*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Stone River Elearning – Hibernate Object/Relational Mapping (ORM)”
0. Proof.pdf
1. Introduction to persistence.ts
1.1 6. Objectrelational mapping (ORM) Hibernate- Learn Popular Java Tool.zip
2. NOSQL.ts
3. Relational databases.ts
4. Introduction to object relational mapping.docx
5. Introduction to (ORM) Tools.docx
6. Entities.ts
7. Handling entities.ts
8. Introduction to Hibernate.docx
9. Configuration and Object Architecture.ts
10. Mapping.mp4
11. CRUD.mp4
12. Mapping relations by using XML.ts
13. Mapping relations by using XML.ts
14. Mapping relations by using XML.ts 14
15. Mapping relations by using annotation.ts
16. Mapping relations by using annotation.ts
17. Mapping relations by using annotation.ts
18. HQL.ts
19. 15. Lazy Loading.docx
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