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Exploring the Essential Features of “Step-by-Step Digital Dentures”
Are you confused? Digital Dentures? Are you a dental technician or lab technician who is interested in digital technology to create full-arch removable restorations. You have spoken with sales reps from 3D printing companies about the costs of printing in your practice/lab.
This course will cover the latest technology and systems that you, your lab assistants, or your laboratory need to know about 3D printing. It will also answer any digital questions and address any concerns. The course covers everything from the basics to advanced methods such as intraoral and optical scanning, clinical workflows and 3D printing techniques. UNLV School of Dental Medicine offers continuing education credits of up to 23 hours.
This course uses learning skills and educational content that’s 10% projection slides and 90% video-based education. Simulated learning is our main focus. “LIVE” Videos that demonstrate how to use scanners and printers. Files STL files will be given to you so that you can follow the demonstrations.
To ensure that you receive the best education, this course has been divided into 5 sections.
Section I: Fundamentals of 3D Dentistry & Optical Scanning
Digital dentistry basics, including how to include affordable intraoral scanning techniques. Also, a comparison of the different scanners currently available.
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These topics include:
Historical Overview of 3D Dentistry
Market Scanners – A Review
Cost Analysis
Scanner accuracy
Analyzing Workflows
Intraoral Scanning in Clinical Practice: Strategies
Clinical Examples of Scanners
Section II: How to Get Started Digital Dentures
This section will focus on the background and basics of digital denture technology, techniques, multiple methods for constructing digital dentures, software options and the essentials to working with digital files.
These topics include:
Differences Between Digital Conventional Dentures
Software Options Digital Dentures Pros & Cons: Exocad 3Shape Blue Sky Bio Dental Wings
Working with Pink GUM tissues and Stains & Glazes
Get and install free software Digital Dentures
Use Laboratory Software to Receive Files From Doctors
Section III: 3D printing and Digital Dentures
An in-depth explanation and discussion of 3D printing, including how it can help with clinical and laboratory procedures.
These topics include:
Background and Introduction to 3D Printing
Tips & Tricks Working with 3D Printing Resins
Introduction to the Moonray 3D Printer
Review of Post-Processing Techniques
Introduction to the NextDent / 3D Systems 3D Printer 5100
The 5100 3D printer is now available!
Section IV: Immediate Denture Workflows
This section will help you get started with digital dentures. This section covers the basics of using optical scanners to scan immediate dentures, scanning strategies and working with STL files. Next, we will take a case and create it using several methods: monolithic, pink-colored dentures, two-piece archform, staining and glazing techniques, as well as how to finish the cases for stunning results.
These topics include:
Clinic Techniques for Immediate Relief Digital Dentures
Working with optical scans
Blue Sky Plan Software for Design Dentures
Exocad to Design Monolithic Dentures
3Shape Apps for Making Arch-Form Dentures
Create Post-Palatal Seals
Printing, Removing supports, Cleaning Dentures
UV Curing Techniques
Finishing and Gluing Digital Instant Dentures
Section V: 3D printed predictions Digital Dentures
Digital Dentures It’s a lot of fun! This section will explain how to integrate traditional and digital methods into your digital denture workflow. By using stone casts or intraoral scanner technology, clinicians and laboratories can quickly combine optical scans to create predictable dentures.
These topics include:
Traditional vs. Digital Denture Workflows
Lab scanning techniques
Multiple files can be aligned using Exocad and MeshLab software
Digital dentures are simple and predictable. You can print your teeth in an arched shape in tooth-colored resins, or bases with pink resins.
UV Curing, cleaning up dentures, and staining & glazing
Step-by step instructions for Gluing and Finishing
Continuing Education Credits offered by:
This activity has been planned in accordance with Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval to Continuing Education (PACE) via the joint program provider approval of UNLV School of Dental Medicine & Dr. Scherer. UNLV School of Dental Medicine has been approved to award FAGD/MAGD credits. AGD Pace Provider 213111. Nationally Approved from 6/1/2017 to 5/31/2021
UNLV School of Dental Medicine has been approved by the ADA CERP. ADA CERP is a service provided by the American Dental Association that assists dental professionals in identifying high-quality providers of continuing education. ADA CERP is not an endorsement of any individual course or instructor and does not imply the acceptance of credit hours by dental boards.
Course Curriculum
Introduction to the Course
Introduction to Course & Background (5:43)
Section I – Fundamentals of 3D Dentistry & Optical Scanning
Chapter 1: Why Digital? (20:45)
Chapter 2: Traditional and Modern Digital Workflows (14.46)
Chapter 3: Intraoral scanning: Scanner Systems and Techniques, Accuracy, and Scanning Workflows (34.26).
Chapter 4: Intraoral scanning with the 3M TrueDefinition Scanner (7:53).
Chapter 5: Laboratory scanning with the 3M TrueDefinition Scanner (6:15).
Chapter 6: Intraoral Scanning With the 3Shape TriOS Scanner (10.17)
Chapter 7: Laboratory Scanning using the 3Shape TRIOS scanner (6:56).
Chapter 8: Scanning using the Medit i500 scanner (14:17).
