*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “Website Strategy Masterclass – Sean D’Souza”
Why Clients Buy—And Why They Don’t
(And how do you create a website that not only attracts more customers, but actually gets customers to keep coming back and spending larger sums of money each time?)
Websites fail because they don’t understand the core of what drives business
Imagine going into a restaurant. And just sitting at the table without ordering anything. Or worse, ordering a meal and a drink, and then without consuming the meal, you simply walk away. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Yet that’s what customers do on websites each day
They are attracted to a website, by Google or some other search engine; or are referred to a website by a friend or another newsletter; or stumble on a website. And despite being the right target audience, they never buy products or services off that website. Or worse, they buy one product and leave the website, never to come back again.
Come back again: That’s the core of business
Most websites concentrate on attraction. Yet, it’s consumption that creates the most profit, both in the short term as well as the long term. Learning how to use technology and psychology to create the trio of attraction, conversion and consumption in repeating cycles is what will get you an unending stream of clients, as well a steadily increasing profit.
The reason why website strategies fail is because of a lack of understanding of the trio called attraction, conversion and consumption.
In order for clients to keep coming back to your ‘restaurant’, and keep eating the ‘meals’ on a regular basis, you need to have a powerful strategy in place.
Higher prices did you say?
Let’s face it. Any darned fool can make squillions of dollars over time, if they have tens of thousands of customers. So even if you had 25,000 customers, a measly 2% conversion rate will cause at least 500 customers to buy each month. And if your product/service is just $100, you’ve taken home over half million dollars per annum from a single website.
But you don’t have 25,000 customers and that’s the problem
What’s worse is that you don’t even see yourself having 25,000 customers in the next 2-3 years. So are you just going to curl up in a little ball and cry yourself to sleep? Or are you ready to learn how the trio of attraction, conversion and consumption can attract the right type of customers, who then keep coming back to buy time and time again? And how on earth do you get customers to spend larger chunks of money?
Presenting the Website Strategy Masterclass Home Study Course
The Website Masterclass is a comprehensive course containing audio, detailed notes, and an insider information of the exact steps you need to take to make your website a powerhouse!
Most websites struggle for one reason and one reason only. Because they’re built without a foundation of customer psychology.
This lack of this psychology means the website owner needs to drive tens of thousands of prospects to his/her website to make the website profitable. And even if you do drive those herds of prospects, there’s no guarantee that they’ll buy anything at all.
And this need to have to drive a constant stream of customers, ends up with the website owner doing a lot of legwork. He/she has to be constantly advertising; constantly doing joint ventures; constantly travelling and speaking; constantly working and consequently going a little nuts if everything turns to custard.
Mark Silver
Portland, Oregon
I had to kick and scream at myself for a day or two, before I decided to go for the Masterclass Strategy workshop!
The first thought I had was: “Ugh! I had just cleared my schedule of travel… I want to stay at home.” I’d had a schedule the last five years of travelling once a quarter for a week or more, and I thought that was all over. When Sean announced the workshop, I said to myself: ‘I don’t want to travel – this was going to be my first quarter off!”
But, the only reason that thought came up was because I knew I had to be there- it wasn’t really an option to not go- and I just had to kick and scream to myself for a day or two.
But once I was at the workshop, I found so many things
Validation for the path I was on, plus concrete new steps and clarity on the larger picture, and seeing parts of my business strategy that were missing that I had no idea I needed. Amazing. Incredible! Better than ‘Cats’.
What made this workshop different was the heart
Yes there was useful, mind blowing information- great- but I’ve encountered mind-blowing information before. But the caring that Sean bring to the work is so evident- he wants us to succeed so much, you can feel it with every fiber of your being.
What can I say? Sean’s a madman
A lovable, effective, irrepressible, genius of a madman, but a madman nonetheless- and his system of training brings sanity to the madness in a delightful way- it works extraordinary well. I found myself swept along, engaged from the very get-go, and productive, too. Mad, he’s raving mad… and the world would be better off with more nutters like Sean.
Would I recommend this workshop?
Absolutely. Well, heck, how many people are struggling to make their website work. Everyone focuses on content- but it’s not the content, it’s the strategy. The workshop integrates the website into an overall strategy that really gets to the heart of why your business is so important in the world, and why it needs to succeed…. and how to do it.”
