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Exploring the Essential Features of “Andy Tanner – Ultimate Options – thecashflowacademy“
The Best Options Training Ever Created
Increase your cash flow, grow your wealth, and control your risk with this comprehensive in-depth look at all the ways you can intelligently profit with options
The Right Teacher Is Your Competitive Advantage
Your journey to become a proficient and profitable investor is one of your top goals right now.
That’s why it is absolutely critical that you choose the right teacher. Because to achieve your investing goals you must be able to learn these skills… have them ingrained in your mind… and then put them into real practice.
We take this responsibility very seriously. That’s why we work hard to create training that makes sense. Everything we do is carefully crafted to make these concepts absolutely simple for you to understand.
With Andy and his team of mentors as your guides, you know that you are in good hands. No one makes options trading as simple, fun, and real as we do.
Introducing “Ultimate Options”
There’s no secret about what topics you need to learn when it comes to options. What really matters is that you get comprehensive in-depth training on all of these topics.
That’s what makes Ultimate Options the best options training ever created. Because no one else makes this as fun, simple, and real as we do.
Course Introduction
History of Options
Calls and Puts
Option Premium
Strike Prices
Gamma and RHO
Option Chains
Risk Graphs
Order Entry
Basic Risk Management Rules
Building a Long Term Wealth Plan
Using a Trading Journal
Four Pillars Criteria
Finding Candidates
Protective Puts
Short Stock Long Call
Covered Calls Part 1
Covered Calls Part 2
Covered Calls Part 3
Long Calls
Naked Calls
Long Puts
Naked Puts
Synthetic Long
Synthetic Short
Long Straddle
Short Straddle
Long Strangle
Short Strangle
Introduction to Spreads
Delta Hedging
Bear Call Spread
Bull Put Spread
Iron Condor Credit
Iron Condor Debit
Call and Put Condors
Broken Wing Butterfly
Ratio Back Spreads
Calendar Spreads
I like the way you guys have broken it down into the smallest sections (such as the Greeks, one by one) and have gone into the right level of detail and repetition to make sure these things are understood. Great idea to start with some basic concepts before diving into the strategies – it removes any temptation to get started too quickly and skip over the foundations, as I’m sure many would be tempted to do (myself included!). Since starting with Ultimate Options, I’ve actually stopped trading options for the time being so that I can return with more skill and knowledge once I’m a bit further into the course. I’m surprised at how easy you make it to understand the Greeks, etc. – not easy concepts to grasp for the average layman. Also, I find myself getting really excited whilst watching the training sessions, because i’m piecing all the knowledge together in my head and realizing just how bulletproof trading options can be if I know what I’m doing. I feel that I’m in good hands with you guys and I trust fully in the process laid out before me here. I’m also excited about what the future holds with all this – seems like it could be another solid income stream for me. I very much hope that one day I can meet Andy and Corey and shake their hands for doing such a great job. I’ve taken lots of different training courses on how to make money, set up different types of businesses, etc, but this is the one that I would say blows my mind with how good it feels to join the dots on all this stuff. Really easy to understand and is sure to yield incredibly quick results, if the principles are followed correctly.
Matt Stanway
Kent, UK
Andy and Corey have broken it down into layman terms, so it’s super easy to understand. It’s like a university degree education. Couldn’t ask for anything better. At the moment I’m still in training mode and practicing, but I feel confident enough now to start placing my cards on the table and making some money. I now understand options. The amount of information given from Andy and Corey is amazing. I would have never received that much in depth training and information about options trading anywhere. It’s just not out there! I feel confident that I can go out now and make a lifestyle income with the training I’ve received. Thanks Andy and Corey and the team behind you for providing a way out of the rat race and giving me the skills to take control back of my life and to replace my 9-5 . Don’t sit there, go get it. Ultimate Options is just like a university degree but only better.
Dean Crozier
New South Wales, Australia
I am a guy that needs significant insight into everything, and very few teachers can give me that. The Cashflow Academy is excellent in this. And the Ultimate Options program is great for learning all the insight about options and risk management. I was able to make my living with investments before but everything I did was based on delta. When the market changed in Febuary 2018 I wasn’t able to make money because I wanted to be delta neutral. Now I am able to create beta weighted portfolio with theta cashflow. If you want to have a complete toolbox and be able to profit from multiple opportunities, then Ultimate Options is a must-have training.
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