*** Proof of Product ***

Exploring the Essential Features of “Ultimate Harper Mix 2”
For 2.0, I’ve updated the MP3s and I’ve figured out a way to stack the mix between 6-216 times in one file. This gives multiple exposures to all the messages in each listen.
This is a very powerful file. Much more than the previous version. It’s very easy to trance out with headphones on and I would not recommend operating heavy machinery while listening to these.
Version 2.0 includes 19 Talmadge Harper subliminal products in one:
- Alpha Protocol Extreme
- Pheromones on steroids 3.0 holy shit version
- Omega Wealth
- Sexy Healthy Body 2
- Explosive Muscle Mass – The Juice
- Awaken Your Inner Genius
- Super Immune Health 2
- Testosterone Increase – from the original Alpha Protocol series
- Masterful Lover
- Schumann Truth Wealth – from Wealth Vibrations 2
- Online Marketing Genius
- Midas Touch
- Will Power*** modified Omega Program version.
- Advanced Sexual Healing
- Photographic Memory
- Confidence in Social Situations
- NLP Mastery
- Inner Genius Foreign Language
- Clearing for Abundance
Enjoy and please let me know what kind of results you get. My results keep getting better and if I get enough positive reports from others who are using the file, I will share with Talmadge my technique for stacking a single mp3 200+ times, so that he can offer even more effective products.
Please see the full list of alternative group-buy courses available here: https://lunacourse.com/shop/