So how can the Website Strategy Masterclass HomeStudy Course help?
Good question.
The Website Strategy Masterclass teaches you the foundation; the bedrock of what makes a great website tick. You’ll learn the simple, yet extremely powerful secret that goes back thousands of years, which enables you to turn your website into a virtual magnet. This secret, has been used almost unwittingly, by best-selling authors, by religious heads, and by rock stars.
So what’s the big secret?
The big secret is used by companies like Club Med, Harley Davidson, Apple Computers. And it turns their customers into raving fans. It causes their customers to stay intensely loyal. Without much nudging, their customers turn into super-evangelists.
And most importantly, not only do the customers keep coming back, but are willing to pay higher prices for newer products. Best of all, you don’t need to be a Club Med, Harley Davidson or Apple.
You can achieve similar results without having the big brand name and squillions of dollars in your marketing budget. In fact, the secret has nothing to do with brand name or marketing spend.
Strangely, it has nothing to do with websites either!
The secret drills down to the core of what’s happening in the customer’s brain. It exposes the psychological cornerstone of your strategy that needs to be employed, on which all the rest of your tactics are based. That without this simple (and it is simple) secret, you will be forever doomed to the cycle of a website that struggles on forever.
Website Strategy Masterclass: Say Goodbye to Struggle
In the Website Strategy Masterclass, you’ll learn:
1) The core secret. The one thing on which your entire website, AND your entire business should be built on.
2) How that core secret attracts customers by the truckload. How those customers keep coming back time after time. How those customers are willing to spend more each time.
3) Why inspite of fierce competition, your customers will not desert you. And this is how the core secret keeps them bound to you.
4) You’ll learn the precise steps involved in attraction, conversion and consumption. The exact psychological factors that every website must have–and without which you’re just wasting your time and money.
5) That you don’t need to have 25,000 customers on your database.That with smaller numbers, you can live the lifestyle you’ve always imagined, and not have to stress about where the next buck comes from.
The Website Strategy Masterclass is built on three main modules
1) The core secret that’s thousands of years old and that is vital for you to understand and deploy.
2) What’s behind the trio of Attraction, Conversion and Consumption? And how do you employ this trio to devastating effect?
3) Actual workshop time to work on your own business. This is not a yackity-yak-sit-down-and-listen seminar. It’s an actual workshop, with actual time to think through and work through the process–and evaluate what you’ve done. Plus you get comprehensive notes.
“I Felt Like I Had ‘Loser’ Tattooed On My Forehead”
Karl Westwell,
Tauranga, NZ
Small Business Owner
“No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked. The information has been great, but for me the results I have been looking for have always eluded me.
For me, the results up to now, have been so-so at best.
It’s not that what Sean is teaching is ‘new’, it’s the fact that Sean has taken all that information and created a systematic paint-by-number type method, that speeds up and streamlines the process.
What Henry Ford did for Cars, Sean has done for Marketing.”
Some of the topics that will be covered:
- The core of how you should structure your information. What kind of information should you have to attract customers?
- Why niches work and why they don’t. And how to understand why the wrong move can lead to a dead end.
- The secret of time. How to make your website so compelling that customers stay hooked and consequently buy from you.
- How packaging can destroy your sales. When to package, what to package and how you can sell products/services worth thousands of dollars with the right packaging. Or lose it with the wrong packaging.
- Bono has this factor. Bill Clinton has it. Harley Davidson has it. Yet most websites completely ignore a core factor. In fact, it’s more than likely your website doesn’t have it either. Yet it’s the one psychological factor that makes people loved–or ignored.
And there’s more…
- Why newspapers get your attention with photos. Learn the journalist’s way to using photos on your website to getting instant attention, while growing trust and comeback power.
- How much information should you give? How much should you hold back? The curse of giving too much or too little. You can’t sit on the fence when it comes to this strategy.
- The power of the Reverse Testimonial. How Reverse Testimonials create intense desire in the minds of the customer. Learn the specific steps, not only how to get testimonials that get customers to buy, but also how to link it to specific parts of your website text. And why specific placement destroys objections and increases sales.
- How important is a visual? Do pictures speak a thousand words? You’ll be amazed at how without visuals, you’ve not only lost most of the plot, but also discouraged search engines to pick specific pieces of information off your site. Where do you place the visuals and how do you get them to do most of the work of selling?
