*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “The Prehab Guys – THE SHOULDER [P]REHAB PROGRAM”
The Shoulder [P]Rehab Program is a physical therapist developed, step-by-step program to help you minimize pain and optimize shoulder health. It will teach you how to regain and improve mobility as well as how to build a strong foundation for your shoulders and shoulder blades. Ultimately, our program is designed to bulletproof your shoulders for anything life throws at you!
- 16-week long program for optimal shoulder function
- Appropriate for anyone no matter where you are at with your physical fitness
- Simple and detailed step-by-step instruction videos
- Prevent future shoulder injury and minimize existing pain and discomfort
- Improve your stability and mobility to maximize your athletic performance
- Increase your shoulder strength to achieve your fitness goals
- Learn proper muscle activation to boost your gains and overall progress
- Objective assessments to track your progress throughout the entire program
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