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Exploring the Essential Features of “Vanessa Van Edwards – People School – Science Of People“
12 Advanced Skills. 12 Powerful Secrets.
How many of these statements sound like you?
- You have great ideas, but have trouble getting them adopted. (And the typical elevator pitch makes your skin crawl!)
- You know you’re incredibly talented, but dread asking for a raise, raising your rates or negotiating for what you know you deserve.
- You have trouble saying no — to events that drain you, to social obligations and to toxic people.
- You are often under-appreciated for your hard work because you don’t always know how to showcase your strengths.
- You want a strong network with high quality contacts without having to go to a networking event every single night of the week (or be a smarmy salesman).
- You want to have influence without being inauthentic.
- You’ve already achieved a certain degree of success, but you know you can do much more. Now you’re ready for the next level, but aren’t sure what steps to take next. (This doesn’t mean you aren’t busy! In fact, your to do list is jam packed, but your 5 year plan is worryingly ambiguous.)
If these statements sound like you, I want to help.
Here’s the problem: Most of us have not been given all the tools we need to succeed. We learned technical skills and job skills in school, but were barely given any training in people skills. No matter how talented you are, you cannot succeed if you can’t interview effectively, negotiate your worth, or be indispensable on a team.
I want you to be recognized for your talents. I want to get your ideas heard. I want you to be paid what you deserve. To do this, I have created the ultimate people skills training. People School will teach you all the soft skills you were never taught in school.
My goal is to give you the missing tools you can use for the rest of your life to help you achieve your mission, up your impact and share your ideas with the world.
Skill 1: The Charisma Formula
Never get lost in a room full of people and know how to leave people asking about you (and remembering you) long after you’ve left.
Skill 2: Prime Your Performance
Get the results you want from your interactions — every time — without being inauthentic, manipulative, or slimy.
Skill 3: Become Engaging
Send signals that you can be both capable and friendly and keep people interested and energized in conversation.
Skill 4: Capture Attention
Start interesting conversations, keep them going, and pitch your ideas in a way that leaves people curious and excited.
Skill 5: Build Trust
Rapidly build trust and mutual rapport for lasting and meaningful relationships.
Skill 6: Harness Power
Be taken seriously, interrupted less, and command authority and respect.
Skill 7: The Likeability Blueprint
Use the likability blueprint to be more socially successful.
Skill 8: Decode People
Speed-read people’s intentions and interests so you can eliminate confusion, remove doubts, and connect more deeply with anyone.
Skill 9: Capitalize On Your Conversations and Relationships
Move beyond small talk to create powerful connections and never run out of things to say.
Skill 10: Assert Yourself
Develop social assertiveness and get what you need and want out of interactions.
Skill 11: Increase Your Influence
Lead with authority and authenticity and get your ideas adopted.
Skill 12: Strengthen Connections
Become indispensable at work and thrive on your team.
How it Works
1. Join the Waitlist
We limit enrollment. Join our waitlist and be notified about be the first to hear about the next available opening.
3. Start Learning
Once you’re enrolled, watch each of the 12 video modules at your own pace, from wherever you want. You never lose access, and can watch as many times as you need!
The 12 Video Skills
Each video skill is packed with fascinating research, real life case studies, and exercises. At the end of each Skill Vanessa walks you through 3 challenges to activate your new knowledge.
The Workbook
Get 150+ pages of customized worksheets and templates as an instantly downloadable PDF to follow along with lessons. We’ll also ship a custom printed workbook to you so you can follow along in real life.
The Network
Students get 12 months of unlimited access to our private members network, People Lab. Students ask questions, practice skills they learn, chat with others, and most importantly, begin building their network with like-minded students.
People School is for you
Adventurous Introverts
Learn how to be heard without being loud. We want you to be in control of your social interactions and communicate with your unique brand of confidence.
Do you want more from your relationships and your work? We want to help you optimize your natural social strengths without having to be inauthentic.
Goal-Oriented Extroverts
If you love people then you have the opportunity to truly master your communication. We want to help you tie your career goals to your natural people skills.
Be an Office MVP
Achieve higher interpersonal intelligence in all aspects of your professional life.
Earn Social Success
Lead powerfully in meetings and motivate your colleagues and clients.
Master Communicator
Have more successful conversations and pitch your ideas effectively.
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