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Exploring the Essential Features of “Dr. Sheldon Deal – Applied Kinesiology Shortcuts Part 3”
This home study course will give you practical knowledge and skills using AK methods to assist you in effectively and efficiently eliminate pain and dysfunction.
Study with one of the leading experts in the field to revolutionize your practice using these powerful approaches.
There are 55 effective shortcut techniques in this nine-hour program, professionally filmed and edited using three high-definition cameras to clearly see how each procedure is done. You can watch them as many times as you like, whenever you like to master the information.
This is ideal for anyone using muscle testing in their practice who wants to work smarter, not harder to get longer lasting results in shorter time.
What You Will Learn In Each Class of AK Shortcuts Part 3
Class 1
- Emergency Modes
- Two-Point TL for Nutrition
- Bladder One Testing
- To Rolf or Not to Rolf
- Treating Bruising
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Pottenger Cat Study
- Extra Spinal Bone Sequence
- Treating Cervical Pain Strain, Counter Strain
- Ligament Interlink
- Shock Absorber
- Ligament Interlink
Class 2
- Category II & III
- Blind Spot Neurology
- Lüscher Color Test
- Nutrition for Arthritis
- Metabolic Diet
- Formula for Success
- How to Remember What You Learn
- Breast Soreness
- Treating Shoulder Problems
- Ileocecal & Houston Valves
- Finding Priority Under Energy
- 8th Chakra
- Story of Truth & Follow Your Bliss
- M. Williamson – Our Deepest Fear
Class 3
- Emotional Quick Fix
- Sex & the Brain
- Blood to the Brain
- Matter as Frozen Light
- Cataract Treatment & Macular Degeneration
- 5 Laws of Life and 12 Warning Signs of Health
- The Seven Health Habits from the Alameda County Health Department
- Biological Potential of 120 Years
- Changing the Aging Set Point
- 14 Anti-Aging Points
Class 4
- Odd-Even Rule
- Posture and Meridians
- Morning Stiffness
- Nutrition for Tension in Back Muscles
- Sagittal Suture Correction
- Fixing Leaks in the Aura
- Alkaline Indicator
- Reducing Waistline
- Hearing Correction
- 5 Element Grains
- Pain & LQM
Class 5
- Autogenic Facilitation and Inhibition
- Shortcuts to Determine if IRT is Needed
- Session to balance for headaches
- Session to balance for insomnia
- Session to balance the pelvis
How You Will Benefit:
- Build your confidence and skill in helping clients even in difficult cases
- Know how to work smarter, not harder and attract new clients
- Get better, longer lasting results with your clients
- Possibly clear up some of your own health challenges
- Have fun learning some revolutionary ways to help people live healthier, longer and more productive lives.
About Your Instructor

Dr. Sheldon Deal is a naturopathic and chiropractic physician who is one of the original chiropractors who with Dr. Goodheart created the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK). He is the past chairman of the ICAK and former director of the ICAK board of examiners.
Dr. Deal operates one of the largest natural healing centers in the Southwest at the Swan Clinic in Tucson, AZ. He has written the books: Advanced Kinesiology, New Life Through Nutrition, New Life Through Natural Methods and the Basic AK Workshop Manual. He has taught in fifteen countries around the world. Take this rare opportunity to study with a master AK doctor!
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