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Exploring the Essential Features of “Justing Brooke – The Knowledge Network“
Now You Can Build An Online Course Business Without Having To Be On Camera or Even Be An Expert
Dear Course Seller,
Today I want to tell you about a more efficient business model for selling courses…
- You don’t ever have to be on camera (unless you want to be)
- You don’t have to be the expert (other experts do it for you)
- They’ll even give you the content for free (if you follow my script)
If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you’ve already mastered the art of creating and selling online courses (or were considering it)
Yes, this will work if it’s your first time selling courses. I wish I had known this 18yrs ago when I first started selling courses.
But here’s the rub…
You’ve poured your heart and soul into your work, however, the traditional model of online course creation and selling, with a single expert handling everything, can be time-consuming, exhausting, and traps YOU the expert into always being “ON.”
On and on.
Here’s What They Never Tell You When
You Start Your First Course Business…
Then there’s the issue of ever selling your course business.
No investor wants to buy an expert-based business, because they need the expert to stay on doing everything.
Once the expert leaves, it’s a struggle to get the customers to buy from anyone else.
Expert based businesses even struggle for the children to run it after the expert passes on.
We’ve seen this over and over.
They try hard, they do ok, but it’s rarely ever as good as when the expert ran it themselves.
Sure it’s great money, but it’s really hard to scale, to delegate, and near impossible to ever sell.
But there is an answer… 🥳🙌💪
They Are Already Making Millions & It Solves All of These Problems
Imagine a future where you are part of a vibrant community of experts instead.
Where other experts are offering you their content, filling in for you on coaching calls, and answering questions in your community.
You get to fade away into the background, or at least massively reduce your workload.
Plus, you get a sellable business that isn’t reliant on YOUR face to succeed.
I’d like to introduce you to a new model of online education, I’m calling it “Knowledge Networks.”
Some call it the SVOD business model, but good luck explaining that.
Here’s the best part…
Knowledge networks are ALREADY PROVEN successful across various niches.
- Yoga
- Coding
- Business
- Music
- Religion
- Fishing
This is not some new invention.
It’s a proven business model with MANY multi-million dollar earning case studies.
Which I will get into in a sec…
The Knowledge Network model leverages the power of a community of experts, creating a more comprehensive and engaging learning experience for the students and a more efficient and profitable model for you – the expert.
Let’s take a look at four platforms that have successfully adopted this model:
CASE STUDY #1: AbundancePlus.com
AbundancePlus: started with a a single YouTuber and now brings together the world’s top experts in homesteading, farming, and gardening. With experts they call “aunts and uncles” building a comprehensive library of courses for their subscribers. They really focus on creating a family culture in their community.
CASE STUDY #2: Yousician.com
Yousician: started by two musicians who never sold courses before, but were frustrated at the current options for learning music. So they created a new platform that teaches music in a new way. Now it’s the worlds leading platform to learn Guitar, Piano, Ukelele, Singing and more. With experts such as Metallica and Jason Mraz teaching courses for them.
The Biggest “Online Education” Opportunity in 2024
CASE STUDY #3: SundayPlus.co
SundayPlus: started by a sole course creator who needed more leverage and scalability, brings together expert theologians and pastors. It’s everything a Christian needs to handle life outside of the 1 hour a week of church. With even a path towards becoming certified in different areas of expertise.
CASE STUDY #4: AdSkills.com
AdSkills: started by yours truly after having a successful ad agency. I got tired of the stress of clients and even tired of constantly thinking of yet another email promotion to sell my course to the same people again and again and again. So I convinced other expert advertisers to make courses for me on Google ads, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, and more. Now it’s a thriving community with certification opportunity. our students run campaigns for Kajabi, ClickFunnels, Cardone University, Dr. Axe, ShineSolar and more.
The “Knowledge Network” Business Model Simply Outsells The Competition
The Knowledge Network model not only allows these platforms to provide a wide range of content, but also fosters a sense of community among the instructors.
Which leads to collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth.
Would you rather join a course taught by one expert, or a course taught by a team of the best experts from around the industry?
The traditional expert-based course business is quickly losing ground in the market to the newer business model.
