*** Proof of Product ***
Exploring the Essential Features of “WP Snowball 2.0 – Your Content, Links, Traffic and Profits”
Andy Baker
Location: Rainy England
Subject:autoblogging died years ago
Although we may not have met before, I believe we share a common interest.
That interest is creating valuable, automated websites that attract traffic & turn visitors into profits. How exactly? You can do it, by Partnering with 53 of the most important sites in the world:
Perhaps you’ve tried autoblogging before. You might be looking to generate traffic for your product, a client’s website, or as an affiliate. I don’t know. I do know this: You’ve come to this page because it’s serious about your goal of getting. Continue reading traffic, links & profit from your sites.
This page is guaranteed to be useful for you. Very You can be a valuable asset to your business’s future.
Here’s Why:
- Have you ever wondered why? Some blogs (Usually other peoples!) Mysteriously, I attract 1000’s of daily visitors. OthersAre you struggling to get a few bot hits.
- You may have created a decent blog before but it is difficult to get it to work. Is it possible to get blood from a rock?
- Google has a lot to offer. Monthly SEO air-strikes Do you feel depressed?
- Why? Never get that homerun You won’t find what you are looking for no matter where you look, no matter how many times you try. (And even if it does, why is it so short-lived?
- Do you find link building a chore even if there are a few blogs going? Are you ready for the uphill fight?
- Does the time it takes to get a blog up & earning frustrate you? Do you ever wonder if there are other ways to earn money from your blog? You want to get there quicker?
- Are you fed up with the same low-quality, unreliable autoblogging plugins?
Did you knowIndustry statistics show 81% Bloggers make Less More than $100 (That’s EVER(Not per month).
Because of the unique challenges faced by autobloggers I would wager that this figure is even higher.
Why is it that most people fail at autoblogging?
You see, the Internet is huge. There must be enough traffic. and We can convert these to make some money with our autoblogs and running?
Which best describes you?
- “I’ve tried autoblogging, but saw pitiful (if any) results”You took the time to learn about the most recent software that would change your life. You were willing to put up with slow support and bugs. and You even manually edited all posts. Traffic never came. The traffic was not coming because of all the duplicate content. and You even received DMCA notices for the content of your blog!After admitting defeat, you decided to give up on the idea.
- “Autoblogging seems like spam to me”I totally agree. The majority of people view autoblogging as complete garbage.Throwing up some auto-poster of dupe content built 5 years ago is *not* the way to do autoblogging today. It plain doesn’t work. Google realized this long ago. and This is because of one very specific reason.Google has two priorities. Number 1 is their AdWords Profit. This is the company’s most important asset. Web Search’s number 2 ranking is user experience. This means that users will get results that are relevant to their query.It’s useless to just put up an autoblog plugin that posts dupe content. Can you imagine someone landing onto an autoblog with low-quality, fluff articles? and They love it so much that they stay?I’m not.Automation is a good thing. It is the foundation of the most successful businesses worldwide. It’s simply a matter of combining both the user experience and business model. and automation.Is it possible?
- “I’m making money, but always looking for new traffic sources”There are a few income streams that you have, but the amount of targeted traffic you can direct towards your products will limit how much money you can make. and offers.You have exhausted all of the free standard methods. and Pay traffic is more reliable so you should stick with them.
- “I’m new to autoblogging, but looking to make some extra cash each month”Although you have a day job, your long-term goal is to start your own company. You’re having difficulty finding time to blog and SEO lately. and Affiliate work is possible, You really do need a shortcut You can earn an extra stream of income each month with a reliable source.
All four of these feelings have been present in me at the same time. However, there was one moment. Everything has changed Für mich…
All began with a napkin…
My Nephew was celebrating his birthday and offered me cake. He was just 3 at the time. and I had too much energy.
I was stunned when it suddenly hit me. Everybody was doing it wrong with autoblogging. They were stuck in their past, playing monkey see monkey-do In the hope of restoring traffic’s glory days, and Everyone clicked on the ads.
I kept getting ideas so I got a napkin. and The common sense approach to getting there was outlined. Real results.
They are listed below with explanations to help you understand my chicken scratchings.