- The biggest reason why customers don’t become clients, is the factor of risk. How do you not only reduce risk to zero, but also improve your likability factor?
And more…
- What turns your customer off? A single pebble in your shoe can stop you from moving ahead — because of the irritant value. How can you guarantee all irritants are removed from your website, without spending thousands of dollars? I said ALL
- The twin factors that get a customer to your sales page and then drive the customers away in confusion. What are they, and how can you fix them right away?
- How to create urgency. How to use urgency in your emails and your website. Without urgency the customer feels no need to buy today. And that drops your sales figures like a rock. What’s worse, is that the customer goes out and simply spends the money elsewhere.
- You think the customer is buying your product or service. The customer has gone beyond. You’re selling something, and they’re already onto the next factor. This next factor, will sell more product and more services than you can imagine. What is the customer really buying if they’re not buying the product/service? You’ll be astounded!
- The intense power of summaries. And why your customer is confused with thousands of words. And how you need to structure your summary to get the customer to buy right away.
And yes…
Real life examples of companies and businesses just like yours–that use the core secret. See for yourself how tiny one-person businesses as well as monster brand names use the core secret. See the case studies for yourself, and see the exact customer response. When you see the case-studies, you will be amazed that it’s been sitting right in front of you for all this time, and you didn’t see it at all.
“I figured the Website Masterclass would be a rehashing of older material.”
Adam Kayce
Berkeley Springs, WV,
Spiritual Guide
Before the Website Masterclass, I had my doubts about what I could learn. I have been on 5000BC for more than a year, read the Brain Audit – I’m even in the Protege program. So I was a little skeptical about hearing anything new; I figured it’d be a rehashing of older material.
I also didn’t know how I would swing the time away – I’ve been so busy implementing the Protege teachings, and I was concerned that this might take me off-target.
I saw the intensity in Sean’s eyes
Even before the Masterclass started, I knew I was in for something I’d never experienced before… because I met Sean in the lobby, and I saw an intensity in his eyes, a focus, a dedication – and you don’t see that in people too often–and to that degree. It made all the pieces fall into place, though, because I could now understand how Sean & Renuka have achieved all they have in such a short time.
Then, when Sean started the Masterclass, I quickly realized that this was no rehash – this was brand-new stuff. Well, 5000 years old, but brand new to me!
Everything from the style of the presentation, to the impeccable attention to every detail (not just the content of what we learned, but the systems in place around how we learned), and the incredible synergy that soon got created between all of the participants – it was quite honestly one of the best workshops I’ve ever been to – and I’ve been attending and teaching workshops for over ten years.
I don’t think I can really put into words how comprehensive and integrative the class was. We learned amazing material. We learned how to apply it to our businesses. We discussed and shared with others, so it wasn’t just direct learning, it was tangential – we were “cross-pollinated” by everyone else’s epiphanies, so the learning was exponential. It was pretty darn amazing!
The zaniness helped us learn so much
And as if Sean could be otherwise… it was just as fun and entertaining
as you can imagine that much time with Sean would be – his zany, kooky sense of humor just lit everyone up, so we were laughing as much as we were slapping our foreheads with “a-ha!” moments.
I now know that websites are about philosophy and strategy
If anyone wants not only to understand what having a website should truly be about, but wants to understand the philosophy and strategy behind a winning, everlasting business model, they should seriously grab this Masterclass as fast as they can. The notes, the audio, the presentation – it’s all first-class, top-notch material that you aren’t going to even be able to touch anywhere else.
I wish it were three weeks, instead of just three days
The only thing that bugged me was that it was only three days instead of three weeks – because we could have easily spent that much time diving into the material and exploring the possibilities of where it could take us.
Do I sound like an evangelist? I am – this workshop completely blew my expectations out of the water, and made me a believer.
Whatever’s next – sign me up!
The Importance of what you ‘don’t see’
Understanding the factors of attraction, conversion and consumption. The entire model. And how it works in a cyclical and sequential mode (I know this sounds geeky, but it’s really simple to understand).
It’s not the website per se that sells more product or services. It’s not what you see that sells. It’s what you don’t see that creates the demand and drives customers to buy more. You’ll get the precise nuts and bolts of what’s happening behind the scenes that keeps working while you sleep.