This is because the knowledge network model outsells, the competition.
That’s not an opinion, Masterclass, Skillshare, Coursera, Gaia, and others like them make many MANY more millions than individual course sellers or even the “gurus.”
… It’s less demanding on the founder.
… Outsells the competition.
But also because it’s subscription revenue, knowledge networks (SVOD’s) are actually sellable.
Lynda Wienman, sold her knowledge network (Lynda.com) for $1.5 BILLION to LinkedIn.
There’s so much more I want to tell you about this business model.
In 2022, MasterClass.com brought in $94 million dollars in revenue with their knowledge network business. That’s not all because Gaia.com, another knowledge network that focuses on new age documentaries earned $82 million in 2022.
This is a VERY profitable business model that is crushing the old methods of selling courses.
👉 That’s why I ran a 6 hour virtual workshop on this topic… that workshop turned into an 8 hour marathon diving into every detail of building a knowledge network for the attendees. We’ve edited, refined and converted that workshop into a course…
Knowledge Networks
You Will Walk Away From This Course With a Proven Business Model, Scripts To Secure The Experts, Our Marketing Plan That Generated $4.8mil, And The List of Contractors We Hired To Help Build Our Knowledge Network
What You’re Getting: You’re getting instant access to 8 hours of workshop recordings that details EVERYTHING we did to build our knowledge network as well as the best practices others are using in theirs. The first session we go in-depth into the business model & what makes it work. Then in the 2nd session we cover all the ways in which we’ve found to convince experts to create our courses for us. In the 3rd session we reveal every landing page, ad, and email we used in our marketing campaigns to earn $4.8mil. We cover pricing strategies, customer support, onboarding, and more. Finally, in the last session we tell you about the tools we’ve tried, what we canceled, what we kept, and the team we hired to build our platform for us. You will complete this course with every document, process, and strategy you need to launch your own knowledge network.
Justin started in 2007 with just $60 in a Google ad account and turned that into 6 figures with his first course. Then opened a digital ad agency and grew it to $1.3mil. After that he launched AdSkills.com and made $4.8 million with that. Justin’s students now work at ClickFunnels, Kajabi, Cardone Capital, DigitalMarketer, and many other brands you know.
Justin Brooke
AdSkills Founder
Here’s How To Sign Up & Save 75%
1 Knowledge Network Business Model
Deep Dive Into How This Business Works
You’re going to love how simple it is to build a course business with the new knowledge network aka SVOD business model. No more launches, endless webinars, buying expensive equipment, or having to update your own courses. The experts do all of that work for you. Same as authors write books for publishing companies. It’s no different, this is just the modern digital version of that.
2 Onboarding Expert Course Creators
Discover The Outreach We Used To Reel In 30+ Experts
Obviously, the key to building a knowledge network is convincing experts to make courses for you. Good news, thats what experts are already doing. It’s not additional work for them. They are experts, content creation is their profession, you’re just showing them another way to get paid for doing what they already do.
3 Marketing Strategy Breakdown
Revealing Marketing Secrets of Top Knowledge Networks
This is the part everyone looks forward too. We’re going to show you exactly how we’ve added thousands of members to our knowledge network platforms. As well as how some of the biggest knowledge networks in the world do their marketing.
4 Pricing Strategy Breakdown
Discover What The Best Companies Are Charging
Whatever you do DO NOT use the same old pricing strategies that you used to use with traditional course sales. This is a new business model, and there are new pricing methods that have been proven. We’re talking about 100s of millions of dollars changing hands. Trust us, and just price yours the way we teach you. Seller Beware!!!
5 Behind The Scenes
Learn The Systems & Processes That Run The Machine
The secret to AdSkills $4.8mil success, was the systems that ran the company like a well-oiled machine. Chaunna will show you the documents, projects, and diagrams we used to keep new customers coming in and new experts filling our members area.
6 Revenue Share & Royalties
Guest Speaker Shares How He Earns Royalties & Rev Share
MY long time buddy, James Schramko has agreed to do a session for us talking about how he’s been on the other side of this deal. He explains how he earns royalties and rev share deals for the content that he creates. Another income stream for you!
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/