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Exploring the Essential Features of “Magick, Depression and Trauma in Mental Space – Andrew Austin and Lucas Derks”
Summary (tl;dr): We think things, these thoughts can take on a life of their own and then come back and persecute us. We create demons in our own minds and then engage in futile battles with them in an attempt to be happy. Using a combination of mental space psychology and ceremonial magic we can utilise age-old formulas to conquer these demons and be at peace once more.
A Unique Body of Work
Magic, Depression and Trauma in Mental Space is a unique body of work to enable effective exploration and change in our internal world of thought, experience and imagination.
Unusual Talents
Combining the unusual talents of Andrew T. Austin and Lucas Derks, this video-based program explores themes of mental experience that will be new to even the most seasoned therapist, personal development aficionado and mental space explorer.
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