- Organic Randomization
Autoblogs that are not regularly updated are too repetitive. They may post five posts every day all year. It’s not natural. I needed a - Unique, But NOT Spun
I wanted the content to be original, and not be mangled by spinners. There is probably one decent spinner, but I don’t want to be bound to an API limit. If I could only make a few posts per day, it would cause chaos. - New Ideas
It should be innovative, original, and effective. I knew that doing the same thing 10,000 low quality blogs did would not get me anywhere. - There are many content sources
It must have many. and Many content sources. The problem with auto-posters in general is that they are all inbred and post from the same few sources. These are things you think Google won’t notice? - Built-In Backlink Campaigns
If I am setting up a small number of blogs, I don’t want to be building all the links. Each post needed to be part of a multi-month campaign for link building. - Auto-Monetization
For this new invention to be successful, it would require a Clickbank or CJ, Amazon, and a CJ. and AdSense is the best option for beginners. To maximize my commissions, I needed to have enough room to test different monetization methods with different niches. The ads should be relevant and fully automated. and Need to see the part on my site. - Details, Details, Details
It should have all the standard settings, including link cloaking, crediting content, and auto-formatting keywords. But I want it to do more. It would need to monitor bot clicks in affiliate ads. Because it lowers your Earnings Per Click (EPC), some affiliate programs won’t allow you to send bot traffic. - Relevant Content
This is most likely the problem with current autoblogging software. I wanted something with a solid content system and fail-safes to ensure that only the relevant content was posted.
These are the 8 points I used to create a system. It was an innovative way to autoblog that didn’t fail, because it gave Google AND users what their wanted.
So I began to crunch some numbers…
What is the average commission for affiliates? It’s a question of how long is a string. To estimate its success, I had to make assumptions. For example, let’s take digital cameras available at Amazon. This case, traffic converts with Amazon at approximately 5% and You can make $10 for every sale
Let’s assume that each blog should make an average of $3 per day. Therefore, each blog must make at least one sale every three days (or 10 sales per month).
What amount of traffic do we need? We’ll be pessimistic since I’ve seen a 1-3% CTR on my Amazon blog. and Call it 1% right now.
First, let’s figure out how many people are needed to make 1 sale. Next, we can determine how much traffic each day is necessary to make this work.
2000 visitors would receive 20 ad clicks on Amazon (1% CTR), which would result in 1 sale (at 5.5% conversion). That’s 2k visitors, which would net us $10 in commissions on that one sale. To make $3+ per Day with Amazon, a blog requires 666 visitors daily to attract 2,000 visitors (our target).
For each source of advertising, the details may differ and Although it is niche-specific, this will provide you with an idea. Now, the best part…
You can now create another blog with the same keyword focus and niche you’ve already established. This 8-point napkin plan makes it easy to set up new blogs. I could do several a day… but even more if it was all I had. WP Multisite I could have 100 up in no matter how fast you are.
The numbers began to become more interesting.
- 1 blog: $30 / Month
- 10 blogs: $300 / Month
- 100 blogs: $3,000 / Month
- 1,000 blogs: $30,000 / Month
Although I don’t think you can have 100 blogs in one niche, it is possible. My plan was to continue building niche blogs until I saw less success with newer blogs. Then, I would move on to a different niche.
I filled several yellow notepads with these calculations, which were applicable to many niches. and Monetization sources Everything looks great. I just needed software to do the rest of the work.
Introducing… WP Snowball
Okay, now let’s get to it and The plugin’s new features are highlighted in bolts
11 Billion articles
You will never run out content for your keywords. 53 sources combined give you more than 11 BILLION articles, videos & images (11,567,713,190 To be precise)
Up To 96.61% Unique Content
This is the highest I have seen, but it could be higher. It all depends on the settings you use so it is possible to control it.
100% Copyright Compliant
Display the author’s full bio if it is available on the article site, or a link to their article if none. This will ensure that you are following all rules. and Relax.
One-Click Uniqueness filter
You can get more unique content in just one click, which means that Google will pay more attention to your content. Instead of producing useless content, we make changes very rarely to ensure that the items are easily read. WPSB has many uniqueness elements that work together to create a high degree of uniqueness.
