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Exploring the Essential Features of “Michelle & Aimee – Passive Income Planner Girl”
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In this course, you’ll learn how to turn your zone of genius into a digital planner and use your digital planner as a launching pad to a business full of raving fans while honoring your desires, your personality, and your joy in the journey every step of the way.
We’re Michelle and Aimee and we teach this course together.
We find joy in helping women tap into their zone of geniuses and create businesses and lives from a place of being fully in alignment with WHO YOU ARE.
Fun fact: Aimee was Michelle’s student of the first edition of this course and now they’re business partners!
When I first joined Passive Income Planner Girl, I thought I was going to learn how to create a planner and hopefully make a little extra money. What I didn’t realize was that I had been given the opportunity to design a successful business that brought out the best in me! We each have something special and unique that the world needs and with the right tools we can learn how to bravely and confidently share our sparkle! For me, that has absolutely been Passive Income Planner Girl!
– Jayme Ballard, see Jayme’s planner shop
The thing I love most about Passive Income Planner Girl is how authentic Michelle and Aimee are. They embrace who they are 100% and encourage us to do the same. They’re great examples of how we can create businesses we freaking love that supports the life we want to live. They take the “rules” and burn them down to the ground. My best piece of advice I learned from this course is to go 100% in on who you are, even if it’s scary. Like Michelle always says, the magic is you.
– Michelle Simpkin, see Michelle’s planner shop
The magic of Passive Income Planner Girl is that it has a beautiful message hidden inside like a treasure. You might join and think: “I am going to learn how to create digital planners”, but as you listen to Michelle and Aimee’s conversations, you discover it is more than that. They are inviting you to find your zone of genius, truly believe in yourself, and create a business YOUR way.
– Maria Alejandra, see Maria’s planner shop >
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