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Exploring the Essential Features of “Toshko Raychev – Profit System + ITF Assistant“
Full Course Contents: TR Profit System
- TR Profit Indicators & Templates
- TR Profit Cheat Sheets PDF Document: Manual
- PDF Update 1: Webinar+000 Introduction To The System.mp4
- Update 2: Webinar+001 – System Rules & TR MM Indicator.mp4 and TR_MM.ex4
- Update 3: Webinar+002 – Non-Tradeable Conditions, Russ Horn Bonus – Naked Reversal System, and Profit+Trend+Predictor.pdf
- Update 4: Webinar+003 – Old TR Combo Indicators – Gift 3.mp4, TR_Edge_Major_Trend Indicator, and TR_Combo_H Indicators
- Update 5: Webinar+005.mp4 – Intelligent Trade Finder.mp4, Intelligent Trade Finder, and TR Major Levels
- Update 6: Webinar+004 and Profit+Trendsetter.pdf
- Update 7: Webinar+006 – TR AM HTF Indicator with TR_AM_HTF.ex4
- Update 8: Webinar 007 – TR Big Trend Indicator & Ultra Aggressive Type Of Entry+TR BIG TREND.ex4
- Update 9: Webinar+008.mp4+SFTC System (Indicators and Template)
- Update 10: Webinar+009 TR Arrows V. Alert & TR+VPS
- Update 11: Webinar+010 New TR Chart Range Dashboard and TR+Chart+Range+Dashboard.ex4
- Update 12: Webinar+011 New TR Arrows Advanced Strategy.mp4
- Update 13: Webinar+012 Tr MediumH v.Alert TR Arrows HTF Histo and TR+Arrows+HTF+Histo
- Update 14: Webinar+013 Tr Arrows Triple Signal with TR Aggr Entry Histo, TR Arrows Triple Signal, TR Cons Entry Histo, TR+MediumH+v.Alert, and TR UltraAggr Entry Histo
- Update 15: Webinar+014 TR B Indicator Trading Strategy and TR+VPS Indicator
Hey Folks, thanks for stopping by to check out my TR Profit System Review, by none other than Forex Legend Toshko Raychev. I’ll cut STRAIGHT to the chase and get to the question everybody’s got on their mind? What IS TR Profit System (I got it so I can show you!)
For those that DON’T know me, my name is Jeff Lenney – I’m primarily an affiliate marketer, but what many people DON’T know is that I also trade in the FX Market. Personally, I trade based on the charts (price action forex) and that has worked WONDERS for me. With the help of a friend & mentor, I was able to turn $100 into $500 my first WEEK trading. Now granted, I was trading VERY aggressively – but this showed me the wonders of FX. If you have the right education, and MORE importantly the right mindset – anything is possible.
Course Breakdown:
DVD 1:
- Forex for beginners.
- Introduction to charts.
- Introduction to MT4.
- Opening new charts.
- Installing custom indicators.
- Loading indicators on charts.
- Saving and loading custom templates.
- Adding lines on charts.
- Placing and managing orders.
- Using trailing stop.
- Pips, Margin, and Lot Size.
- Trader’s discipline.
DVD 2: The secret behind this one-of-a-kind system is the technology. In this DVD, you will be introduced to 11 custom indicators that are the backbone of the system. These indicators do 99% of the work for you, providing you with a significant advantage in the Forex market.
DVD 3: In this DVD, Toshko Raychev lays out the rules of the system in a clear, concise, and easy-to-follow manner. Following these rules is key to success in trading and helps keep emotions like fear and greed at bay.
DVD 4: Toshko demonstrates the system through various trade scenarios, ensuring you are prepared to profit from any market situation.
DVD 5: In this DVD, you will see the system in action in real-time, allowing you to learn how to secure a profit even when the market is challenging.
DVD 6: This DVD addresses common questions and answers, providing further clarity on the TR Profit System.
At this point, you are ready to apply what you’ve learned and start trading with confidence. Toshko Raychev’s TR Profit System offers a comprehensive and practical approach to Forex trading.
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