclass Course Breakdown
This course contains 7 different sections, each with it’s own videos and additional resources.
The Shopify Ninja course by Kevin Daivd is broken down into five main sections, each with its own modules. They are:
- Module 1 – Finding Hugely Profitable Products to Dropship on Shopify
- Module 2 – World Class Dropshipping Suppliers
- Module 3 – Shopify Store Optimization
- Module 4 – Marketing Explosion
- Module 5 – Scaling and Expansion
Total number of course videos: 68 Total video time: 15 hours and 45 minutes
Module 1 – Finding Hugely Profitable Products to Dropship on Shopify
Module 1 contains 13 videos with a total length of 3 hours and 49 minutes and additional document resources.
This is the longest module in the course and Kevin does a good job of showing you how to find products for your store.
To his credit, Kevin shows you several innovative ways to find trending products. Overall however, it’s a bit hit and miss. All of these tips are unique to this course, BUT some of them are fails in my opinion. Read the full Module 1 Review (click the button below), for an explanation.
Moving on – once you’ve found your possible winning/trending products, Kevin shows you how to vet the suppliers and find the best possible ones to work with.
Additional resources include supplementary links documents, a Profit Spreadsheet template and 3 documents.
Despite it being the longest module in the course and having additional documents, the content is not comprehensive and lacks detail when you compare it to other dropshipping courses.
Module 2 – World Class Dropshipping Suppliers
Module 2 contains 5 videos with a total length of 43 minutes and an additional two documents.
This is not a very long module, so you could be forgiven for thinking that this module is also on the thin side. In contrast to module 1 though, you don’t need much more in finding the right suppliers.
Kevin does a decent job of showing you how to find a good supplier without over-complicating matters.
This part of the course is not rocket science. Every drop shipping course follows the same basic steps and methods to find suppliers. If you follow Kevin’s suggestions, you’ll be fine, as all the other courses don’t teach much more than this.
Additional resources include supplementary documents, that will help you with finding suppliers.
Module 3 – Shopify Store Optimization
Module 3 contains 15 videos with a total length of 2 hours and 41 minutes and a single .pdf document.
In this module, Kevin finally gets to setting up your Shopify store (unlike other courses where it is the first thing that you learn).
If not for the course notes, most beginners would continuously pause and rewind. Kevin rushes through the setup assuming that you know what you’re doing/have done this before. Beginner dropshippers, beware…
Once again, the content is lacking when compared to other courses. Kevin does cover most of it though, and you will be up and running with no problems if you follow his advice.
There’s nothing that stands out really as the Shopify Setup is pretty much the standard course content you can expect from most Shopify Setup Sections of a dropshipping course.
Module 4 – Marketing Explosion
Section 4 contains 13 videos with a total length of 2 hours and 57 minutes and a module summary .pdf document.
Kevin goes through the basics of FB Marketing and even offers some handy tips.
He covers all the basics:
- Setting up your FB Ad Account
- Creating Custom and Lookalike Audiences
- Interpreting FB Pixel data and how to use it
- Marketing objectives, focusing on Post Engagement, Traffic and Conversions
- Precise “Lazer” Targeting
- Good ad layout and typography
- How to get Social Proof (good tips)
- Re-targeting
- When to Pause or Scale a campaign
- Influencers
- Email marketing
- Cross Platform Targeting
Module 4 also contains a very useful .pdf document with some background theory and steps to follow in starting your ad campaign on FB.
Most of the content is good, BUT it lacks one major component…
Kevin does NOT cover Facebook Bidding.
To me, that is a huge omission. Ad campaigns are made or smashed to bits, depending on their Bidding Strategies…
Module 5 – Scaling and Expansion
Module 5 contains a total of 13 videos with a total length of 1 hours and 32 minutes.
This module is for the dropshipper who is slightly further along his path to dropship nirvana. Kevin suggests you only work through this module once you’re earning at least $100 per day from your store.
Kevin urges you to use Google Analytics and FB Business Manager, specifically the Audience Overview Report Tool to analyze data. You can only use these tools once there is enough data, so these methods will not work for beginners.
Kevin also shows you how to use your FB Pixel to create Lookalike Audiences, and Conversion Campaigns.
Kevin then suggests VAs for certain tasks, how to use two separate apps to increase conversions and how to advertise on Snapchat.
Bonus Section
The Bonus Section contains 3 videos with a total length of 56 minutes, including 4 supplementary documents.
Kevin starts the bonus section off by providing you with a huge list of potential niches. You have to do your homework though, and not just take his word for it.
Kevin also shows you how to use a Shopify app to add value to your store by offering Print-on-Demand T-shirts.
Kevin then also adds a Done-for-You clickfunnel to help boost your sales and walks you through the setup.
All in all, this is not a bad Bonus Section and actually contains content that hasn’t been covered in the course thus far.
Shopify Ninja Masterclass Mini Course!
This bonus module contains 6 videos with a total length of 1 hour and 4 minutes.
There’s not much to say about this module.
I can tell you what it is NOT:
- It is NOT a summary of the course, condensed into just over an hour.
- This is NOT meant for people who want to get started straight away without working through the entire course. It’s NOT a shortcut to get you going in the shortest amount of time.
- This module is also NOT to be used as a checklist to make sure you’ve covered the basics.
- And it most certainly does NOT teach you anything new.
Why is it included then, you ask..?
Beats me…I honestly don’t see a point to this section.
Is it a worthwhile course?
