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Exploring the Essential Features of “American School of Hypnosis Scripts – Hypnosis Scripts A-Z Scripts”
from A-Z
The Ultimate Hypnosis Script Collection with over 625 Scripts
and 1000+ pages of:
- Suggestibility Tests
- Instant Inductions
- Depth Tests
- Session Inductions
- Deepeners
- Analytical Vehicles
- Session Scripts
- Metaphysics Scripts
- & Awakenings
In other words EVERYTHING you would ever need in one HUGE Manual!
What Makes Our Hypnosis Scripts Different?
- Most obviously of course is the size of it. This is the BIGGEST manual or book that we’ve ever put together. It’s colossal!
- Each of these scripts was written by trained Hypnotherapists of the American School of Hypnosis and associated hypnosis schools of the American International Association worldwide. Over 200 lay people, college grads, instructors, doctors and mental health professionals.
- This manual is a combination of “brand-new” scripts as well as an assortment of the best ones from 7 to 8 of our past hypnosis script manuals no longer available to the public. They’ve been edited, updated and compiled into one massive publication designed to save you time and money. Purchasing this many scripts separately would cost thousands of dollars.
Why Is This Important To Know?
Each individual author has their own style of writing so you won’t see much repetition. You’ll find the variety refreshing and may find some techniques that will surprise you.
Since they come from various backgrounds, most are very familiar with the subjects they’re writing about rather than having just one author writing about everything.
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