*** Proof of Product ***

Welcome to “Digital Marketer – The New Email Follow Up Machine,” your gateway to mastering the art of email follow-ups in the world of digital marketing. Get ready to supercharge your campaigns and boost your conversions with the insights and strategies you’ll gain from this course.
Exploring the Essential Features of “Digital Marketer – The New Email Follow Up Machine“
What You Get:
Turn Strangers into Friends with a Fully Customized Indoctrination Campaign.
- Launch an “Indoctrination Series” that makes a positive first impression and skyrockets the open rates of future emails.
- Take a page from real-life conversion examples like Angie’s List, Shinola, and SeaVees to see how well they stack up against your campaign.
- Swipe our copy-and-paste templates to make writing your emails quick, simple, and nearly impossible to mess up.
Tailor Your Conversion Campaign to Fit Your Business’s Revenue Goals
- Move your new subscribers to the “buy” phase as quickly and seamlessly as possible with our proven email templates.
- Leverage the 4 types of Conversion Triggers & when to deploy each to maximize revenue without “burning out” your list.
- Uncover the key conversion elements your campaign must include – like how to help your reader overcome their own objections.
Optimize Your Campaigns For Best Possible Reach & Maximum Engagement
- Discover the 4 types of subject lines that demand to be opened (PLUS: Swipe 30+ examples of “killer” subject lines for your own campaigns).
- Stack your conversion series with bolt-on offers that reconnect you with “stubborn” customers who didn’t convert the first time.
- Grade the impact of every facet of your campaign (from subject line to call to action) with our “8-Point Automated Email Follow-up Series Audit.”
Finally, a process you can implement today to nurture and convert your subscribers into the buyers of your core offer!
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