Content Relevancy Filter
Relevant content will make your blog more useful to humans. and Google is much more appealing. You enter a few niche keywords, and These are used before new content goes live to verify its relevancy. Anything that does not make it to the cut is blocked.
1-Click Upgrades
With just one click, bulk upgrade all of your blogs using the client portal.This is what I save personally Days Manual upgrades for my blogs)
At-A.Glance Key Stats
Instantly get a complete overview of your Snowballs, posts, links & clicks
Visualize Content Growth
1 Manual post and Watch it grow into 100’s relevant posts that bring in traffic
6 Months of Color Coded Posts
Check how active your blog was in the last six months. This will help you quickly identify any issues (no posts for more than a few days). Instantly you’ll see.
Make beautiful, durable posts
Sticky Sites and lower bounce rate by automatically adding relevant images, videos & documents from 16 sources
You can see behind the curtains
The Debugging-Box allows you to view vital information about each blog post like when the next link is scheduled, any cached ads, and where it came from.
Drip Feed links from 13 web sites 2.0’s
For every post on your blog, get a multi-month-long backlinking campaign. You can choose how many backlinks you wish. and They’re automatically scheduled.
Profitable Blogs in 3 Clicks
Auto-monetize each post with relevant ads, from 5 sources
Are You Looking To Grow Faster?
You can choose how big you want (Max Levels). and How fast you want your blog (Maximum number of posts) to grow. It doesn’t matter whether you are just testing the waters, or have several niche blogs. You’re in complete control.
It fits like a glove
“Styles” Here’s how Snowball You can link your posts together on your blog. You have the option to choose one of the pre-made ones or create your own to match your blog’s style.
Removing Post Links
You are in complete control of the links you place on your blog. If necessary, you can remove them from the original content to preserve PR.and straying visitors)
Send as a Draft
You need to make sure that each post is checked before it goes live. It’s not a problem, you can use the normal WP Post interface
Fractal link wheels
Link new posts to the nearest “Level 0” Post, to boost your internal link reputation for main content
More Unique (& Helpful) Content
You can add word definitions from other sites to hover-tooltips to your posts. Google offers additional content. and It adds value to humans. This is the perfect combination.
Auto Tagging
This essential SEO feature automatically adds up to 10 tags that are highly relevant to every post.
Intelligent Keyword Formatting
Auto bold and To help Google identify the most important keywords, italicize them in each article.
Advanced Bot Management
Do not want bots “clicking” Advertisements can mess with your stats and What can I do to lower my EPC? You can block them using UserAgent detection or JavaScript redirects.
Flexible Category Control
Both contain All Snowball Posts within a single category (e.g. a “News” category), or auto-use the exact same category as the post’s “parent” Post in the snowball chain for more topic relevance.
Uniqueness is achieved through addition
There are two ways to make your overall content unique. You can change or add text. You can show more words per in-post-snippet. “Style”) you’ll boost your uniqueness %
Branching Keyword Themes
You can either use the post’s category name (for smaller blogs) or auto-identify keywords within the content (for posts that contain multiple topically related themes).
Shared Hosting Works
WPSB was specifically designed to work on top shared hosts. If you begin to get large amounts of traffic, upgrade!
Wildcard Keywords -> Links
Make sure you convert keyword lists into 100% relevant affiliate links. Wildcards can be used to match any number of characters, resulting in greater power “monkey*” Matches “monkeys”)
Spintax Header & Footer
This is not generic auto spinning. It would be terrible. This allows you to create a custom spintax-block that you can include in each post’s header and/or footer (the spin per post remains the same).
Title Keyword Stuffing
We don’t intend to use too many keywords, but we want to make sure that they are most relevant. WP Titles are Very lacking. WPSB can modify your title template to include Google-relevant keywords in a user-friendly way.
Master Snowball Check out the List
Check out exactly when a brand new product is released. Snowball (Post is made)and What “Level” It is) at the Snowballs tab.
5 Event Logs
You know exactly what WPSB’s doing at any time in the 5 logs: Main, Post Cron, Clicks, Link Cron & Ad Cron
Leaves no footprints
It’s a simple feature, but many plugins make it difficult. WPSB handles link encryption. Blog-specific encoded CSS, random HTML and More – without Google footprints to chew on.