It’s the behind the scenes model that accelerates the factors of attraction, conversion and consumption. And once you get the blueprint of what you need to do, you don’t have to guess any longer.
The Core Secret helps create the foundation for your business and for your website. But even with all the understanding of attraction, conversion and consumption, you still need to understand what’s happening behind the scenes.
Most successful website owners have lots of secrets. These secrets can’t be seen on the website. You can’t see for instance, how a website generates traffic. You can’t see the autoresponders that increase consumption. You can’t see how specific triggers in reports create the desire for the customer to go to the next level.
When you get to the Website Strategy Workshop, you’ll learn the exact sequence that increases consumption, conversion and attraction. And how technology can be your best friend to reduce your workload and increase your profits.
What’s behind the scenes?
- What exactly does the Website Masterclass HomeStudy Course contain that’s not found elsewhere in other website-related information?
- Complete notes with graphics and information that’s easy to follow and implement
- Examples of websites that use the concepts and WHY they’ve been successful
- Where do you start? Most workshops leave you floundering. Well, with this workshop, you have a complete plan where to start.
- The diagram above, shows you how each paragraph is dissected. It shows you how each part of your website has to be audited for specifics.
- Mindmaps let you quickly remember what you’ve learned. You can reference back to the mindmaps or the bonus video of the slides. This means, even many months from now, you can have instant recall.
- Every concept is explained in great detail. Not only do you get exact graphics outlining the steps involved, but you also get the emails/autoresponses linked to each step (yes, complete emails) and explanations for everything.
- If you’re wondering how to drive clients to your website, you’ll learn exactly how to create a lead generation system that works. The beauty of the system is that you can earn real dollars, attract more subscribers and create a viral marketing system that can be replicated in an eternal loop (like, forever!)
- We’d be nowhere without strategic alliances. Why? Because our website runs without adwords, affiliates or any joint ventures. But hey, strategic alliances are a dream. How do you get them? What do you say? And how do you use the viral marketing to drive tons of traffic to your site?
- What’s a business plan without a checklist. Once you’re done learning, you need to have a systematic checklist to ensure that you don’t miss anything. With this step by step checklist, you can assemble the elements to put together a powerful website, as well as roll out what needs to be done with clockwork precision.
- Do you need a business plan that has existed for thousands of years? And is..um..very, very successful? How do you put this plan into place? Find out with the step by step system that shows you how big companies as well as tiny ones create a near bullet-proof business plan.
1) You’ll get the complete sequence of creating viral marketing. It’s fool-proof. All you have to do is roll it out. And hey, it works. This isn’t some weird strategy. It’s what we use every single day at Psychotactics and what has built our business.
2) You’ll get the complete sequence of strategy as we run it here in Psychotactics. Every single step and what we do to attract and keep customers
3) You’ll get the entire model of how to keep customers coming back to buy at higher price points.
4) You’ll get the complete architecture of how a rock-solid business looks like. It’s a template with precise information and will give you an insight and direction into your website (and business) like never before.
5) You’ll actually get all our emails. The sequence of the emails. And what you need to do when, how and why.
What makes the Website Masterclass HomeStudy Course different?
I’ve personally spoken at events where speakers will promise that you can make millions on the Internet. Mostly, the speakers themselves end up making the millions, and no one else gets anything but a disguised sales pitch. If someone from the audience does make any money, it’s because of some murky scheme that is impossible for the rest of the audience to replicate.
The Masterclass is different because you’re not being up sold another secret. There’s nothing more to buy. The Masterclass notes, audio and slides contain all the information you need.
“I got so much value in terms of both the ‘big strategy picture’ and how to go about it, as well as the ‘minutiae”
Andree Bates
London, UK
“The Website Strategy Masterclass exceeded my expectations – which were already extremely high. That in itself was impressive as it is hard to exceed high expectations–and yet Sean and Renuka succeeded astoundingly in that. I can definitely say it was the absolutely highest quality web strategy course you can find anywhere.
The content was awe-inspiring and revolutionary
The information was stratospheres higher in quality than any other web strategy course I have ever seen out there, and the atmosphere was collaborative and helpful. The days went far too fast! I want more!