Chapter 9: Laboratory Scanning using the Medit i500 scanner (11:45).
Chapter 10: Implementing Optical Scanning: Economic Reality & Strategies for Success (42:45)
Chapter 11: UNLV Self-Assessment Section I
Section II – Digital Dentures, Getting ed & Essentials
Chapter 1: Understanding Differences Between Conventional And Artificial Hair Digital Workflows (32.39)
Chapter 2: How To Get ed With Digital Dentures (17:13)
Chapter 3: Software Options and Review Digital Dentures (21:35)
Chapter 4 Digital Denture Design Concepts Explained (28.37).
Chapter 5: Adding NextDent Materials to 3Shape Software (DME Files).
Chapter 6: Introduction To Working With Stains and Glazes (15:38).
Chapter 7: Understanding UV Curing Digital Dentures (2:20)
Chapter 8: Downloading STL files from 3M TrueDefinition scanner (3:46).
Chapter 9: Downloading STL Files From 3Shape TriOS Scanner (2.48)
Chapter 10: Downloading STL Files From the Medit i500 Scanner (2:03).
Chapter 11: Receiving Scans in the Dental Laboratory & Working with 3Shape Inbox (7:43)
Chapter 12: Downloading & Installing Meshmixer (6.19)
Chapter 13: Downloading MeshLab (1.45)
Chapter 14: Opening STL Files & Basic Software Operation (15.52)
Chapter 15: UNLV Self Assessment
Section III – 3D Printing and its Roleamp; Digital Dentures
Chapter 1: Introduction 3D Printing: What Is a 3D Printer? How Does It Work? (43:37)
Chapter 2: NextDent Resins Tips and Tricks (5:45).
Chapter 3: Printing Basics using the Moonray 3D printer (16:18).
Chapter 4: Finishing and Post-Processing Techniques for Moonray 3D Printers (14.19)
Chapter 5: Printing Basics using the 3D Systems/NextDent5100 3D Printer (27.23)
Chapter 6: Post-Processing & Finishing Techniques With 3D Systems/NextDent 5100 Printers (18.32).
Chapter 7: UNLV Self Assessment
Section IV – Immediate Denture Workflows
Chapter 1 Digital Instant Dentures and Clinical/Laboratory Technologies (11:00)
Chapter 2: Intraoral scanning strategies for immediate Dentures (9:57)
Chapter 3: Exporting Optical Scans From the Intraoral Sccanner (1.41)
Chapter 4: How to Use Meshmixer Digitally Extract Teeth, and Create STL Files (16.56)
Chapter 5: Designing a Monolithic Immediate denture with Blue Sky Plan (63.19)
Chapter 6: Designing an Immediate Monolithic Denture With Exocad (82.05)
Chapter 7: 3Shape is used to plan an Arch-Form Immediate Dentalture (67.22).
Chapter 8: Modifying 3Shape to Convert an ArchForm Denture Into a Monolithic denture (5:52).
Chapter 9: Adding an Post-Palatal Seal Digital Dentures (6:48)
Chapter 10: 3D Printing a Monolithic Immediate denture using the Moonray 3D Printer (6.29)
Chapter 11: Removing Printed Dentures from the Build Platform. Washing (2.57).
Chapter 12: UV Curing. Remove Supports. Cutback. Staining. Glazing Monolithic Dentures (33:52).
Chapter 13: Applying pink gum tissue to the monolithic denture (33.29)
Chapter 14: 3D Printing an ArchForm Immediate Denture using the Moonray 3D Printer (17.37)
Chapter 15: Removing Supports and Polishing, Staining and Glazing the Moonray Ar-Form Immediate denture (28.47).
Chapter 16: Gluing the Moonray Ar-Form Immediate denture (13.43).
Chapter 17: 3D Printing an Arch Form Immediate denture using the NextDent5100 3D Printer (46.44)
Chapter 18: UV Curing and Removing Supports. Polishing, Staining and Glazing NextDent ArchForm Immediate denture (26.56).
Chapter 19: Gluing the Arch Form Immediate denture (16:02).
Chapter 20: Clinical Case Demonstration (2.19)
Chapter 21: UNLV Self-Assessment
Section V – 3D printed predictions Digital Dentures
Chapter 1: Incorporating Digital Denture Workflows Overview (12:05)
Chapter 2: Standardization and Laboratory Scanning Dentures Optical scanners (14.36)
Chapter 3: Using MeshLab (13.57)
Chapter 4: Using exocad to align multiple optical scans and build models (20:49).
Chapter 5: Using 3Shape Dental System & Removable Module to Plan an Arch Form Denture (66:53)
Chapter 6: Exocad for Planning an Arch Form Digital Denture (126:17)
Chapter 7: 3D Printing an Arch Form Denture Using the NextDent 3D Printer (5100) (42.02)
Chapter 8: UV Curing. Removing Supports. Glazing the NextDent Arch Form Denture (43.27).
Chapter 9: Gluing, Finishing and Cleaning the Arch-Form Denture (35.21)
Chapter 10: Clinical case demonstration (6:25).
Chapter 11: UNLV Self Assessment
Course Completion & CE Credits
Course Completion & CE Credits (2:19)
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