Cloaking encrypted link
To hide your aff ID, all affiliate links are encrypted and They have integrated snooper protection to tamper with.
Click tracking for ads
Any WPSB-encoded hyperlink click is tracked and Displayed per post and Overall, the blog is a success. This will allow you to see the affiliate products, as well as the ad sources. and All posts are currently working and What should you change?
It’s easy on the eyes
It’s easy to set up a simple, clean interface. and Check out what has been happening.
Three Minutes Setup
After installing in WP, you just enter some “Core KWs” To ensure that your blog’s theme is protected create a post. WP Snowball It’s that simple.
WPMS compatible
Activate the network-wide network, so each blog can use its own version WP Snowball
Works with all themes
WPSB interrelates with your theme when you display the in-post snippets (aka “Styles”These links link posts together. These are well-tested CSS that works on all themes. They can be edited if you want to change colors or sizes.
Popular Works WP Plugins
WPSB has been tested using the top 300 WordPress plugins.
No Cron to Setup
WPSB automates everything.
Do You Need a Hint?
Click on any item in the plugin and It gives you a clear and concise explanation of what it does. It is a real time-saver.
Doesn’t “Hang” When you are posting
WPSB is always doing its work in the background. “C’mon! Hurry up!”
How does it all work exactly?
WP Snowball This plugin is used to autoblog. You may have already figured that part out. This plugin is unique (For the same 8 reasons I wrote the above note on the napkin). Even the most basic “autoblogging” You might not be familiar with the concept of concept.
Everything revolves around a post you make on your blog (or another auto-posting tool). This will be called a “Level 0″Or “Seed” post.
When a human visitor arrives on the post for the first-time, magic happens. The background contains new content and images, so visitors don’t have too much to do. and Videos are collected around a sub-theme in the Seed Post.
Each of these pieces of content is made into a different document. WP post… and The seed post includes a link to each one using WPSB. “Styles” You can also make your own.
See the section at bottom of the example WP Post, to the right? That’s what you call a “Style”You can link to a child blog post. This post was created using the keyword from the main post. Clicking on the link will bring up more content. “Snowball”.
This creates huge internal links on your blog that can be used to:
- Your own productivity and effectiveness Internal link reputation Search keywords
- Crawl rate increase Your main content
- Google has an opportunity to make each post contain snippets that are related. overall more unique post
- Allow users to find similar content (and Increase your pageviews) in a natural way
As the snowball grows, here’s what happens:
Each post to your blog becomes a mini empire of keyword rich posts all being promoted. and Automated monetization. Here is an example of how a structure looks like. Snowball This is what it might look like
You can view the actual structure on the plugin’s dashboard. A dynamic graph is also available (that you can drag around). and Have fun! It’s interesting to note that because randomization is built in, the structure won’t look the same as the one above. It will look much more natural.
These are some examples of link structures that I have created previously (the numbers are WP You can double-click to view the post ID (post ID):
Hint: To see the full-size images, hover over the pictures
How can I get WPSB?
The napkin was written shortly thereafter. and Planned WP Snowball 2.0I was set on a monthly price plan. Prices from $497 to $197 per month.
It is worth every dollar. A monthly license costs you $2 for 5 WPSB blogs that make $2 per day. This is essentially one sale every 10 business days. It’s not a problem if it works. Only How to set up 5 blogs? ?
A small number of clients could pay monthly, so I could… BUT…
This product is a real hit! and Feedback is key to success and Recent plugin ideas were largely inspired by clients. You’ll be able to vote on the full features of WPSB soon. To get good feedback, you need more clients. I felt that WPSB was a one-off investment.
There are three plans available and The best one is Currently $997 (You can find more information below)
Yes! Yes! Yes!
“I want to get in at the ground floor with WP Snowball and start getting hands-free traffic & commissions today. I understand that I also get…”
- There are no monthly fees
- Instant download via client portal
- VIP support by the development team
- Upgrades are free for v2
- Quick Start Guide
- Documentation
- If required, Premium Setup Service
- Upgrade your plans at any moment
- Continued, Active Development
Click one of the buttons to get started. WPSB will be a hit from the beginning. and I’m here to answer any questions you might have about the best way to use it.
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