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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dance Floor Game Accelerator – John K – Nameless”
Discover The Fastest Method To Getting Girls From The Dance Floor To Obsess Over You Without Relying On Gimmicky Openers Or “Verbal Game”…
Introducing “Dance Floor Game Accelerator”…
“If You Weren’t Such A B*tch, I’d Probably Give You A Chance,” I Said To Her…
She threw her drink on me.
And as it splashed all over me, everyone on the nightclub dance floor looked at me IN COMPLETE SHOCK…
… as if I was the devil.
I stood there confused, resentful, angry,
… but most of all, lonely.
Yep. That was me trying to pickup girls on the dance floor for the first time.
I go by the alias of John Killingsworth, and I wanna tell you my story…
I Never Wanted To Become “That Guy” On The Internet Who Takes Girls From The Dance Floor To F*ck Them On Camera …
If you’ve seen my last videos you probably saw me make-out with dozens of girls in a row on the dance floor…
That’s pretty crazy, right?
However I didn’t always used to be “that guy”…
And quite honestly, I never wanted to have that reputation either.
I grew up being a really shy, introverted, insecure Asian guy (and still am to an extent).
I had a few good friends, but I literally had zero success with women.
If you would have seen me at that time, you wouldn’t believe that this dude would end up fucking girls with a camera on his head to put it on YouTube.
But long before that, I used to stare at the ceiling and ask myself many questions…
I couldn’t sleep…
So I fantasized about one day getting all the girls I wanted.
Thoughts would go through my head over and over again…
Would you like to walk into any room and know you could attract any girl you want?
What if you could attract them without having to say anything?
Without needing to look good?
And is that even possible?
… and I’d ask those questions over and over again with my eyes closed.
It became my new obsession.
But in all honestly, I was just daydreaming until now.
During my teenage years, it really felt like I was missing out on life, missing out on who I could become.
I was tired of feeling alone, looking at others and wondering “why can’t I just be normal? “
“Why am I always so anxious, so afraid of people?
“Why am I so afraid of women?”
I was shy, didn’t know how to talk to girls, didn’t even WANT to talk because I was so socially awkward.
… and while I tried all those verbal pickup tactics, befriending a bunch of girls at school and all, I never really felt like I deserved those girls.
So I kept trying,and trying…
and trying…
Until I discovered this new formula I’m gonna share with you in a minute…
A few years ago when I broke up with my ex-girlfriend, I went through one of the toughest years of my life.
I remember lying on my couch and saying to myself:
“I could be dead or alive right now. The outcome would be the same.”
… but there’s ONE thing that she told me.
One saying I still live by to this day.
She told me that I should keep doing what I love, follow my passions, and that I should always be myself.
Yes, as cheesy as that sounds.
So I continued on living, and I did it for her.
So then, I went on a quest to find myself. I packed my GoPro and attended as many festivals as I could.
I wanted to run away from the pain.
But ultimately, I had to find meaning and purpose.
I might not know you personally…
But there’s one thing that I know for sure.
I know what it feels like to be alone…
And I don’t want anyone to have to go through this hell.
So I made it my mission to teach men like you and me to get what they want out of life.
To never feel alone ever again.
To have women attracted to them, loving them, cherishing them.
It wasn’t easy at first, but I went out a lot.
I went out as much as possible.
I had to overcome rejection, pain, humiliation, and loneliness on my path towards becoming successful, but it was all worth it in the end.
Eventually, I started getting better.
And strangely enough, I was getting most of my results from the same exact place.
All the time .
And that was the moment when… I also realized why I was doing all this.
And I realized that the places where I felt the most happy was…
… on the dance floor.
The Brand New Revolutionary Style Of Game That Yields Consistent Results Night After Night
I could be myself, I could be free, and there was no one to judge me.
This was the only form of game where you could feel confident and attractive literally instantly,
Without having to open my mouth.
I realized the magic behind it, and was baffled that no one knew about this.
This is when I discovered dance floor game.
My path towards finding the solution wasn’t easy. But I found it.
I never thought that I could attract women on the dance floor so instantly, until I started getting those results…
When I had sex with this beautiful girl on camera, I thought it was only luck at first…
And then… it happened again.
My confidence rose day by day.
Eventually, I was able to outline a fool-proof formula that goes like this:
Open. Hook. Vibe. Lead. Close .
Would You Like To Learn How To Consistently Kiss-Close 1 To 3+ Girls Every Single Night?
Imagine a place where everything that’s been taught about seduction can be thrown out the window.
