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Exploring the Essential Features of “The Dopamine Texting Program“
The Dopamine Texting Program
Start Booking 1-2 Dates Per Day From Your Inbox
- Texts She Can’t Ignore
- The 9 Types of Women
- Dopamine Texting Method
- ​The Flake Test
- Lock Screen Texts
- Becoming Rejection & Flake-Proof
What’s Inside The Program
- DOPAMINE SPEEDRUN: A crash course, plug and play walkthrough to start booking dates tonight with dopamine texting
- A detailed, recipe-like way to instantly trigger insane chemistry with any woman
- THE LOCK SCREEN TEXT: Forces her to respond to your message
- How to patch up holes in your text game FOR GOOD, a rock-solid funnel that brings 3-5 dates per week
- A powerful tool to tell when a woman is crossing boundaries or disrespecting your time.
- 3 insane hacks that get girls double texting you
- The hidden system women use to screen men and how you can STEAL it for yourself.
- A psychological secret you can use to guarantee she replies quickly
- Texts That Send Men to THE FRIENDZONE: Simple mistakes leave her VERY disappointed.
- My secret weapon that gets women to text first and do all the work to book in the date with you
- The #1 mistake all guys make after the first message that causes her to ghost you
- A simple 2 step process that flips her from one word replies to writing full-blown paragraphs
- Dopamine Case Studies: Walkthrough successful conversations from open to close
- How to speak the language of high value women on dating apps
- Tinder Texting Simulator: Level up your text game OVERNIGHT
- Why the most dangerous test comes after your first date with a woman
- The 10 critical moments when a woman decides to flake and how to easily prevent them
- Something you can say at the end of a conversation that leaves her eagerly waiting for more
- “I’ve never told anyone this before” specific steps to have any woman open up to you instantly
- When her reply means something is wrong
- A conversation loophole: Used by hostage negotiators to get whatever you want in a way she thanks you.
- TURN UP THE HEAT: How to convey sexuality and discuss intimate topics with no risk of rejection.
- What to do when she acts “too cool” to talk to you with one word replies
- How to drive a woman wild by NOT texting her when she expects
- Outrageous things top 1% men get away with in DMs like the “spike technique”
- What to do when she leaves you on seen
- 4 questions make any woman comfortable sharing her number
- The MIXED SIGNAL women use to expose weak men
- And so much more
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