This workshop was different
In the sense that it was well constructed in terms of how it was organized so you didn’t ever get distracted or tired – but I have been to other workshops where that was the case. I think the real difference was the fact that the content was soooo revolutionary and yet so obviously right it made you wonder why you had never figured it out before. Plus you have to experience Sean’s ability to transfer information. At all times, his method is educational, engaging, and entertaining – E cubed.
Would I recommend this workshop?
Absolutely. I got so much value in terms of both the ‘big strategy picture’ and how to go about it, as well as the ‘minutiae’. All the little details that may get you confused later are laid out in the notes in great detail, so later you can just go to the notes and have your roadmap for web site success.
The week I attended the Masterclass, had been extremely busy. I was literally in 6 different countries in one week. But the Masterclass was so very valuable, it was worth attending every single moment of it. IfI hadn’t had extremely high expectations, I wouldn’t have gone.
But I did. And I’m glad I did. Very glad!
Where we started in 2002: Psychotactics History
In August 2002, we sold our first copy of the Brain Audit online. At the time, we were just one of hundreds of thousands of other websites. Yet, in a little over three years, we’ve been able to create tremendous trust and yet grown the business many, many times over. Plus we’ve been able to get something we could never get before.
The biggest spin off from the website was to create the ability for passive income-to earn money while we were away. This has enabled us to take vacations each year. This year alone we’ve taken a vacation in Thailand at Club Med for 3 weeks. We did a short holiday in the US, and will spend two whole months in India as well, this year.
Before we built the website to create constant income, we were always afraid to go on holiday. Afraid that we’d lose jobs while we were away. And lose business to the competition. Now we have no such fears. Three years, lots of strategy, and what a difference to our life. Can you make the change to create a life you seek as well?
The Website Masterclass is not some quickie system
This Website Strategy HomeStudy Course is about a simple, step-by-step system that we’ve used ourselves to grow Psychotactics from a complete unknown website three years ago, to the point where it pays us a handsome return and affords us a comfortable lifestyle.
This information is not meant to impress you. It’s just to show you that if you use the right strategy, you too can achieve what we’ve achieved in a reasonable time frame.
” I recognized that you are confident in what you are doing, that you know that ‘giving’ is what it is about. It shows!
The other thing I recognized is that you busted your ass to give us everything you promised.
Diana Meade,
Houston Texas
In May I sat through four grueling days of training on Body Talk, a system of health care. I am as enthusiastic as anyone who ever took Body Talk could be, and it was by far the most boring training I have ever been through. I mention it because I can compare the two. The trainer had a manual that she basically read to us for four days in a monotone voice.
The Website Masterclass workshop was completely the opposite
It had great visuals, good examples of the material that was being presented. I learned so much and I loved the energy of the event. The workshop was not something I dreaded going to! What a concept!
What I especially appreciated was that Sean was in control
I really can’t stand it when a few people monopolize the questions and comments. I am not particularly interested in hearing about each new thought some people want to share and I think Sean kept that to a bearable minimum.
And part of that is the introvert in me and part of it is that I am there to hear the material presented, not what Dogbert has to say in response to every new idea. Obviously, if left up to me to speak, the room would remain fairly silent, so it’s just a pet peeve of mine. And yet, I was never peeved in all three days!
I don’t want the competition to know this material
Ok, I’m only kidding. I truly believe in being generous and sharing what you know, (“give the info and sell the system.” I’ve heard somewhere before.) and I am not really that way, I promise!.
Now as I write this, I am confronted by my own observation of you being so very generous in all you do. And I recognized that you are confident in what you are doing, that you know that giving is what it is about. And that you don’t live in scarcity.
It shows and I appreciate that.
The other thing I recognized is that you busted your ass to give us everything you promised. I read something about writing from Erica Jong. She said that you should never save your best ideas for the next book, put everything you got into the book you are working on; that hoarding stories would prevent you from getting new ones.
I always remembered that because I don’t want to live in scarcity, believing that I have to keep what I know because I may never have a new idea. So this workshop was, in part, about you sharing what you know and not hoarding the best ideas. That was worth the price of admission.
Thanks Sean and Renuka, for a most valuable experience. Who would have ever thought that one could get a warm fuzzy feeling for a marketing class on websites? I am pumped about using all this material to get my own business off the ground. I will send you my plans soon as you requested. I hope you have a much deserved rest and pleasant vacation and safe travel home.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/