Imagine a reality where every step of the game happens 10 times faster .
I want you to learn this.
Because the feeling that everything is possible is one of the best feelings in the world.
I had the opportunity to reverse the past, to undo all this pain I went through.
And you know, I get it.
It’s NOT your fault .
No one has taught you this before, because everyone tells you lines, techniques and gimmicks.
No one has taught you how to get results FAST.
We only taught you the “slow” way.
Your friends, your parents, your school, your teachers would never want you to learn this.
Because they don’t think it’s possible.
They think you have to be crazy, to be a player, to be an asshole to get those results.
And quite frankly, it’s just outside their reality.
… but you can now prove them WRONG.
… and you can prove to yourself that you can do it.
I’ve learned how to seduce women on the dance floor.
And the good news is…
you can learn it too.
The #1 Fastest & Most Effective Style Of Game Ever Discovered In The Last 20 Years…
I developed this course specifically for you to “take you by the hand” to get you through the necessary reference experiences that will reshape your identity drastically…
You’ll learn EVERYTHING that I know about the dance floor.
​Over 2 hours of condensed theory videos divided into 5 modules that will teach you everything that I know about game
Over 4.5 hours of broken down, POV infield footage
​Split up into 5 main sections:
1. Getting Ready
100% Foolproof Formula To Ensure Consistently Killer Nights Anytime You Go Out…
This is by far the most overlooked part of game.
The first part of DFGA will tell exactly how to ensure that you have a killer night each night that you go out.
Discover what is game, what is dance floor game and where are the best places to game.
Believe it or not, but game begins the moment you step outside your house.
- What Is Game?
- Why Dance Floor Game?
- Venue Selection
- The Truth About Looks
- Peacocking (The SECRET Sauce)
- The Infallible “Before You Go Out” Checklist​
- Action Steps
1. Watch me DEBUNK all the MYTHS about attraction and seduction that you’ve been taught.
2. Discover why dance floor game is more fun and less fluff,
…and gets you more results faster and more consistently.
3. Learn WHICH TYPE of VENUES to choose when it comes time to attract and seduce women.
…This makes a WHOLE LOT of a difference when it comes to getting CONSISTENT RESULTS.
4. Discover the TRUTH about looks, whether it matters or not and what you can do to MAXIMIZE your looks.
…and how to apply it for dance floor game.
6. Discover my INFALLIBLE checklist for how to ensure that you have a KILLER NIGHT
…each night that you go out.
7. Get a proven, step-by-step game plan before you go out.
2. Mindset (Inner Game)
Develop Panty-Dropping Masculinity On The Dance Floor That Will Make Her Wanna F*ck You Right Away
Mindset is EVERYTHING. With this, you will make sure that each night you get results.
- ​Introduction To “The Closer” Mindset
- ​The Right Expectations For Maximizing Your Results
- The Panty-Dropper Mindset
- The #1 Reason Why Most Guys Don’t Get Laid
- 10+ Signs She Wants To Be Approached (Pre-Approach)
- INFIELD (Warming Up & Dealing w/ Rejections)
1. Learn the perfect mindset that ensures that you always get results when you go out.
2. Discover how to develop the right expectations that ensure consistent growth while learning.
3. Adopt the new PANTY-DROPPER mindset that trigger guaranteed attraction on the dance floor.
4. Discover the #1 REASON why most guys don’t get laid.
5. Learn 10+ signs that guarantees that she wants to be approached.
6. [BONUS] Get exclusive access to never-seen-before POV infield footage that show you EXACTLY how you can apply those concepts to your game.
3. Opening & Hooking
WARNING! Those Techniques Will Guarantee Her To Be Hooked On You Like A Heroin Addict…
This third part is ESSENTIAL to consistently hooking and getting results in dance floor game.This is EVERYTHING you need to know about starting an interaction in the right direction…
- ​The Revolutionary 5-Step Formula To Getting Consistent Results On The Dance Floor
- The Fundamentals Of Opening 101
- The Best Field-Tested Openers
- The Tailored Techniques To Overcoming Approach Anxiety On Any Dance Floor
- The Art Of Consistent Hooking
- Learn Insane, Rapid Escalation (Polarizing Moves)
- Master The Art Of Getting To The Kiss Consistently
- The Keys To Overcoming Resistance While Escalating
- [POV INFIELD] Opening, Hooking & Getting To The Kiss
1. Discover the NEW 5-Step Formula that consistently gets results on the dance floor.
2. Master EVERYTHING about opening and NEVER struggle again with “running out of things to say”.
In fact, you’ll realize why TALKING on the dance floor can play against you…
3. Get access to 7+ field-tested openers for the dance floor.
4. Annihilate approach anxiety once and for all with those 3 field-tested dance floor techniques.
5. Master the art of HOOKING CONSISTENTLY and the 3 essentials of the hook.
6. Learn polarizing moves that will make her wet right there on the dance floor…
7. Learn how to get 1 to 3+ kiss-closes per night consistently.
8. [BONUS] Get exclusive access to never-seen-before POV infield footage that show you EXACTLY how you can apply those concepts to your game.
