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Exploring the Essential Features of “Will Riley – Simple Side Business”
YES Will… I’m In! I’m Ready to Be a Business Owner and Have the Consistent Monthly Income and Lifestyle My Family and I Deserve. I Understand This Program Works For Complete Beginners, Even If I Suck at Sales or Have Zero Technical Knowledge…
Here’s What You’re Getting…
Instant online access to this special edition of the Simple Side Business, including all the limited-time bonuses outlined below. As you follow along with me in these step-by-step videos you will…
1 — CREATE YOUR WINNERS MINDSET: In this video we’ll go over a couple of really simple things you need to get right in your own head before you ever send you first email. The reality is if you don’t have these things right in your own mind first then you’ll always struggle to convince anyone else.
As you make these small changes you’ll feel more confident and assured in yourself and you’ll ooze authority in every communication you make. This is really important because people always listen to and take advice from those they respect which makes your job of selling infinitely easier.
2 — GET UNLIMITED LEADS: Now that you’ve got your mindset right, it’s time to find businesses to contact. And knowing the right businesses to contact makes all the difference. Get this wrong and it doesn’t matter how good your message or your offer is, you’ll never make a sale.
So in this video I’ll show you the best types of businesses to sell this service to (ie: those who are going to get the fastest results possible… which is good for both you and them)…and I’ll also show you the simple way to find the best email addresses to contact these businesses.
Now this is usually a bit of a manual process… but I show you a simple online tool that can do all this for you automatically and will literally save you a heap of time. You just enter some keywords like restaurant or cafe or salon and the area you’d like to search, you can even get as specific as zipcodes, and this tool will go out and find all the current businesses in that area and their best email addresses. It takes about 3 minutes.
This ensures you have an unlimited supply of high quality leads so you’re never stuck looking for new businesses to contact… and you’ll only be contacting those businesses who really want and need the service you have, resulting in more paying clients for you.
3 — SELLING THE SERVICE: Now that you’ve found the best email address to contact the business with, you’ll write and send your first email and discover how to get your message across without sounding needy or salesly. I’ll share with you the exact email templates we use, you can just copy and paste them.
You’ll discover how to position your service as something the business needs and how to create a situation where the business owner feels they must first qualify to work with YOU. This one trick is really simple but really powerful.
You’ll also learn how to quickly and easily follow up with your leads to greatly increase the number of positive responses you get. Most people assume no response means they’re not interested. But a lot of the time they’re just busy or they missed your email. So with this simple followup message you can turn many of those unanswered emails into qualified and eager leads.
I’ll also show you how you can set up this simple followup system so that it all happens automatically using a very simple online tool. Miss out this step and you’ll always be working twice as hard as you need to.
And when a business does reply to your email, I’ll show you exactly what to say, and I’ll also include the google document you then send that sells them on the demo. This document was written by a top copywriter and it works really well. And you get to use it as your own.
And if you don’t want to go and do the demos in person, I’ve also included an example demo video you can either just use yourself or record in your own voice if you’d prefer. You just send this video to the client so they can see a demo of the system in action.
4 — SETTING UP THE SERVICE: In this video you’ll set up your very own ‘Customers on Autopilot’ system from scratch using the software I recommend. It only takes about 10 minutes and I’ll show you each of the steps one by one.
You’ll discover the simple settings you need to use to make sure this system runs on complete autopilot and gets fast results, with very little input from you. You’ll be able to rest assured that your clients have a system that’s both reliable and compliant with all local laws, which is very important.
You’ll add your first client into the system and from then on, it’s just a matter of repeating the same simple step to add each new client. Best of all, as you add each new client, you do the work ONCE and then get paid over and over again so your income is no longer dependent on how many hours you work each week.
I also include simple templates for the color flyers that go in the business. These templates can be edited online using a free tool so they are a cinch to set up. You can then just print the flyer out on any standard color home printer. It’s that simple.
5 — INVOICING & PAYMENTS: It’s now time to get paid. In this video you’ll set up a simple service that allows you to invoice your new client right away and allows them to pay you online using any credit card (don’t worry, this is a synch to setup… and the money is paid straight into your bank account).
You’ll also set things up so that your client is automatically invoiced the same amount at the same time each and every month… so you don’t have to worry about chasing up late payments or forgetting to invoice them. Set this up once and it all takes care of itself… so you can spend more time growing your business rather than running it.
6 — GROWING YOUR BUSINESS: Congratulations! You’re now a business owner. And now that you have paying clients it’s time to grow your business (and your income) much faster. In this video you’ll discover how to outsource the simple tasks you’re repeating each day so you can spend less time working in your business whilst allowing your business to grow much faster than you could ever do it by yourself.
This is your ultimate goal as it creates a business that not only provides you with a very healthy monthly income but it also gives you the freedom and time to enjoy more of your life without having to check in on work every hour. And before you know it, you’re a proud business owner who doesn’t have to answer to anyone else, ever.
As Part Of This Special Edition of the Simple Side Business, You’re Getting These Limited Time Bonuses
BONUS #1: Additional Services to Sell
Once you have a bunch of paying clients and you’re making a nice consistent income per month, you can start offering other services to these same clients with very little extra work. So you can be making $300 or $400 or $500 per client per month.
In this video I will go through and show you all the additional services you can offer your clients using the same software program and exactly how to set them up. And again, most of these services, once set up, require very little ongoing maintenance from you.
BONUS #2: Service Agreement Template
When a client is ready to pay you money, you want to make sure you’re protected and everything is above board. So I’m including my simple Service Agreement Template you can use as your own. Simply fill in the blanks and then have both parties sign the form before you get started. This way both you and your client know exactly what was agreed on.
Here’s to kicking butt in 2023!
Will Riley
P.S. Imagine yourself just a few short months from now. You’re a business owner. You’ve got a reliable and consistent monthly income you can count on that takes you very little time to manage. You’re so glad you took up this offer today rather than deciding to stay stuck where you are right now.
Your friends are all in awe of you owning your own business and keep asking you how you did it. The extra freedom you enjoy and the quality time you now get to spend with your family and friends is unlike anything you could have hoped for and all it took was making the smart choice to get started right now…
P.P.S. If you don’t take action today you will be in the exact same place a year from now, only older. You’ll still be just an employee working for someone else on their terms… and the amount of money you earn will always be capped at how many hours you can work each day. You’ll still have very little freedom or control over your life. So if you want the better life you know you and your family deserve, take action and make a change right now…
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