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Exploring the Essential Features of “Vladimir Vasiliev – Systema Breathing”
Systema Breathing (downloadable)
☻ Solo Training
An exceptional Breath Training course with easy movements and profound underlying principles.
by Vladimir Vasiliev of Russian Special Operations Unit
Learn the secrets of the Russian Breath Masters through this comprehensive course of breath training drills.
Easy movements, exceptional breathing tactics and truly profound underlying principles create an ideal exercise progression.
If you are an athlete, Systema Breathing is your ultimate tool to vastly advance your performance! If you are seeking to enhance your life – this is the best way to uncover the infinite reserves of energy, power, health, and happiness that you hold.
Systema Breathing is specifically filmed to supplement the book
Let Every Breath…, as well as Systema training sessions and seminars.
Available in English and French.
59 min.
Also available in DVD format
FORMAT: 480p, 720p
Rated 5 out of 5
Jim Bergdoll – July 18, 2019
For many years I just thought that the reason I became so stiff while doing yard work or construction work was due to my growing older. I just worked 4 days on a camp in the woods doing anything from heavy tree work to carpentry and demolition. Each and every time I felt tension in my muscles I performed Systema breathing and felt the tension literally Melt Away. After 4 days of hard physical labor in the Sun I am completely flexible and relaxed. This is a new way of living for me. I am grateful.
Rated 5 out of 5
LR – July 6, 2019
Thanks to Systema breathing I got my life back because I was sometimes so much short of breath I even couldn’t sleep during the night. Thank you very much to Vladimir and all Systema instructors who are always ready to help and explain these techniques to everyone who needs it and is interested in it. Thanks a lot.
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