4. Leading
The Absolute, Crucial Part Of Effective & Consistent Closing…
This third part is ESSENTIAL to consistently hooking and getting results in dance floor game.This is EVERYTHING you need to know about starting an interaction in the right direction…
- ​The Fundamentals Of Leading 101
- The Goal Of Leading
- How To Lead Effectively & Consistently To The Close
- How To Isolate Her & Deal With Her Annoying Friends
- Introduction The “Beast-Mode” Method
- How To Get The Quickest Pulls Humanely Possible
- INFIELD (Leading Examples)
1. Discover the NEW 5-Step Formula that consistently gets results on the dance floor.
2. Master EVERYTHING about opening and NEVER struggle again with “running out of things to say”.
In fact, you’ll realize why TALKING on the dance floor can play against you…
3. Get access to 7+ field-tested openers for the dance floor.
4. Annihilate approach anxiety once and for all with those 3 field-tested dance floor techniques.
5. Master the art of HOOKING CONSISTENTLY and the 3 essentials of the hook.
6. Learn polarizing moves that will make her wet right there on the dance floor…
7. Learn how to get 1 to 3+ kiss-closes per night consistently.
8. [BONUS] Get exclusive access to never-seen-before POV infield footage that show you EXACTLY how you can apply those concepts to your game.
5. Vibing & Closing
The Final Stage Of Game That Determines Success Or Failure…
This fifth part is the LAST PIECE of the puzzle that guarantees that you’ll ALWAYS know how to close
- ​The Art Of Vibing 101
- The Art Of Pulling 101
- Closing Expectations
- INFIELD (Open-To-Close)
1. Learn the art of making her comfortable going home with you with the art of vibing.
2. Master the art of CLOSING and SEALING THE DEAL! (Yes, that’s what you’re in it for, right?)
3. In conclusion, I layout the right expectations to have in regards to closing and your progression in game, so that you know what to expect anytime you go out.
4. [BONUS] Get exclusive access to never-seen-before POV infield footage that show you EXACTLY how you can apply those concepts to your game.
BONUS #1 (3+ HOURS Of POV Infield)
Unreleased POV Infield Footage Breakdown
The first bonus is my BEST COMPILATION of the one and only POV infield footage you’ll find in the world.You’ll see everything from SO CLOSE that there’s NO WAY you won’t know what effective dance floor game is.
- Over 3 Hours Of Close-Up, POV Infield Foodage
- ​Internalize All 5-Modules & DFGA Techniques Into Your Game
- Meticulously Broken Down Demonstrations
- Rewatch It Over And Over Again Before Going Out!
1. Learn the art of making her comfortable going home with you with the art of vibing.
2. Master the art of CLOSING and SEALING THE DEAL! (Yes, that’s what you’re in it for, right?)
3. In conclusion, I layout the right expectations to have in regards to closing and your progression in game, so that you know what to expect anytime you go out.
4. [BONUS] Get exclusive access to never-seen-before POV infield footage that show you EXACTLY how you can apply those concepts to your game.
BONUS #2 (Same-Night Lay POV Infield)
Never-Seen-Before POV Infield Breakdown Of A One-Night-Stand
In all honesty…I NEVER INTENDED to release this video.
But I’m making it available to you, because there are so many good things to learn from this.
You’ve seen all the fake POV porn videos on the internet, right?
Well, what if I told you that what you see on pornhub can actually become reality?
Yes. So you don’t want to miss this…
- ​Watch Me Pull An Indian Cutie From A Music Festival Directly Into The Shower
- An Interaction Originally Over 3 Hours, Broken Down In Detail In Under 2 Hours
- A Step-By-Step How To Get A Kiss-Close Under 60 Seconds Without Saying A Single Word
- See How Effective Vibing, Leading And Closing Looks Like In Action
- Learn How To Handle Objections & Win The Friends Over
- Rewire Your Brain Into Believing That Everything Is Possible!
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