Kevin is definitely passionate about dropshipping. His ability to think outside of the box and suggest methods that other courses haven’t, is a clear indication of this. BUT – he falls short in the details.
Other dropshipping courses are MUCH more detailed and if you’re like me, then you’ll agree that the more information you have at hand, the better you’ll be at applying it. I like to know as much as possible about something, not just the bare necessities. ESPECIALLY when it comes to business and making money.
So as an introduction to dropshipping, Kevin’s Shopify Ninja Masterclass is great to get you going (if you don’t mind his fast pace). But if you want to know more about the ins-and-outs of dropshipping, then you will end up making another investment in yet another course to boost your knowledge.
Review Conclusion
Kevin made a couple of lofty promises when advertising the course. Let’s see if it ticked the boxes:
- He said he will teach you the 97% rule. The rule was mentioned once (somewhere, very briefly) and it’s a pretty obvious one that all the dropshipping courses use. Nothing new there.
- The course does deliver on the setting up side – but not where it claimed to show you the setup of ALL the Shopify settings. Kevin focused on a handful…
- Kevin made good on his promise to show you niches. In fact, he shows you over a hundred. Whether they are all “highly profitable” is the question…
- How to target irrational buyers..? You get taught how to precisely target audiences, but are they irrational? Not sure. How would you really know..?
- Driving buyer-ready customers to your site? Probably. But it’s the same tools and methods as everyone else is using, so nothing new…
So, in conclusion it is a good course to get your foot in the dropshipping door. It is not the be-all and end-all of courses (not by far), and in my opinion, does not deliver on all the promises made in the sales pitches. Kevin certainly shares some unique tips, but it’s not enough to boost this course to the Top 3…
What I like:
- If you have a bit of dropshipping knowledge, and you like to hit the ground running, then this is the course for you
- Some very unique, out-of-the-box methods that no other course suggests (or even mentions)
- Not a boring “technical” course
What I didn’t like:
- Content is lacking in some respects. It is not as comprehensive as most of the other courses out there.
- Might be too fast-paced for beginners
- No FB Bidding strategy
- Not the best online business model in 2020
Drop shipping. Yay or nay?
Dropshipping has been around in some form or another for a good few years now. Some say it officially started to gain popularity in 2012 and it was known for making millionaires within a short space of time.
But that was then. You don’t hear of new dropshipping millionaires anymore. That is maybe the best indication of whether you can still make it big at dropshipping or not.
And then there’s the Increased Competition.
And the rising costs of Social Media Ads…
And despite what the dropshipping gurus tell you, there are Fulfillment Issues as well.
And the Chinese products advertised are not always of the Quality you would expect…
Don’t get me wrong. You can still make some money off it. You might even be able to make a living out of it – but it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance, a lot of acquired skills AND a bit of luck to enjoy some semblance of success.
I’ve had a few 6 figure dropshipping stores. The problem was, they needed CONSTANT attention and tweaking to stay competitive and even then, sales were too erratic. And no one tells you how big your marketing budget can get and how big a chunk of your profits it eats up… (Check out my Dropshipping Case Study for more detail. Yes, I did mention it earlier, but there’s a reason I keep referring you to it…)
But don’t take my word for it. Do some research and I’m pretty sure you’ll eventually come to the same conclusion I did, hopefully without spending thousands of dollars and wasting countless hours of your life…
If not dropshipping, then what else?
- Limited niches, only trending products.
- You become successful through branding & LOTS of advertising. That takes TIME & MONEY.
- Low barrier to entry + anyone can copy/clone your ENTIRE store.
- Very low profit margins, usually 10%. (Between 5% to 15%).
- No Control – Returns, refunds, accounts get frozen.
- No Passivity – Business model requires lots of maintenance.
Lead Generation
- New opportunity in every zipcode. The low-hanging fruit are endless…
- Affordable to Start (few hundred dollars) & NO advertising budget involved.
- Requires skills to rank on Google. Not everyone can copy your success.
- Few overheads + high profit. Margin of up to 90% once ranked.
- Complete Control – ALL your local lead gen sites are YOURS. You own them, no one else.
- Passive once ranked – Recurring income EVERY MONTH.
Do a bit of research on Google and you’ll actually be surprised how many online business opportunities there really are.
So I obviously can’t lay claim to having tried them all. But I have tried several business models and there is only one that stands out in 2020.
My number one online business solution is Lead Generation.
Because lead gen creates a passive income!
Look at the example below. I’ve been receiving money from this lead gen website, on a monthly basis for years now…
Unless you have the capital to invest in something (whether it is property giving you rent, or an investment that earns you interest), most of us are unable to enjoy the spoils of a passive income.
Lead gen however, offers you the opportunity to create a passive income stream by using your skill set to add value to other businesses.
Think of it this way: you are a virtual landlord renting out property to business owners. Property that YOU created and YOU control. This means you even have the freedom to choose your “tenants”!
In short, lead gen works like this: you build a website, use Google to organically rank #1 on searches, and then refer the leads you get to local businesses. They in turn pay you a monthly flat fee, or a fee based on every lead your site refers to them.
The great thing about lead gen: this business model is truly 100% automated once you’ve ranked your site. Then you either move on to the next one, or sit back and see how the money comes in. Your choice.
But don’t think it’s a get-rich-quick scheme. You need to put the effort in to reap the rewards. You might not become a millionaire through lead gen, but you can most certainly quit your job and make a decent (and honest) living this way.
Thanks to lead gen, I am living the true laptop lifestyle…
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/