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Exploring the Essential Features of “Sachin Karve – A Master Class on Quantum Energy Healing”
What you’ll learn
- You will learn the principles of Quantum Healing and how they create instant healing results
- You will learn about the Knowledge, Skill and Attitude required for an Energy Healer
- You will learn how to use sensory inputs on your hands to do healing for yourself or others
- You will learn how to do healing Remotely over a distance using Video Call
- You will learn how to work on the 7 energy Vortices of the body
- You will learn about various healing indicators that are observed when healing starts happening in the body
- No Prerequisites for this course.
- You can be a complete Novice on Energy Healing
This detailed step by step course on Quantum Energy Healing will help you to learn and master a very powerful healing technique that will help you effortlessly heal yourself or others from a wide variety of health issues and that too almost Instantly. The course will introduce you to the Five Fundamental Principles of Quantum Healing and will show you how to apply these principles to create the right environment that will instantly trigger a healing reaction in the body of a person suffering from a health issue.
The course will take you systematically through the ‘Why‘, ‘How‘ and ‘What‘ of Quantum Healing and will highlight key aspects that every energy healer must consider during the healing process. It offers valuable guidelines which can make the process of healing fast and effortless. It will answer common queries that one might have while trying to do a healing session for the first time. The course introduces you to concepts and their application in an easy to understand language and includes Practical Demonstrations of Healing. The course is designed to serve as a complete guide to help you even if you are a novice to healing.
The course includes several Real life examples on healing a variety of chronic and acute health conditions so that you would know what to expect when you do healing for yourself or others. You will learn how to use your hands to sense the communication from a body and thereby heal any health disorder. You will learn about various Healing indicators that are commonly observed as the body initiates correction at the deepest level of the quantum field.
You will also learn how to do ‘Distance Healing/ Remote Healing‘ to heal people over a video call using this healing technique which works equally effectively over a distance using a Video call or an Audio call.
The course content is as follows:
1. Introduction to Quantum Energy Healing
2. Advantages of Quantum Energy Healing
3. The competence required for an Energy Healer
4. The Five Fundamental Principles of Quantum Healing
5. Step by Step process of Healing
6. Healing Indicators observed in the Body
7. Working on the 7 Chakras or Energy Vortices
8. Healing Demonstrations and Healing Examples
9. Healing oneself
10. Guidelines for your first attempt at Healing
Who this course is for:
- Individuals who want to heal themselves or others from any health issue
- Those who want to generate income by offering paid sessions for healing people from various health issues.
- Those who want to offer healing services remotely using Video Call
Course content
- Course Introduction, know your trainer and his journey into Quantum Healing
- Welcome to the course on Quantum Healing
- Know your Trainer
- Sachin’s Journey in the field of Quantum Healing
- Experience Healing in your body while you study the course
Healing Experience
- Healing Experience 1: Relief from Phantom Pain
- Healing Experience 2: Relief from Back Pain
- Healing Experience 3: Varicose Veins Pain and Severe Lower Back pain
Developing the Competence of a Healer
- Competence of a Healer – Three components
- The Belief, Attitude & Values that create the environment required for Healing
Cause of Disease
- Cause of a Disease due to disorder in Chakra Energy and Order
- Disease caused due to a distributed Mind or Emotions
Quantum Healing Principles
- Healing Principles 1: Infinite Potential and the Environment of Stillness
- Healing Principles 2: Going down to the deepest level of existence
- Healing Principles 3: Human Awareness helps in healing
- Healing Principles 4: Listening to the body’s communication can result in healing
- Healing Principles 5: Love is a powerful scalar energy that can help in healing
- The Zero point ‘No Mind’ state and how it resolves psychosomatic health issues
- Summary of the Five Quantum Healing Principles
Applying the Five Quantum Healing Principles
- Putting the Five Quantum Healing principles into practice while doing healing
Correcting the Three Regulatory Systems – Vata Pitta and Kapha
- Introduction to the Three Regulatory systems: Vata Pitta and Kapha
- Vata Pitta and Kapha: The Three Regulatory systems and how they get corrected
The Process of Quantum Healing
- Getting into the state that triggers healing
- Understanding the Health Issue
- Setting an Intention for Healing
- The appropriate setting for Healing
- Guidelines regarding when to do the healing session
- Listening to the Body’s Communication – Part 1: Activating Sensitivity of Hands
- Listening to the Body’s Communication – Part 2: Sensing the Body’s Communication
Doing a Healing session on Video Call
- Guidelines for Healing on Video Call
Healing Indicators that are observed during Quantum Healing
- Introduction to Healing Indicators
- Different types of Healing Indicators that are commonly observed
- Practical Examples of healing indicators observed during the healing process
Demonstration: Learning how to sense the bio field communication using our hands
- Sensing the Body’s bio field communication using our hands
Demonstration of Healing: Healing a painful elbow joint
- Demonstration of Healing a painful elbow – Part 1
- Demonstration of Healing a painful elbow – Part 2
- Demonstration of Healing Headache and Sinus Trouble
- Demonstration of how healing is done for Headache and Sinus trouble
Healing yourself using Quantum Healing
- Healing Oneself using Quantum Healing
Practice activities
- Practice activities for Quantum Healing
Some more Healing Experiences
- Healing Experience: Instant Relief from Periods pain
Use of Meditation for the healer to achieve a silent state of being
- A simple approach to achieve a deeply meditative state in three simple steps
Some guidelines for starting your Journey in Healing
- Guidelines for starting Healing
Sachin Karve: Experienced Quantum Healer
Sachin Karve is an experienced Quantum Energy Healer and has helped more than 700 people suffering from various health issues. He has authored a book ‘Instant Healing for Self and Others’ using which hundreds have learnt the skill of Healing and have been able to successfully treat self and others.
Sachin is a Mechanical Engineer and MBA Marketing with more than 25 years of experience. He has his own consulting and Training firm offering training to corporate clients.
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