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Exploring the Essential Features of “Unlock Your Design Academy – The Illumination Codes Bundle”
Illumination Codes Bundle
LEAD, RISING AND COMPASS MASTERCLASSES. The trifecta of illumination. Understand the qualities of your role in business and in the world, see what business area or sector you will be easily acknowledged in, and understand what element and archetype is the #1 ally for your mission in the world.
Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
Lead …
Through the Lead Masterclass you will …
- Learn about the energy that drives your entire chart
- Unlock your ultimate luminosity potential so that you can unabashedly shine in the world as who you are
- Understand your unique, individual, creative self and feel into your core identity
- Step into your power to manifest your full potential in the world
- Get more clarity on your life mission and unique destiny
- Understand what element and archetype is the #1 ally for your mission in the world
- Acknowledge the truth of who you are fundamentally which empowers you to create and recreate yourselfÂ
- Embody the role you came here to play that allows you to anchor deeper into your purpose
- Understand your Lead activation from an Astrological, Human Design, Gene Keys, Hexagram Line, and Archetypal perspective
Through the Rising Masterclass you will …
- Learn about the ruler of your astrology chart and how to interpret it
- Understand what element and archetype is the #1 ally for your mission in the world
- Learn about what you project to others and how to own your whole identity
- Understand your intrinsic character, the first impression others will have of you, and how you perceive the world
- Uncover your appearance, reaction and impressions you leave on others
- Access your inherent style that you may not have fully embodied yet
- Get more clarity on how you assert yourself, your needs wants and desires
- Understand your automatic defense mechanismsÂ
- Get deeper in touch with you body, vitality Learn about what regenerates you and what depletes your energy
- Understand your Rising activation from an Astrological, Human Design, Gene Keys, Hexagram Line, and Archetypal perspective
Through the Compass Masterclass you will …
- Discover how your compass determines your your public face, career path, goals, achievements, social standing and reputation
- Understand your social or professional role and how to embody it with great influence
- See what business area or sector you will be easily acknowledged in
- Learn about the energy that will allow you to manifest physical and financial security
- Get to know your inner desires, goals and passions
- Bring acceptance to the beautiful mask you wear out into the world
- Understand how to use the archetype ally of your MC for your own healing and empowerment
- Understand your Compass activation from an Astrological, Human Design, Gene Keys, Hexagram Line, and Archetypal perspective
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/