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Exploring the Essential Features of “Bradley Cowan – Market Science Volumes I & II Square of Twelve 7 Market Dynamics”
This is the fourth book in this unique series and is arguably one of the most valuable source of market information ever printed. A statement like this is not made lightly because hard facts have to be provided to prove it. Market Dynamics does what has never before been done by anyone, anywhere, at any time. It provides a model, based on a simple number series, that defines every major turning point in price-time. The resolution of this model is shown to be within two cent-days over the entire historical record of soybeans, beginning in 1913.
Introductions of Square of Twelve:
This material is the first volume of a series of books, titled Market Science. Although these books use the soybean market to present the tools in this analysis, the concepts are applicable to any marke~ providing additional proof that the natural laws governing human behavior and identified in the book Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles, are universally applicable to all financial markets, including agricultural.
As in Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles, the PTV will be used as a tool to show how spatial relationships between points of force in the soybean market are–eonsistent and predictable.
Square of Twelve starts with Lesson XI because it is an extension of the material presented in Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles, which contained the first ten lessons of this series. This volume assumes the reader is very familiar with at least the first five lessons of that book.
Also provided in this series of books, is material relating to vectorial relationships, which was not revealed in Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles.
The quote provided at the beginning of Lesson III in Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles (Growth Patterns) was, “Here and elsewhere we shall not obtain the best insight into things until we actually see them growing from the beginning.” That advice from Aristotle will be followed in this analysis as it starts at the beginning, i.e., the first recorded soybean data in 1913, and progresses from there.
The reader should carefully study the methodology used in Market Science, Square of Twelve, because it is the general technique used when approaching a market. The general rules are:
(1) Begin the analysis by choosing data that represents the market under study in its most elemental fonn. In this case, it is the cash price paid directly to farmers throughout the United States. Appendix B expands on this thought.
(2) Go back to the beginning, i.e., find data as far back in time as possible. Beginning the analysis at the point where trading began is important because the vibration at that tinle identifies the foundation upon which all subsequent movements within that market are built.
Market Science, Square of Twelve will demonstrate this fact in the soybean market where the first I recorded price-time movements were defined by the square of twelve. The author has noticed that it is common practice for market researchers to approach a market problem in the reverse order than is required by the scientific method. That is, an initial assumption is made based on little or no evidence, then the data is reviewed looking for any supporting evidence of that postulate.
For example, an assumption is made regarding the Fibonacci relationship as the defining ratio of market movements. Then, the data is studied and the original postulate is assumed correct any time a ratio between 1.5 and 1.7 is observed.
In contrast, the following steps outline the correct way to approach any scientific problem, including market analysis.
- Gather correct and reliable data as far back in time as possible.
- Tabulate the relationships between the data in step l.
- Form conclusions based on the relationships tabulated in step 2.
Introductions of Market Dynamics:
There is hannony and order in the universe that man can only dream of fully understanding. Our greatest achievements pale in comparison to the complexity of something as simple as a fruit fly. This simple creature has abilities to locate food, transport itself to that food, and to avoid potential predators with a proficiency that we only partly understand.
However, as an integral part of nature we can do our best to observe and model our environment within the limits of our abilities. The tools that we have developed to do this fall into the general category of “science”, which Webster’s dictionary defines as:
- 1. The study and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.
- 2. A systematic activity requiring study and method.
- 3. Knowledge, especially that acquired through experience.
All three of these definitions apply to the material presented in Market Science because financial markets are certainly a natural phenomena requiring study, method, and experience to master. Unfortunately, those comfortable applying science to such things as chemistry and engineering do not realize that these same disciplined methods of measurement and analysis apply to detennining the trend and cause of financial market movements.
Market Science clarifies how some of the knowledge gained from the study of the sciences can be used in market timing. As stated many times in previous writings, market movements are contained within the limits of points of force that are predictably spaced in price-time. These points systematically attract and repel price movements as time unfolds. Therefore, all the natural laws that allow chemists, physists, and engineers to determine the effects of force and stress can be applied to these points of force in price-time.
The material presented in this volume of Market Science is some of the most valuable ever written about financial market timing. This is because it is not only proven that the spacing between points of force in price-time occurs with consistency, but also that the magnitude of a PTV at any given position of the growth process is predictable decades in advance.
To date, no methodology has been presented that is as accurate in identifying future points in price-time, provides such an understanding of the driving forces behind financial market movements, and supports the presented market analysis with scientific facts as does the material contained in Market Science.
Volume I of Market Science, Square Of Twelve, demonstrated the square of twelve relationships in price-time in the soybean market Price levels, time cycles, and more importantly price-time spatial relationships are defined in this market by 144, which was considered by the ancient astronomers and geometers as a sacred number.
Archeologists have verified that ancient civilizations all over the world used this number in the layout of their sacred temples and monuments. These civilizations include the Inca, Maya, Aztecs, Sumarians, Celts, Greeks, Egyptians, and others whose identity remains a mystery. All these civilizations built monuments that incorporated the sacred number of 144 into their physical dimensions. This was the highest possible tribute to their gods.
Volume II of this series, Market Dynamics, expands on the material presented in Volume I by showing that the expansion or contraction of the growth spiral in soybeans is defined by a simple number series and multiples of the square of twelve.
This number series will be shown to be the same progression found in the expansion of energy levels in the atom as the electrons move into different orbitals. The examples provided prove that the accuracy of this technique allow the analyst to define the magnitude of PTVs within two units of “cent-days” when projected into the future for-a-time frame exceeding a decade.
This work also shows the correlation between the long-term planetary cycles and the major tops and bottoms in soybeans, with cyclic projections made into the future for the next twenty years. Because market advisory services are attempting to implement the author’s cycle work into their commercially distributed publications, this analysis does not provide the exact phasing of the synodic cycles, nor .does it show the locations of the shorter term cycles. Past experience has shown that when the author discloses the exact location of these cycles it is only a matter of weeks before this information is published by others.
Also included in this volume of Market Science, is an update of the stock market growth spiral that has been unfolding, since the crash of 1987. The vectorial relationships within this spiral have worked out exactly, using hourly time components.
This information is included in Appendix C because it does not directly address the soybean market. However, the general concepts are applicable to .all markets.
The planetary cycles presented in Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles are updated to July, 1995 showing that anyone who read those books and did their homework should have profited tremendously from the cycle bottoms and tops that they predicted.
Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures And Cycles was released to the public in October, 1993 and many of the dominant cycles were only shown up to the June, 1992 top. However, every movement since that date has been closely correlated with the cycles outlined in that work.
Appendix F of this work looks at the similarities between the dimensions of ancient temples and the vectorial expansion of the growth spiral in the soybean market. This is only a brief introduction to the subject and is included here to pique the reader’s curiosity about the possible extent of knowledge of our ancient ancestors.
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